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Christabel knew Tracy directly because she was the phenomenon club leader, but not really her friend due to her bossy character, from the beginning, they never got along as friends, they argued a lot but she could not understand why eji’s reaction was even greater than hers, she wondered what was the relationship between eji and Tracy or was Tracy his first crush, “ Naaaaaah” that can’t be. I have known eji like all my life. What could be the connection between light and darkness?  Strange thought ran through her mind when a voice cuts in "Are you alright?  A tall lady with dark glasses cuts in , she was on a purple suit, bright green  eyes and yellow straight hair ,high hills, she was the lady who checked Tracy dead body earlier ,she squat down to talk to eji. "Eji looks up at her, “am  ok." "Do you know this girl? She questioned. "No”, no, I don’t know her; I was shocked that's all,” "Can I ask you few questions? sorry “I am detective queensly ajemba from the police homicide department and I came with an S.P.P.D officer.  "They are a bit out of the ordinary, so I want to investigate students to avoid a mental interrogation from him, he should be around.” She turns to find her partner who was with her minutes ago, who appears to have vanished. “Huh!" “Seems he not here, well never mind, I was wondering if you might have any knowledge of her". Eji cuts in, "Sorry am a new student and today is second day in school, I have no knowledge about her. So please excuse me.” He get s up and started walking down the school hallway leaving christabel with the detective. He walks up to the third floor, right in front of him, he saw a young man appearing from nowhere, his hair was full and straight, with round shape transparent glasses, a  sharp pair of deductive Brown eyes. He was on a mid-length black top coat with big buttons, white inner collar sleeve with a dark red tie, a black pant.  he was very handsome with pink lips, tall and slim, pale skin. He had an intense air about him, a glance you could tell how dangerous he could be, S.P.P.D was boldly written at the back of his top coat,  they are known as crazy detectives with sharp deductive skills and insane way to solve mysteries. He glared at eji as he walk the Hallway to his class .he noticed that ejI  trembling, even when he tried to hide it. "Stop! he said, he has an habit of constantly rolling a pen around his finger Tips. “You are trembling?  He questioned glaring at eji as if a God was looking down on an insect with blue gleam in his eyes”. “You can see ghost, don’t you? "He questioned. Eji Startled thought to himself, Is he a ghost, why the sudden question. "No" why Eji quietly answered, I mean am I supposed to see ghost, Eji replied "From my deduction", u were trembling looking at a corpse, do you know your reaction stands out the most among students, their reactions look normal compare to how you reacted, "How do you describe normal?  Eji questioned. Eji question was ignored as the young man kept bombarding him with questions like a crazy lunatic. "Do you have a personal relationship with her  Or maybe in love with her, “Is she your crush? "What are your thoughts on the black finger prints on her necks? "A Football breaks a strong window Glass, strange, that’s not normal" Weird death at a weird timing?  Hmmm ‘By the way, I don't mean to startle you, I am, S.P.P.D detective Shirogawa kagami. He stretches out his hand for an handshake, “shiro for short”. And eji shook him. "You don't look scared", I have a hunch that i will see more you around for now on. He laughs mischievously as he walks down the hall.   Eji confused to what shiro had said, "crazy lunatic".  Why did he say this to me, does he suspect me, Streams of thought Flows through his mind asking himself, what just happened?  Does this mean what I saw in my dreams was real, or  am I having some kind of spiritual power or something'. This must be coincidental, but she was fine when I saw her after that dream.  What does this mean?, Eji  thought more to himself ,he might be used to  ghost but not dead bodies. ... The school authority’s assembled the student and told them to corporate with the police as regards any knowledge of what might have happened. Students were told to remain in their class room until the teachers meeting ends and relevant information will be passed to them how ever for time being, all students must wraps up club activities by the end of the day. Eji placed his hand on his jaw looking outside the window as police fills the area interrogating various students. Eji was deep in thought to what was currently happening, he wondered if it was coincidental or it real, suddenly he felt really dizzy again as if he was given a sleeping dose and soon he rest his head on the desk and then he had another dream. The afternoon sunlight filtered bright light from a window into a classroom, students sited on white suit jacket with red strip, a red stripped collar sleeve and white tie matching the suit jacket ,white pants and shoe, school badge boldly written “ David academy”. The class was on break, female students were chatting, some boys playing games and different activities, yukina red eyes, fish tail braid hair, pale skin she was sited in front of the class eating and suddenly her eyes wide open . she stares at a ghost staring from a distance close to the class room board, yukina  has being traumatized  since that day she saw the urban ghost, her doctor told her it was called “PSTD” it happen to people who experienced a huge accident or a traumatic event,  she had transferred to  school close to her house suffering mental disorder. The ghost was different this time, she had a dark long hair reaching her shoulders, thick black eyes with blood  flowing from her eyes to her chick, she was on a black Japanese sailor school uniform with red strips ,former middle school uniform  of king crest high school , black shoe with black socks. Worms, dirt and blood was about her and her uniform, she smile mischievously with her decayed set of teeth , she vanished and appear in front of yukina. Yukina heard a voice from her phone "We HAVE COME FOR YOU" she said. Yukina was already trembling as she falls to the ground pointing her hands toward the sailor Ghost, Shouting ghost, ghost, The class student looks at the direction yukina pointed and couldn't see anything, and then the ghost enters into yukina’s body and possessed her, yukina stops and remains silent about a minute, stood up standing in an awkward position. "Are you alright?  a student tries to reach her touching her shoulder, Yukina personality changes as she smiles mischievously revealing her set of white teeth with a dark face revealing a killing intent, yukina picks a Biro from the desk and “SLAM” She drives a Biro to an eye of the male student, “Kkkkkyyyyyyyaaaahaaaa”!!!he screamed hard “What the hell!”  Another student tried to slap yukina, Yukina picks a pair of scissors from the desk while chuckling continuously with all her teeth, she jumps with the scissors and “SLAM” “She violently slammed her scissor to another male student chest, bloods spills into yukina face as she mercilessly stabs the heart of the student to death. More students trying to restrain her but were cut down to death repeatedly with a pair of scissors with thick blood dripping  from the scissor ,her face was covered in blood. In fear, the class student ran to the hallway locking the door as they watch in horror as yukina, repeatedly stabs the deceased student laughing uncontrollably like a mental patient, she looks into the class and she found a skipping rope, she picks the skipping rope and swung it across the school ceiling fan, and she wraps the edge around her neck. Emerge from the school wall, the urban ghost, she gripped Yukina by her neck and her five finger imprint showed in her neck, the urban ghost made a phone on the desk to start talking. PAY, PAAAAAY, PAY, YOU ALL SHALL PAY WITH YOUR LIFE FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE Yukina being possessed kicks off the desk, she began to struggle as the rope strangles her, her eyes balls turn white blank and she dies by hanging then the ghost turns and stares directly as if he was staring right at Eji who was watching and she howled at him. Eji woke up from his chair, he was trembling but not as the first time, it was as if the ghost knew he was watching. His hearts beats with fear with repeatedly thumping and his hands trembling to his feet. Eji confused face as the class watched him tremble, he gets up and went to the school bathroom, wash his face and looks into the mirror. He said to himself,  "Calm down, this is not the first time you have encountered a vengeful spirit, so calm down". Eji wondered if this situation was what is brother went through when he attended the school, no that can't be, yu can't see ghost, I need to confirm if this his true, he checks his watch, it was 11:30, OK it takes an hour by train to get to David academy from his location, he will go there to confirm his suspicion, if all he had seen in his dream was true.  He came out from the bathroom, picks his school bag and head for the school building exist, "Taxi!, Please to the train station”. While stopping a taxi, at the same time, Shiro watched from a distance in the school building and smiles, “bingo!, where are you heading to at an odd hour" he rolls his pen around his finger,  "I shall soon find out" Eji boarded a bullet train cause it was faster to IBIWE area not knowing Shiro trailed him, an hour passed delayed by crowd trying to board a train,  Eji arrived at David academy pass noon, Police caution sign “PLEASE DO NOT CROSS” already station, from the ground floor of the school compound, Eji looked up to the 2nd floor and he could see the lifeless body of Yukina still hanging close to the window, and then he knew he was deep in trouble, for his dreams are now reality.
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