

opposites attract
kickass heroine
first love


"What the hell is happening to you?, you aren't the same anymore," I whispered with forming tears and trembling hands.

The man in front of me wasn't the Shane who always carried me on his shoulders and went with me everywhere.

The man in front of me was like a Monster, a predator ruled by instinct.

He moved approaching me, his step's slow and light.

His built moved with dominance and a certain power beyond my own, I moved backwards with each step he took, until I hit the wall, there was no way out, I was stuck, I was trapped in the room with one of the most feared dragons, in all dragon history.

He lifted his hands and wrapped it around my neck gently.

"I can end you right here right now," he whispered in a deep husky voice.

I was scared,but my dragon wasn't, she was ready to stand for what she believed was right.

"My daddies are the most feared dragon's in all the territories, I have had worse situations than this, so do your best jerk," I spat the lies out angrily even when I knew he was the most feared because of the ancient blood in his veins.

I flinched when I saw his lavender eyes darken with a ring of gold, realization hit me hard, I had gracefully dug my own grave with an ancient tormentor.

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1. Spare me the Fucking shit
Aurora's p.o.v I was sitting on my bed sadly, thinking about my past when I heard mum call me downstairs. "Aurora."  I sighed lowly and grabbed my laptop which was next to me then put it on my lap. "Honey." Dad called as I heard his footsteps approaching my door. I quickly played my favorite song loudly, not wanting to talk to him. "Baby, I know you can hear me, can I come in princess?" He asked softly. "No." I answered loudly. "Baby... "Can you just leave me the hell alone?!" I yelled angrily as I switched off my laptop. "That's no way to talk to your father" he answered loudly. "Spare me the f*****g shit." I spat. "That's it, I'm calling Mark." he said as I quickly stood up and opened the door. He looked at me sadly, then walked in. I closed the door and stood watching him while he sat down. My territory was the best territory amongst all the territories, I had a great mother and two excellent Dads, well my biological father was the one sitting on my bed looking at me sadly, my other Dad was usually tough on me so I somehow feared him, I had two younger brothers, one was my biological brother Justine, and the other one was Daddy Mark's son, Seal. Although we were the three of us, everyone's attention was usually on me and I hated it, Dad always pointed out on how I was suppose to take over our territory one day, I despised that idea a lot, I never asked to be a leader, never, but he always reminded me about it.  "Honey is something wrong? Ever since Shane... "Don't you dare say his name." I whispered lowly as I felt my heartache. "Aurora, I'm your father and I love you a lot, but I just can't stay and watch you torment yourself over what had happened five years ago." he said seriously. "I am not tormenting myself!" I yelled angrily. He really had the guts to even say that to me. "Yes you are, I get it, Shane was perhaps your first love, you guys were very close and happy, and yes he might have turned out to be your bond, sweety I'm sorry to have had banished him, but believe me, we did what we thought was right for our people." he said as tears formed in my eyes. "Well f**k you, Marko." I spat as I swallowed hard. He stood up sadly and moved forward. "Aurora... "No! You took away the only friend I had, Shane might have meant nothing to you, but to me, he was my everything, what did he ever do to you? He did nothing! His only mistake was loving me, even if he didn't tell me that he did, I felt it, he loved me very much and I did too, how could you do that to him and me, I was only 16 years old, I wasn't even at that age of sensing my bond, what if he was my bond? What if he's dead!" I screamed on top of my voice. "Honey... "Don't honey me Marko! If you knew what was best for me you couldn't have broken me like this!" I cried. The door burst open and Daddy walked in angrily. "What did you just say Aurora?" Daddy asked as I bite my lower lip and faced the ground. "Mark, she is just hurting, she didn't mean any of that." Dad answered. "How long will she punish herself for that boy? She doesn't eat much, she locks herself up almost all the time, she has no interest in anything other than that f*****g laptop, Aurora, we told you this once, I will tell you again, Not many know this but our territory has many types of different dragons, but only five types are important. The blue dragons, they are what we could describe as the carers, they are weak in battle and most of them are peace lovers and makers, they are specialized in helping the territory with chores and taking care of the little ones, they are very submissive and protective of whoever they bond with, long ago many strong dragons chose them not because they wanted more power, they chose them because they believed that only a blue dragon would bear a good-natured dragon, who would grow up to have great qualities of a leader. The white dragons, these are usually called the healers, they mostly live in isolation for a few years, harvesting the power of healing through manipulation of fire, when they are of age, they come back and take over as the healers and doctors of our territory, sadly they are rare but really respected. The green dragons, these are what we call warrior dragons, like aunty Rea, Iris is a first rank warrior dragon, she is stronger and quicker than a regular warrior dragon, warrior dragons, mostly stand to protect the territory from any threat, they are strong, wise, possessive and mostly dominant, they live to serve us the leaders of the territory. The red dragons, these are exactly our dragons, Ice and Bliss, the red dragons are mostly the rulers of the dragon territory, they are very strong, possessive, wise and very dominant, they carry a powerful aura that can force most dragons into submission and they are at times merciless and ruthless, and believe me, we were until we met your mother. Then lastly the golden dragons, these are rarely seen, not many have come across one before, but the elders, and now us we have, the golden dragons have ancient blood in them, making them the strongest dragons to ever live, they are stronger as a Phoenix, they are very powerful, very dominant, possessive, arrogant, brutal, ruthless, merciless and independent, they can never let anyone lead them, they are always their own leader and answer to no one, that's exactly what Shane is, if we were to let him live with us, he could have tried to take over our territory and dominant us all." he said seriously as I faced him. "Shane would have never done that, I know him best." I answered  "Of course, Shane wouldn't have done that, but his dragon could have, it would have acted on its instinct and nature, I know your mother is strong too, but we can't just risk everyone for one man, Bliss and Ice recognized the threat in him before it could even show." he answered as I glared at him. "What if they were wrong?" I asked lowly. "Dragons know each other well, they could sense what was in Shane before he could even reach his maturity age." he answered then moved closer and pat my head lightly. "We know you still miss him, and you kind of feel upset with yourself for not stopping us, Aurora, we are really sorry, please do forgive us." he whispered. "Daddy." I whispered back then hugged him with tears. I was selfish, I only thought about myself when I was really making them worry about me. "He will never forgive me, he will always hate me" I cried loudly. "We are so sorry." he whispered as the door opened. "What's going on here.. Mark did you scold her again?" Mother asked loudly. I pulled back and wiped off my tears then smiled. "No mum, I just miss Shane a lot." I whispered as she moved closer and embraced me. "Oh my poor baby, we all miss him, it's not like we hated him, we really do love him a lot, he is family to us, but we just had to banish him, his dragon would have been very destructive, I'm not just bluffing, Dawn could sense him as a threat." she said lowly then pulled back. "How about going out for fun with your brothers, they really miss seeing you around." she whispered as I nodded. "Good girl." she said as I laughed softly. "Mum, I'm not a girl anymore, I'm 20 years old." I answered, she laughed softly then kissed my head. She got Daddy's hand and left the room leaving Dad standing next to me, I faced the ground feeling very bad for the disrespect I had shown him. "Dad, I'm really sorry for yelling at you and calling your name so disrespectfully, I was just angry and sad, I didn't mean anything I had spoken." I said sadly. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my head. "I really love you a lot Aurora." he whispered as I hugged him back. "Love you too Dad." I whispered back with a smile. I really had a great mother and two best Dads in the whole territory.

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