Mobilise the army

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“Now that this matter is clear” Lucy spoke up expressing that no one is allowed to question Agnes’ existence again. She continued speaking.   “We shall turn to why I have assembled every one of you elders”   Every elder gulped in fear; they did question the Queen but they do not want to be disassembled. They know that their Queen is very much powerful and that is the only reason Elder could not make her step down from Queen’s throne even when she could not bear an heir. Now she has an adopted daughter making Queen step down can never happen.   “I will be mobilising the army”   All the eyes widened; mobilising army is not a trivial matter. They have second largest army and this means they have so many soldiers. Mobilising army could can turn into economic especially now that Queen has kept the kingdom on lockdown.   “Your Majesty, with due respect by mobilising the army kingdom’s economy will decrease”   Lucy smiled at the elder who spoke up; which made every one relaxes a bit seeing it was the same gentle smile that they are habitual for seeing. Lucy nodded and spoke again.   “Do not get me wrong elders, army is not going on war. They will remain inside the kingdom gates and within two days they will be back in homes”   Elders furrowed their eyebrows not understanding a thing but they knew better than questioning their Queen. The elders nodded even though they wanted to speak more Lucy dismissed the meeting; they could not do anything but walk out.   Lucy slightly look back at the knights whose eyes were now clouded a little she smiled. She looked at her right and nodded which confused Agnes who is she nodding to there is no one.   “How naïve are you? Can you not sense the power whoever that vampire; is he is powerful.”   Agnes narrowed her eyes as she was finally able to sense the power; damn that very good control over the power. She sighed if she is not even able to sense this kind of power how is she going to defeat HIM. She was so immersed in her thoughts that she did not see Lucy walking towards her.   “Agnes; can I talk to you”   Agnes came out of her thoughts as she nodded; Lucy excused the knights which was easy seeing they wanted to report this to the witches. They both walked to a room as Lucy closed the door behind.   “I am sorry for putting you in danger Lady Agnes”   Agnes nodded her change of speech from informal to formal. She tilted her head not understanding anything at all, how did she put her in danger. “I told that you are my adopted daughter in front of the knights, now witches know that by just killing Russel or me they will not be able to control the kingdom, so they will try to kill you”   Agnes smiled at Lucy’s innocent guess as she shook her head and spoke up.   “They will not be killing me those witches will try to control me so they could rule from behind, because if they conquer the kingdom people might rebel so the easy way is to control me.”   Lucy eyes widened in shock she did not thing of that; Agnes smiled as she continued.   “Many have tried to control me, much powerful then these witches believe me I’m and never will be in danger because of witches”   Agnes said with a little chuckle as the voice chuckled as well in her mind
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