Chapter 87.5: Hero

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Morning came and Nyx was still embarrassed by his lie in the evening saying thise embarrassing stuff, meanwhile the green dragon was ready and the carriage was still on his back. "Sister's wake up! The sun has already shone, princess Althea ordered us to go to the Grannar village and see it's situation" Selene ordered the elves and immediately one after another they woke up and form a circle around Althea. "Nyx, I want to see your village" Bliss said. "Well yeah, we'll get their after afternoon arrive with the green dragon... now everyone, Rondel and the old man ride on the steel wing you'll arrive their faster than us, we need to go slowly for the carriage to be stable and not fall to the ground" Nyx ordered them. Nyx had help Rondel tame the steel wing by putting an enslavement mark on it so Rondel can easily ride on it but Nyx warned him that he should make a bond with it in order for him and the steel wing to have a bond as strong as a steel. The old man Theodor was respectful of Nyx even though Nyx was quite rude to him always calling him old man, Theodor and Rondel rode on the steel wing and and flew as it flap it's wings and the dust was scattered around Nyx and Bliss. "Bliss, I can also teach you just like what Isabella asked me to do... but I have a favor to ask" Nyx seriously said to Nyx. 'What..? He said he's gonna teach me! I didn't think it would be this easy to gain a favor from Nyx! I need to seize this opportunity!' Bliss smiled happily as she thought this. "Yes! Anything!" Bliss said attentively. "What..? shouldn't you say like "If it's something I can do, then I will do anything" or something like that..?" Nyx was dumbfounded, Nyx didn't know that people in this world struggles so much just to break through the level of a Grandmaster and beyond that the legendary selfless king level. "You don't understand... reaching a higher level is very hard for us none blessed humans, you do know that in this world there is a tower of god's right? In that tower there are hundred of floors and if you managed to reach the hundredth floor like they said then you will be granted by a goddess or a god a blessing that is said that only legendary heroes from another world that has been summoned will be able to gain this blessing and each blessing the god can easily put a "skill" into a person or what we called technique's and in the human empire there are some who managed to get them through the tower of gods, The Kingdom of Wrath King Begonia spened about tens of thousands of troops and his best generals to get the blessings of a god and gained a what they called a "Floating window" it is the blessing that uses the divine power of a god and his only one general that survive with him General Magroth... the one who captured those four dragons in the auction house which was about twenty years ago and he said to dissappeared in the primeval forest finding more power and King Begonia has also been training his "skills" which he has received from the god of war Ares... they both are old monsters who have lived for a hundred and fifty years..!" Bliss said. "Floating window..?" Nyx asked himself. 'Don't I have one? Does that mean a god has blessed me? Is it the real goddess of darkness Nyx? No that can't be... then am I a god..? Hahaha what an i***t of course I'm not, anyway there's no use in thinking about this anymore I need to find this floating window mystery some other time, what's more important that a war with the demons is coming sooner or later' "Oh now that you mentioned it we humans have long since belive in one god, they said that the war hundreds of thousands of years ago was lead by a human who became a god and the dead humans even rose from her fivine ability! The goddess of s*******r Reyals! But todays generations don't have many believers in her anymore... it has been tens of thousands of years that she blessed the last hero the ancestor of the Pendragon family, Duke Arthur Pendragon! She gave him the ability to constantly regenerate his missing limbs and gave him a power that was beyond the level of a Grandmaster and was able to take down the Queen of the fire Dragon Leivith ten thousand years ago!" Bliss said. "Hmm... Let's stop it at that, we still need to go to the Grannar village and train you... but I have to ask you something after you are ready, it isn't something you can't do but it is a bit dangerous so I will ask you... after I finish training and teaching you, Bliss find some capable companions and train them yourself and create an army for the up coming war!" Nyx told Bliss. "Well let's go, let's ride on the green dragon were close to the Grannar village." Nyx told Bliss as she was spacing out. The green dragon was being obedient to Nyx and stayed at where he was nesting on the ground and Nyx told the elves to ride on the green dragon and slowly got up and Bliss was the last person to get into the carriage and Nyx got on the head of the green dragon and commanded it to fly straight in the primeval forest and Bliss was surprised. "What? The Grannar village is located at the primeval forest?!" Bliss shockingly said. 'The primeval forest is home to magical that ranges from the weakest E class magical beast to the strongest S class magical beast...' A few hours of later the elves felt spirit arts and looked outside and saw a plateau that had a hole in it acting like a mote but inside the whole was gigantic trees that seems the elves had made, and meanwhile Rondel and Theodor arrive an hour earlier and the people and elves was spook by the presence of a dragon and formed a small army on the ground was the Grannar village guards and Terran as the center and on the giant trees where the elves with their titanium bows. "Stopp..!" "It's me Rondel!" Rondel shouted and the elves heard his voice. "Rondel?" Elena asked. "I'm with Nyx..!" Rondel said and slowly descended. "Oh, the one who came with him..." Elena said and immediately signal the other elves that it was safe, and the guards on the ground were sent a message using spirits and knew who it was now. The steel wing bird then landed on the ground with it's sharp claw and the guards was trembling a little bit, it was their first time seeing a magical beast with dragon bloodline in it and felt a strong oppression but they still stood still and encircled the steel wing bird and Kenny lead them. "Who is that person on your back?" Kenny asked Rondel. "Uhh... Theodor a guest of Mr. Nyx from house Claude" Rondel said. "What..?! A noble actually came here in the Grannar village" Kenny was nervous it was his first time to ever properly. After the fuss Rondel explained to Kenny what happened in the auction house and even killing a general from the Kingdom of Sloth Kenny felt like their lives are at stake but Rondel said that house Claude and the black market auction house will protect them and after that they waited for Nyx's arrival. *Fwoosh* Then once again a dragon has appeared but this time it was a pure blooded dragon, a giant green dragon that appeared Kenny lost consciousness after another dragon arrived and didn't think the Grannar village has a chance anymore of survival even if Nyx arrive. After Nyx and the green dragon landed the elves that lived in the Grannar village felt a familiar presence. "Did Nyx arrived?" Elena asked and was greeted by a giant dragon and her fear from deep within her heart and her comrades made them subconsciously kneel in front of a Green dragon a guardian of the forest The elves also hail green dragons as their guardian deity and only high elves and the queen of the elf race can command and talk to such a divine being but to see one here is a honor for the elves but this green dragon was wild and lead a group of young wild dragons. "Elena..?" A familiar voice sounded. "Althea..?" Elena looked so surprised to see her own sister. *Hug* Althea then ran to her sister's arms and hug her, Nyx, Rondel, and Theodor was shocked that Althea who was a princess would hug this elf who's name is Elena. "So... Elena your also a princess..?" Nyx laughed awkwardly and scratched his head. 'I seem to have beaten up the elves under Althea... this might not be good, she may persuade her sister to go back to their elven territory at this rate... I shouldn't have been too rude to them' Nyx thought to himself. "This is really good! Elena with you, then we can possibly get back to the elven empire!" Althea said to Elena excitedly but Elena seems to be not interested in it. "Althea... I'm sorry but I don't want to go back, in here we elves are free... you might be thinking that this town is full of scummy humans but we have lived here together with the humans and we have used out ability for our safety and created this village together with them Althea I will fill you in later in my house... follow me" Elena said together with the fellow sisters that have followed her so far. "Princess... should we follow Elena? It seems she has taken side with the humans..." Althea's closest guard said. "Nodded" Elena just nodded and wanted to here what happened to Elena for her to change this much, Althea was the third princess and Elena was the fourth princess the youngest of them princesses she was the most famous out them all to the male elves due to her body being so proportionate male elves l**t for her body and beauty but her personality of being arrogant made the male elves scared of her because she was so talented at both nature magic and spirit arts a few minutes has passed Nyx saw Elena leading Althea to her tree house up above to talk about somethin meanwhile Nyx was busy. He then let Theodor choose a house for himself and the food would be prepared in the palace as a guest and the guards immediately work on that to escort Theodor who has a noblr background and make sure to satisfy his basic needs. Nyx then walked to the palace and felt that Terran his father has successfully got to the Marrow washing realm the fourth realm in the body refining realm the first realm in cultuvation and he seems to be enjoying cultivation, Nyx's master gave him the Heavenly Qilin Arts cultivation method which can allow one to gather almost an unlimited amount of mana to their dantian and is also a good cultivation method to enhance once body and if lucky if Terran managed to find a Qilin then he can transform into a legendary Qilin that can even equally fight a dragon. "Now then... how about I give my friends dragons for them to tame will... I will help them tame them but in order to fully have a bond with them then they have to make it themselves." Nyx then entered the palace in the plateau this palace was made by Nyx and the dark elves and the palace seems to be made from a very special ore called Mithril ore mostly Mithril can be only found in dungeons where the corpse's of the magical lie will be absorb by the dungeon and turned into a new material called Mithril or other rare ores but in order for Mithril to form it seems it needs a body of dozens of magical beast in order to form in a dungeon then this whole plateau was made out of a giant monster's body that died and turn into a Plateau and Mithril that would explain why there are so many spirit grasses around and even spirit wood that aged for a thousand years and Nyx has been using them to enhance his cultivation method and made his body rid of the impurities and each bark or a piece of spirit wood had different divine abilities in them, normally a spirit wood would only be born under the heaven due to natural occurrences such as the thunder divine bamboo spirit wood which will only be born after hundreds of years of lightning striking it's bambooshoot and after a hundred years the thunder divine bamboo would grow into a thumb size each year and after reaching one meter which only happens in thirty nine to forty years and when the thunder bamboo reached that height then it will use it's divine ability to attract lightning itself and would continuesly grows rapidly till it reaches the cloud itself and would reach the level of Nirvana level at that point even cultivators are no match in terms of divine power in controlling lightning that can one shot Golden core peak realm cultivators but in this world spirit woods are calmer... it must be due to the spirits that naturally exits in this world utilizing the enormous amount of mana inside the spirit woods and making them more timid than usual spirit woods that would gain sentience itself... but stop with this topic I need to give my friends a dragon each and this dragon's have reached Golden core realm already but thank goodness they don't know martial arts and cultivation but with them I can rest assured that my friends are in good hands... we need go and infiltrate a city and see for ourselves what secrets they hide, and for that we need to get stronger as of now I'm already at the peak of Sky rendering realm thanks to the pills and spirit woods but my Golden core realm only has a divine level growth if I can refine this dragon heart then that is a different story..! my friends are already two times more powerful than normal cultivator or can be easily be five times stronger than them because they cultivated the best of the best supreme cultivation method and they only need weapons to for themselves to give them more power but a dragon is much more useful now having a dragon in this world is a prestige and if worst comes to worst in the City of Sloth then we can just show them the authority of power!" Nyx then hurriedly got to the underground chamber of the palace and got Ayesha, Lisa and Paul out and Nyx took them to the forest while running Lisa, Ayesha and Paul felt their body was stronger than before and their mana was also becoming more pure and stronger than before this can only be dreamed by others but to them they were lucky enough to have meet Nyx. *Swiish* "Nyx we have been running for ten minutes now and we are deeper in the primeval forest... I have seen many B class magical beast... I'm afraid that if we go further then we might meet some really strong A class magical beast" Paul said nervously. "That's my purpose for bringing you guys here... fight me, the three of you!" Nyx then rotate his body around and kick Paul without him knowing of course Nyx controlled his strength making sure Paul is okay. "Aghh..!" Paul shouted as Nyx's kick landed on his side and made him lost his balance and skidded towards a tree and thud Paul stopped skidding and Lisa and Ayesha was surprised why Nyx did that, they thought was this really Nyx. "Come..!" Nyx then taunt Lisa and Ayesha and looked like he was using martiao arts to test them. "Is this a test Nyx..?" Ayesha asked and Lisa who was thinking if this was really Nyx was embarrassed she didn't know that this could be a test. "That depends on your fist!" Nyx's body then suddenly got blurry and dissappeared and reappeared in front if Ayesha and punched her with the one inch punch making sure Ayesha can't guard herself and hit her stomach. "Blurgh..." Ayesha skidded a few meters back but she was still able to stand but she threw up like she was gasping for air. "Hahh..! Hahhh..." Ayesha was caught off guard. 'H-how fast... Nyx was faster than me, I only saw him reappeared in front of me... then I need to get serious too, I need to transform!' Ayesha forcefully transformed and dragon scales started to form from her body and her face but Nyx didn't let her be meanwhile Lisa was like normal she was always scared to do violence and Nyx wanted her to have a stronger will and change her mindset. "HAHAHA..! Ayesha do you really think that in battle would the enemies surrounding you allow you to transform into your dragon form?" Nyx mocked Ayesha as she tried her best to transform but she was stopped by Nyx and was punched by him again but this time Nyx used thirty percent of his power to punch Ayesha and Ayesha tried to block him with her bare hands and once again was fling away by Nyx's absurd physical power. "Guhh..!" 'Nyx is very strong... we have the same master and out of all of us master said that I may have the strongest body out of all of them but I can't transform Nyx is targeting me and Lisa, why isn't she moving..? I know that she don't like violence but this is only a test from Nyx... or could it be from master? Nyx is far more talented than all of us combined able to absorb anything the master teaches us like, Alchemy, Martial arts, Array and even sword techniques he is superior to all but I also know magic and Array making... making my magic progress rapidly and now I can use fifth circle magic!' "Lightning spears..!" Ayesha cunningly used her disrupted mana to transform it into a fifth circle spell. "What..?" Nyx was caught off guard and was hit by a huge amount of lightning spears and Nyx immediately back out of the range of the lightning spears but was still hit by four lightning spears making his body a little numb and his movements was disrupted a little. "Hooo..!" Nyx then used his mana to expell the invading lightning from his body and swung his arm and lightning arcs then formed and scorched the ground. "What?! You can also do that Nyx..?!" Ayesha was so stunned to see Nyx casually dispell the effects of lightning spear but even a fifth circle magic seems to only tingle Nyx a bit. "Well yeah, you can also do that if you have enough experience... hehehe" Nyx laughed as if he enjoyed it. Ayesha was out of luck she thought with that attack Nyx can be stopped but she was wrong. 'How can it only make a scratch in his body... what cultivation technique does Nyx use..? What??! His injuries seems to be healing already!' Ayesha was so surprised but at this moment Paul has already recovered from Nyx's attack and immediately rushed over to attack Nyx. "Mountain breaking fist!" Suddenly a voice sounded behind Nyx and as Nyx looked back Paul was already behind him and used Mountain breaking fist a Sky rendering realm high level which can pulverized even a giant boulder and can reach it's maximum strength to one point five tons Nyx then leaped quickly but was still slower than Paul's attack and the heavy QI around the attack made Paul's attack pulverized the ground in the forest and made huge crater that even made the trees break from the flying debris and Nyx was caught of them and guarded himself Paul's attack was very strong and Ayesha found a chance to attack Nyx. "Thunder arrows..!" Ayesha then casted multiple fourth circle magic thunder arrows but used her mana to make them rotate and have more penetrating power and fired at Nyx at and incredible speed. *BOOM!* *ZAPP!* *Zaap!* Lightning arca and shockwave dominated the area were Nyx was and Lisa who was watching was terrified at this scene what if Nyx dies what will they do then, hundreds of arrows then were summoned from Ayesha's spell and flew towards Nyx and to finish it off Ayesha used lightning spear again but this time the ten lightning spear absorb each other and hit Nyx. *Zip-zap* *BOOM!* A huge dome of lightning arcs then formed from the attack and a shockwave was once again created making Lisa cower in fear and guard herself with her mana. "HAHA..! that should have gotten him right..?" Paul laughed thinking Nyx was really beaten this time, because they had never sparred seriously like this using martial arts techniques that can devastate the land. "I hope so... but I don't know why he would test us so.." Ayesha said to Paul. "HAHAHA... good good... you two have become stronger but this is still isn't enough to fight me equally..! Limit break!" Nyx shouted and soon veins showed up from his body and his mana was more rampant and his veins in his eyes seems to be supplying him more blood. 'Limit break is used by my cultivation technique to break the limit of human body as of now I'm only at the peak of sky rendering realm and going to golden core realm will I be trully breaking the human realm but with this my body is set to heal to my limit and I can use my inner ki to empower my body I haven't cultivated the bronze body to the silver body just for show... and with limit break it can make me ten times stronger but my body can't handle it but thanks to the elves I havr managed to get to the silver body now it will double my real power then Paul and Ayesha is not a problem even if they have to transform.. but I don't know if Paul had made it to the fourth level where he can use Asura transformation... well whatever I only need to teach them a lesson and make sure they have a proper experience in fighting if not then they might get into danger' "He got stronger..!" Ayesha shouted. "Ayesha use your dragon transformation! I will try and stop Nyx fron getting to you" Paul shouted and Ayesha nodded Nyx was happy to see this two can di a teamwork strategy but Nyx was here to overwhelm them with pure power. "HAHAHA! then let's see if your plan works! True martial technique, fourth technique steel iron kick!" Nyx's feet then transformed into a red hot iron like legs and jumped in the air and kicked Paul. *BOOM!* *c***k!* "Ahhhg..!" Paul screamed in pain as he tried to counter Nyx's attack with his mountain breaker fist but didn't expected Nyx's attack to be more solid and precised that his arm broke. "Paul, it doesn't mean that if a martial art technique is very destructive then it's invincible, mountain breaker fist is a martial arts techniques made to break giant boulders with one's own ki and QI but it has a huge flaw... if one's body is weaker than his opponent then the enemy just need to counter the mountain breaker fist with someting like and iron sword and cut his fist in half!" Nyx then punched Paul once again and skidded along the ground and he dashed towards Ayesha. *Boom!* Lightning arcs then spreaded along the ground and a lightning shockeave appeared and forcefully make Nyx took a step back, Ayesha was already done transforming. "What you said right Nyx, that's why I used support magic lightning enhancement and made my body concentrated with lightning energy so I can move beyond the speed of sound and with physicak strengthening I can easily beat you up!" Ayesha said ti Nyx's ears as Nyx was still caught up by the lightning shockwave and Ayesha used her own martial arts skill. "Lightning dragon talon kick!" Ayesha has managed to comprehend her own technique when she transformed into a dragon and her leg had an armor of lightning arcs and slowly transformed i to a dragon talon and kicked Nyx. *Boom!* 'That... doesn't felt right... I felt I hit Nyx but what I felt was like I hit an iron boulder..! I need to create distance!' Ayesha then tried to leaped backwards but Nyx managed to catch her leg and slammed her to the ground. "Ughh... that won't be enough to harm me Nyx!" Ayesha smirked as she saw Nyx slammed her to the ground and the ground broke from the extreme force and saw pebble flying but Nyx had another attack. "Then why don't you sleep a little bit..?" Nyx smiled. "True martial technique, first technique true martial fist!" Nyx's arm then turned into a golden hand and hammered Ayesha two feet under the ground and made a huge shockwave and Ayesha tried to guard herself and used her mana to create a lightning barrier but it was broken in an instant by Nyx's attack and her arms felt like without her dragon scales she can't possibly take on Nyx's attack. "Urrrghh..!" Ayesha still tried her best but Nyx was stronger, with a giant boom Ayesha was burried in the ground and Nyx immerged victorious and Lisa was happy to see Nyx was alright. "Now Paul... why don't you transform into an Asura? Or can't you?" Nyx then teased Paul. "Then... don't blame me for what happens next!" Paul was hesitant. 'I hope I can control it this time... I have been going in the forest at night to practice Asura transformation but I can't seem to control it every time I transform I lost control and when I wake up I see couple of B class magical beast dead in my surrounding and is forced to eat them without spices...' Paul then suddenly used his mana and his mana turned into a dark red QI chaos QI and his body started to become bigger and taller and his skin was getting redder and his mana was rampant. "Aagghh..!" Paul was seem to be in pain Lisa was suddenly suppressed by a very dominating aura and Nyx let Paul transformed and after a few seconds Paul was already two times bigger than Nyx and he slowly started getting up. "I-I seem to be able to control it-" Paul said then suddenly a voice started to control and corode his mind telling him to go into a rampage and without warning Paul suddenly burst in power and dashed towards Nyx with all his might. But Nyx already knew this that people who cultuvate the same cultivation method Paul has will have a strong killing impulses but if they have a stronger will then they can easily subdue their weakness and Nyx wanted Paul to learn not to succumb to this killing impulses and Ayesha need to know her power better. Nyx then catch Paul's hands but he was in a berserk mode and his power was almost as strong as Nyx and Nyx was overwhelmed for a second and was hit by Paul in the face and felt it hurt him. "Aghh... now you've done it..!" Nyx was angry at this boy rampaging on his own the berserk mode of Paul suddenly felt a very strong killing intent much stronger than his own and felt afraid of Nyx but suddenly he remembered thay he was in a berserk mode and Paul's hard was floating because of the intense chaos QI Nyx then suddenly dissappeared in front of him and reappeared in front of the berserk Asura mode Paul and kick him with all his might and Paul was sent flying and dumbfounded, how can a human sent an Asura like him flying Nyx was in the peak Sky rendering realm but with the Asura transformation Paul was also there and his body is stronger but Nyx easily kicked him. Nyx then dashed once again and Lisa was amazed how Nyx can beat Paul and Ayesha at the same time and even made a huge crated when he kicked Paul the tree's and the ground were broken due to Nyx's attack and Ayesha slowly rose up from the ground to see Paul being mauled to the ground and even Ayesha felt that Paul was as strong as her then Nyx must be stronger than them Nyx then once again used the true martial fist and beat Paul up. "I you won't return back to normal and control your Asura transformation then... I'm just gonna beat you till your berserk state senseless..! HEHEHE, HAHAHA!" Nyx laughed as he kick and beat Paul up and Paul suddenly seems to be back with his consciousness and his berserk mode was now terrified to go out when Nyx was around he was b****y yet his chaos QI didn't allow him to bleed easily and healed up but Nyx just beat him up like he wasn't a human. "Huh..? Nyx.??- Blurgh!" Paul was then sent flying by Nyx's true martial fist and got knocked out meanwhile Ayesha summoned her best spell. "Lightning javelin! Pierce my enemy!" Ayesha then used her overwhelming power to empower the sixth circle magic Lightning javelin which can even pierce a dragons body to Nyx and managed to hit Nyx. .

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