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cHAptEr 14: bLOOd pArtnErs  [tAstE Of his bLOOd]     VARUS KNEW well what his position as a Higher Noble meant more than anyone else. The responsibilities and sins his hands will carry along with such title, even while knowing of them before he became what he is today — he still chose to embark on this long journey and became the blade serving the Sixth Pureblood. He knew it well... Yet every time he had to deal with those who stood on his way, he couldn't help but mourn. For his own brethren that decided to betray their lords. For their own selfishness that ruined them. More than anything, for their obsession and wrath when they failed to achieve their dreams. Or so he thought as he descended down the stairs towards the dungeon where rebels and those involved in the recent incident were trapped. He ignored the screams beginning from mercy around him. In the darkness hung countless coffins upside down surrounded by at least three to five talismans. Six or so coffins were grouped with spikes made of unknown red metal piercing through them, and in the middle of them floated a single drop of blood. The places those spikes pierced, if one calculated properly, should go over the hearts of bodies stuck inside. The single drop of blood served as temptation and punishment to those vampires hanging upside down who could not quench their thirst until the day they were released. Red Maheshvara. The third familiar of the Fourth Pureblood. World Shackles. Merciful Death. Those red spikes went by countless names but every vampire knew of them. Especially so those who committed grave sins and were cursed to suffer. The Fourth Pureblood, despite looking like the kindest of the six, was the one in charge of punishments for vampires. His duty was more of a natural thing rather than something he was created for. Because his familiar was special like that, it only took a single drop of the Fourth Pureblood's blood to call upon it. After that, he doesn't need to use his consciousness to command this familiar. It will naturally latch itself to the hearts of nearby preys and continue to maintain its form for as long as its prey lives. For vampires, this kind of familiar was a natural punishment. It also conveniently solved their problem with keeping prisoners in check. Vampires didn't kill their offenders, they'd simply punish them for a while depending on their weight of their crimes. Its duration lasted for few decades to few centuries — and then, they'd be released from this kind of imprisonment. The Red Maheshvara didn't kill it's victims, only sealed their bodies for while keeping their minds intact. Because all it takes is for someone to remove the drop of blood controlling them, if was also convenient to use and remove without needing the Fourth Pureblood to be present. At the same time, it guaranteed that prisoners won't be able to take their lives away. The stake through their heart also won't be able to kill them — regardless whether they're vampires or not. The South of city of Eden was Hell for vampires. The domain of Red Maheshvara spanned ten miles underground and kept a decent number of vampires locked underground. The heavier sins they committed — the lower they were trapped inside the space where only a single staircase existed. Though... Exactly on the half of the road of such staircase was a floor spanning for entire mile filled with all kinds of cells. In this place, fate of offenders gets decided. Those trapped in this place weren't just vampires or else, there's be no need for so many coffins. Among them were spell-casters sent here to be 'reformed' for few years before they were picked back by the human government. The only reason why Eden could be built so easily was because humans didn't want to kill those talented spell-casters that hated them, yet couldn't use nor suppress on their own. So they left them in care of vampires, and agreed to build this city. Anyone who committed crime would, henceforth, be brought down those stairs to this floor. In case they didn't commit a serious crime — they would witness what their punishment would look like if they tried to do so in the future. In case they did — they'd join those hanging in darkness for a long time. As Varus came in front of a certain cell, he couldn't help but sigh. Few days ago, it was him that brought the person inside to their Lord and not even a day later — she betrayed them. Sitting on a chair in simple white robes was a woman with wavy silver hair and red eyes. Vampires all had superior looks, and she wasn't an exception. If she glanced at any man, they'd have no choice but to be charmed with her looks. If she wanted to, she could have almost anyone that she wanted. Unfortunately...    "Why, Tasha?" Varus looked at the Noble woman that had her head lowered and seemingly without any focus.    "You clearly know that we were supposed to serve our Lord Pureblood, so why do something so foolish as to betray him?"    "..." She continued to remain silent. Unfortunately... She set her eyes on someone she shouldn't have.    "You... If nothing unexpected happened, you would have became a Higher Noble this year. So why..." And Varus, too — did something he shouldn't have.    "..." It's not like he loved this woman or something, but all vampires would eventually look for someone to settle down with, even if it's for a short period of time. Varus didn't have high requirements for his lover, but he thought — if such person were to be another Higher Noble like himself, he wouldn't have to worry too much about their relationship. Be it their duty or opinions, they would match. So he noticed this girl that was about to meet his requirement. Unfortunately, she ended up ruining her own future prospects. And he, as someone who suddenly found himself walking on a different path from her, had to deal with the aftermath of her choice. Just as he through to let go of it and issue her sentence, she spoke.    "I knew... That I would never stand a chance."    "Tasha..."    "Before any of us could obtain a chance to get close to the Purebloods, Half-bloods who aren't even born would hold that chance in their hands. So I didn't dare to have such thoughts towards that person."    "..." Yes. Long time ago, Purebloods couldn't mix their bloodline with vampires, so forget about descendants — they didn't even have partners by their side. A vampire that would spend all time with them couldn't be allowed to drink any other blood but theirs, yet feeding on Purebloods alone could never be allowed! Since no one knew what kind of creature would those actions give birth to. At the same time, the mere thought of forcing their Pureblood to live on blood of a single vampire was so repulsive to other vampires that even if Purebloods took fancy to someone, they could never make them their Blood Partners. And those under the rank of a Higher Nobles weren't even worthy of their blood. So back in the days, only Higher Nobles accompanied Purebloods, but it was never for a long time. And they never drank their blood. Because Purebloods didn't need a link in order to drink blood of another vampire, there was also no need for them to form Blood Contract — so the thought of Purebloods being tied down to a single person simply didn't exist in minds of the vampire race until Half-bloods appeared. Samuel, the first Half-blood that formed Blood Contract with a Pureblood was someone who didn't give a damn about their common sense. The moment someone offered themselves to the First Pureblood or he wanted to feed on them after the two settled down, Samuel simply turned around and ran away. Then... Well, there was no then.  Samuel simply forgot about the vampire race and hid until they couldn't find him for solid twenty years. The First Pureblood — Constantine — couldn't suppress Samuel's blood to make him return and it was around that time that Purebloods came to understand about Half-bloods special blood. Then, the first war for Half-bloods began and Constantine won by bowing down to someone for the first time. In spite of everyone and everything, he formed a Blood Contract with someone who used to be considered as a stain to their noble bloodline. There were some protests later on and all — but in front of the two, it was somewhat useless. Samuel really wasn't as meek towards others as he was towards Constantine. The Second Pureblood didn't follow the First's lead and only took a Half-blood as his personal assistant, nothing more. It was only when Diane, the Third Pureblood fell for a Half-blood that old ideas began to change. The Second Pureblood didn't bond with his Half-blood, but he still supported her together with Constantine's case. Other Purebloods also had nothing to say, so entire vampire race eventually accepted this notion of Purebloods settling down. But even so, they would only accept it if it's someone like Half-blood whose blood was no weaker than a Pureblood's. Varus also knew all that, and Tasha understood it even better.    "I have seen him, twenty years ago. Together with you, I was by his side when he slaughtered the Elders of olden, and I still remember how ruthless his eyes were. At that moment, I understood that he truly fell in love, and that no one could possibly stand a chance against that... Human." Those who were loyal to Ethan all knew what he did during the Great War - including the reason behind his actions. But they never asked nor opposed his actions. They merely served and followed his every command.    "Exactly so, because I understood — I gave up."    "Then why?" Since you've given up, why do this?    "Why... Because before I could even get a chance to see the one I lost to, they have died. No name, face nor even their gender was known, but I always felt like they were far superior to me. Since they managed to win over that person's heart." Varus sighed. He understood now.    "Twenty years... I really never thought that I'll be able to move our Lord's heart after he lost that person. I knew my limits."    "And then, this kid appeared."    "You should have seen it, Varus." A random little vampire she saw kissing with their Lord Pureblood. The flustered expression on his face after he let go of him. Someone who wasn't much better than her, save it for his face. Someone whose blood was far worse than her own. But even so...    "I should have been happy that despite their kiss, Lord still chose my blood to drink that night. Back then, I really was."    "..."    "He didn't even look at my way." Her firm voice finally shook. "When I offered my neck and blood to him, he only stared at it with disgust he himself probably wasn't aware of. And then he told me to leave." It wasn't her first time giving her blood to him. But it was the first time she was so ruthlessly rejected.    "So you betrayed our Lord?" Varus clenched his teeth, but he offered no words of comfort despite being able to imagine her feelings at that time. He had a talk with Mikhael who woke up, trying to hear his side of the story and understand more of what happened on that day. Although Mikhael hid a lot of things, he still mentioned how everyone in APO thought that he was Ethan's lover or whatnot. Varus immediately understood where such rumor could come from. Only he and Tasha were there to witness Ethan kissing Mikhael, so he realized who spread it.    "I thought... If even someone like him could move our Lord's heart again, then I could do it too. I just had to use more efforts."    "Our Lord was heavily injured on that day."     "..." She knew. She knew and she regretted it. She simply wanted them to deal with Mikhael. Because he and Ethan knew each other for only a day and weren't even on good terms, she wanted to get rid of him before he could even begin to mean something to Ethan. It was perhaps her woman's intuition which told her that Mikhael had potential to become her love rival. So in the heat of a moment, she did something stupid.    "I'm willing to take my punishment, no matter how heavy it might be." But when Ethan got hurt, she received her wake-up call. But it was too late for apologies now, so she could only accept what should come to her now. Varus also sighed as he began to stir up his blood awake before walking towards her. The sin of forcing his kin ta decades long suffering because of their crimes... It was his to bear as a Higher Noble.    "Tasha Von Trist. For the sin of betraying the Sixth Pureblood and siding with rebels in order to usurp the peace of Eden, you'll be henceforth sentenced to sixty-six years of exile. Be it your blood, your familiars or your soul, do you willingly accept your punishment and relinquish them to to your superior, that is I — Varus Enna Ainsworth — or will you resist until the very end?" As well as his responsibility. Tasha only nodded.    "I accept." Only sixty-six years for her crime.. It was still a bit too gentle in her opinion.    IT'S BEEN a whole week since the attack on the barrier, but the entire city of Eden continued to move forward like usual. Six hundred and forty eight vampires were interrogated and currently imprisoned for their attempt to overturn the city, but no one knew where their ringleader was. Higher Nobles even used their blood suppression to ask about him, but unfortunately couldn't find his whereabouts. Like a cockroach they couldn't kill, the other guy simply ran away and hid from them. On top of that, their Lord Pureblood simply announced that he had found a partner and locked himself inside his castle for a while without any other world. If it were a normal case, it would be a cause of celebration to them for Ethan to settle down if it were a Half-blood — but after they looked into it and found out that his partner is just some random vampire who even hunted vampires for money, they started to protest. Well, those who didn't know Ethan well, that is. Ethan didn't really give a damn, and paid them no attention, making them realize that it's of no use to complain to him. So they switched their target and called out Mikhael with all kind of curses and threatened him few times, yet the person in question gave even less damn than their Lord Pureblood — and no one could reach him. So they could only grunt and continue with what they were doing pointlessly. Vampires would only call another person their partner if they decided to settle down with them in a marriage-like relationship which, between vampires, wasn't some complicated thing, actually. It's just some exchange of blood between two of them, and that's it. No need for overly courteous ceremonies, speech, documents, nothing! There were two steps to it, and the first goes by under another name: Blood Partnership. Blood Partners were, as the name implied, vampires who trade blood among themselves, and wouldn't drink another's blood at all. It did resemble the commitment humans shared through a marriage, though they could part ways later on. Vampires couldn't really drink blood from each other, but vampires who formed such contract could do it without any problem. It was quite miraculous, actually. Mikhael didn't really have any Blood Partners since most of his past lovers were usually humans. He avoided vampires because of who he was, so he naturally only chose humans to exchange blood with and have regular source of food. Although it does stand that as long as he controlled it properly, his blood would taste like any ordinary vampire blood. But Mikhael always found possessive vampire partners unreliable. Especially the break-ups... Having crazy ex-lovers chasing after you for few centuries was a bit too much. He seems to have suffered because of if in his early days, but he can't quite remember the details now. It was seven or so centuries ago, after all. Still, he did know of few vampires who became Blood Partners, so he wasn't really bothered when Ethan told him about it. Anyway, Blood Partnership could be broken at any time as it was only the first step in the proper Blood Contract ceremony, so Mikhael didn't fear Ethan much. Worst thing worst, he could still run away? A vampire might even have few Blood Partners before they found someone to go through the next step, a Blood Contract. There was only one chance for the Blood Contract in vampire's life and after that, the two vampires would live and die together. Kind of like soulmates, but you get to chose who it's going to be if nothing else. However, that little problem wasn't the reason why he was so indifferent to the complaints of other vampires about him stealing their Pureblood. They might be mad for him biting Ethan or whatnot —  but Mikhael has been, for the last four days since waking up with the other guy's help, dealing with indescribable stench of his own body and way too overgrown hair on it! Remember how vampires would stink as hell once they were dried of all blood? Well, Mikhael wasn't any exception to that rule. And it's not something that could be fixed with a mere bath or two, the stench was seeped deep into his bones and internal organs, and would only pass away by washing it away with new blood in his system. While Ethan... Well, Ethan would still find time to check on Mikhael's health here in there and make sure he doesn't run away in the meantime. Actually, Mikhael found Ethan's taste to be a bit too hardcore! Even Mikhael couldn't stand his own smell, yet Ethan would still come to let him drink his blood every morning and night, without exception! He would even spend the night next to Mikhael if he had nothing to do and then read books. Without saying a single word, he would just read books, ignore Mikhael and his stench until poor Mikhael had no other choice but to sleep. The first night was the scariest. Ethan simply returned after a while and stared at Mikhael with gaze so complicated yet empty that the other felt like his life and death were about to be decided on that moment. Mikhael doesn't really understand what happened back then, but the next day — Ethan forced him to memorize the entire map of Eden like it was his own garden before he was willing to let him off. If Mikhael dared to slack off... Then Ethan didn't mind teaching him a proper lesson with his own two hands. Mikhael really couldn't get it. Did he somehow bewitch the other person? It's not like there weren't people obsessed with Mikhael's face to the point of bothering him for decades, but a Pureblood was still his first... Or were his smell buds broken? He maybe even had a special kink? Anyway, for the sake of his ass that suffered under Ethan's hands, he never said anything after that night not did he dare to taunt Ethan. But before even complaining about Ethan's hardcore kink, Mikhael glared at his own long white hair. Compared to the state of his own body... It was even worse! Now, Mikhael was a Half-blood and powerful (although it didn't show much) vampire with many familiars. He had thirteen, at that matter — and they all awakened with time or during his Deep Slumbers. The first familiar whose power involved fate even awakened the moment Mikhael became a vampire. But now... Just because you gained an ability, it didn't mean that you'd get a free manual full of explanation on how to use it, and even now he had no damn idea how to f*****g control that thing with his own power! His teacher that saw how dumb he was that he was unable to even use something that was in his blood (literally) took some pity on Mikhael and created the method with talismans he used to fix the pillar back then. BUT! Because it isn't the right way to use his ability, he needed to pay a certain price, which would thereafter be his own time. That's right, after using his ability, he'd age at an incredible pace. That would kill an ordinary human, but since he's a vampire, his body didn't really get any older... Which. Couldn't. Be. Said. For. His. Hair! Not only the hair on his head, but the hair EVERYWHERE on his body! After only four days, he already had over three meters long hair that he's been dragging around in the room like a f*****g Rapunzel!!! Not to mention that he had to shave over sixty times every part of his body daily or he'd look like he has been living in a cave for three centuries without seeing a light of the day. Do you know how annoying having long hair all over your body actually was!? It's so f*****g itchy it could even make one skin themselves alive to end their misery!!! Mikhael almost did that if not for Ethan catching his intentions and then using his hands for a second round of proper education so Mikhael once again became obedient child. He didn't bother with the one on his head, because it would also just grow up until the aftereffects stopped — and he was a lazy person in nature who wouldn't even bother shaving if not for all the excess hair making him uncomfortable while sleeping. Though, he only had sleep the first night. Just by turning around he'd step on some hair pulling it out and it would hurt like hell, so he had to do what had to be done and pluck it off! It was only today that it stopped together with his stench. Ethan had some shabby business to deal with Mikhael didn't even want to ask about, so Cera, who often sneaked around in Ethan's castle, found her way to him. At the beginning, he was in a hospital ward, but now he got moved back to his room in Ethan's castle once that his body stopped stinking.    "You're still alive." Cera commented as she brought a large cake with her.    "..." Mikhael didn't know how to answer to those words, especially since the one that spoke them was a little child.    "Here, a get-well gift."    "..." Whatever, he was sure that she's a good child. After he cut the cake in few pieces, he took the used knife, cleaned it up, and just cut off the hair at his shoulder length. Because Mikhael was still weak and he couldn't accompany him, Ethan simply attached a bag of blood to Mikhael's hand. Mikhael could drink it and all, but because he's been feeding on so much blood of a Pureblood in the last few days, Ethan decided that it was time to slow down. At the same time, he used the blood of that Healer and have it to Mikhael now — but because he didn't want Mikhael to associate himself with that crazy guy, Ethan didn't want the two to meet and directly feed Mikhael with his blood. Hence the blood bag. Ethan was cruel. He didn't allow Mikhael to leave the bed, but he didn't allow for him to sleep either. At the same time, he didn't allow Mikhael to drink blood of someone else, but forced him to take it for his own good — so he poked a hole with needle in his hand. Mikhael had nothing left to say about that bipolar psychopath.    "So why do you and uncle still need to drink blood? Should I give you some of mine?" Cera asked curiously as she opened her mouth. Mikhael rolled his eyes before giving her a bit of his own cake. Mikhael who didn't get to eat food other than Ethan's blood for the past four days really welcomed this child that sneaked in some to him.    "This much is enough for me, but what does that evil-doer say?" he referred to Ethan. Humans... Although aware of vampire race since birth now, still had trouble explaining to children why other guys needed their blood to live. As the only human child in this entire castle, Mikhael was really curious about what they taught Cera.    "Because he just can," she replied nonchalantly while Mikhael... Well, he simply took another bite of the cake. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that answer, Ethan really can drink blood just because he can. "Don't listen to him, girl — that guy has zero knowledge that can be useful for you. Everything is 'because I can' or 'want'," he shook his head as he continued to feed her. "Really? Everyone says I'll become a great person if I follow his example, though." A five years old naturally had no idea how boot-lickers worked, and she did see her uncle as the prime example, making her aspire to become like him. Mikhael only shivered wondering what would have became of this girl had she followed after Ethan without him ever coming here!    "Listen up girl, that guy is an evil-doer and has no good quality for you to admire! Naturally, everyone around him follows him, so they are all evil-doers as well, hence they'll agree with whatever he says. What do you prefer, heroes or villains?"    "Heroes, I want to become a doctor that saves people!" Cera immediately replied and he nodded. Good, there's still time to save this girl.    "A doctor, huh?"    "Yeah, doctors are good and amazing. They saved Cera in the past, so Cera wants to become like them!" Mikhael remembered something about her family being assassinated and only Cera survived.    "They saved you?"    "Yes, although uncle came later and made me feel better, he said that it was only because of them that I had a chance to meet him." Well, Mikhael still couldn't understand why this kid called Ethan her uncle, but he could figure out a thing or two from her words. For one, her parents were humans who got killed in a car accident. Cera was the only one to survive and doctors saved her before Ethan probably came with his OP blood and healed her completely. Even so, because doctors were there to keep her alive before he came, she started to admire them. Five years old isn't too young age for children to become aware of the world — although that world was limited. Mikhael had more suspicions about her, but...    'It doesn't matter to me. It's better to not get involved.'   "That's good, kid. It's exactly the opposite of what evil-doers do... By the way, is that a book of anatomy?" he asked pointing at the book she was holding in her lap. She quickly nodded her head.    "Uncle said that I need to read it if I want to become a doctor."    "..."    'This is not a book you give to a five year old to read!' What's worse, does she even know to read? Who the hell gives a book that complex and... an anatomy book in general to a five years old? Shouldn't she read some picture books or fairy-tales instead?    'Heavens wanted me to help this child so they sent me here!'    "Alright, that's a good book to read, but you won't need it for a good next set of ten years," Mikhael sighed and she tilted her head in confusion.    "Why?" Mikhael felt foreboding of disaster, so he quickly changed his topic. That book had some parts of human anatomy that a child, especially a lady, should not yet see. He hoped that he wasn't too late.    "You wanted to know why we drink blood, right?" So he slyly escaped the task of giving her that explanation. Not to mention that anatomy books would mention things like how babies are made and grow and stuff. That evil-doer might be a Pureblood overlord, but his IQ is seriously equivalent to zero.    "You know what the heart is?" he asked, "In human body?" Well, the book might've helped or something now.    "Mn," she nodded and pointed to her chest where her heart is located. Good. "You see, a heart usually makes blood go everywhere in our body and is very useful. But our bodies, that is — for us vampires — can't produce blood they need. So we take human blood and make it our own." A common reason why vampires seek human partners.    "But... Isn't blood all one same thing?" Cera curiously pressed and Mikhael blinked twice. Five years old... Are they even supposed to know things like this? Mikhael felt that children he raised and this child here weren't the same at all!    "That should naturally happen, but vampires have different bodies than humans. We have two hearts, one that pumps our own blood and another that uses other people's blood. The two hearts cannot function without each other." Vampires drank human blood that becomes fuel to their second heart which exists in another dimension, and then that blood got recycled and pumped out through their first heart which was the one stored in their psychical bodies — then, it gets sent through their blood vessels to the every cell. They have no organs that create blood, and instead have bones and muscle fibers of stronger and thicker density that made their strength possible to manifest. At the same time, they had countless sets of special blue blood vessels that could absorb any other blood that comes in contact with them and then guide it to their second heart. Mana couldn't be seen by normal human eyes because it also exists in that dimension — and those hearts couldn't be touched from there either. However, because the two hearts were intertwined, if the first heart was to be destroyed destroyed, the other would follow. A Noble is only powerful because even if their original heart was destroyed, as long as the other one is kept intact, they could survive. They also had extra inner organs that could manipulate their blood and create special abilities. In ordinary vampires, those organs were simply a mass of more muscles. The blood that flows from their second heart also exists like a kind of dead mana that gives their bodies powerful abilities and regeneration. The second heart can even store excess blood in a form of dead mana inside but cannot function if vampires don't drink blood of humans. It's like... A machine that lost fuel, so it would stop working and vampires who lost blood would start to dry up. But because the little blue blood vessels still exist, they'd become rejuvenated the moment they come in contact with blood, so vampires can still be saved as long a they obtain even a single drop of blood. It's also why it's possible to torture them for so long, ah... But no way in hell can Mikhael explain that to a five years old, can he now? "While you can say that we have two hearts or something, one of them is like a big jar that collects other people's blood then makes it better and creates super blood the other heart helps to scatter through out bodies," so let's just skip the bigger part of it. It doesn't matter that she doesn't understand, she will — once she grows up.    "I don't understand anything," she pouted, realizing that she couldn't comprehend his words.    "Good, it would be too weird if you did," You're already considered a monster for a five years old! So don't read anymore weird books!    "So, that's why," she suddenly mumbled.    "What?"    "Uncle said that vampires are killed when you take out their hearts," she calmly replied and Mikhael's jaw dropped.    "..." What the f**k did that guy teach this child?    "You really shouldn't listen to your uncle, but no — they won't die just from that. The fact is that they can stick-spread blood veins from their heart to connect it to their bodies which could keep them alive for 0.6—9.9 seconds, depending on the amount of stored blood, which is — to a crazed vampire facing the brink of his own extinction, more than enough time to go into a frenzy and snatch back their hearts before returning it back to its place." But if you catch them unprepared and do it fast, they naturally won't be able to do it.    "With their regenerative powers, they'll be good as new, which is why hearts must be thoroughly destroyed. Coincidentally, anti-vampire weapons do that job for us, so are rather lethal the moment they touch the vampire blood. They immediately destroy those special blood vessels the moment mana touches them and... What I just said is a classified information of Hunter's HQ they hide to make people buy AV weapons, so please keep it a secret so that we won't have to deal with copyrights or marketing agents for disrupting their market earnings." Mana and vampire bodies are incompatible. The moment mana touches those special blue vessels, they become corrupted and useless while the moment their vampire blood enters spell-caster's body, they corrupt the similar set of special blood vessels and organs that can store mana in other group's bodies. So, regarding the second heart, how do you kill something that exists in dimension you cannot touch? You use something that belongs to that dimensions instead. Armaments spell-casters make are full of mana which is from the same dimension as those hearts, which is why it can easily kill a vampire. Old vampires that can use void to store stuff inside could also easily rip out a heart like that. And seeing how those blue blood vessels are directly connected to their second hearts... It's easy to understand what goes there. Because mana and dead mana can't ever mix nor stay together in the bodies of either race, it's a certain method to seal or kill them. Unless, they are Half-bloods. But some more powerful vampire hearts are usually preserved in a special way to be used by spell-casters or witches and warlocks, and if you dealt with it properly — you could even revive someone by just possessing their heart.    "Co-copy... what are copy-rits?"    "Copyright - when owned by you, it can make you swim in riches, when abused by you - can strip you naked. A very dangerous thing in the world of adults you'll come to know once you grow up."    "Actually, when you come at my and your uncle's level, you can directly cut off or destroy those blood vessels without damaging the heart or move through the other dimension to dig out the second heart without even having to touch their bodies. Which is somewhat of another classified information, so keep that one a secret as well." Mikhael, for a second, stopped. In what aspect was he better than Ethan by telling an innocent child all this?! Shit! He's become influenced by his stupidity! It's all because he's been drinking Ethan's blood for so long!    "I see," she shrugged not really understanding before pointing to the cake again, "But what is your own body good for then?"    "..." True, it does seem like like their bodies really are useless when he puts it like this.    "Aren't you taking this too well?"    "As you said, I'm living with a bunch of evil-doers."    "..."    'Raising children is a high risk occupation, it seems.'    WHILE THE two were happily eating and cursing Ethan, he was busy with official business regarding Eden and a certain festival that's begins tonight. He wasn't a hardcore lunatic as Mikhael made him be, it's just that he couldn't sense the stench that Mikhael's body should supposedly emit. If nothing, to him — he could only sense a pleasant smell on Mikhael who made sure to shower as often as possible. And seeing how rosy his skin was... Well, it wasn't really attractive with all that hair. And no matter how Ethan felt about Mikhael, drinking blood from a furball-like creature really didn't sit well with his aesthetic sense, so he didn't feed in days. It didn't really matter to him much, but it was a bit obvious after a few days. He almost never went a day without meal in the past twenty years, after all.    'No, other than that year we spent together, I should never have spent a day without meal before that.' Unfortunately, although Ethan didn't taste Mikhael's blood recently, it's not like he never drank his blood in the past. And whenever he recalled it's taste, Ethan simply couldn't stomach any other blood. Back then, he was fine since he understood that Mikhael was dead and he won't get a chance to drink his blood no matter how long he waited for, so he could drink other people's blood. Tasha was also wrong. It's not that he refused to drink her blood because he kissed Mikhael, but because he was suddenly reminded of him from twenty years ago after seeing him on that night, so he simply wasn't in the mood to drink blood. As for disgust... He might have unconsciously compared the two. He was a Pureblood and as one, he doesn't really need to fear starving, because they don't necessarily need to feed. If they don't feed for a while, even a year or two — their bodies will slowly turn human-like, only without a need to eat nor drink unless they want so themselves. And the moment they drink blood again, they'll regain their vampire abilities. It's one of the reasons why Purebloods difficult to kill, they had no common weakness like starving for vampires, or mortality of humans.    'Not to mention...' Mikhael acts like he doesn't remember him. He doubted that it was because of two decades of separation — Ethan would never believe that excuse. One should know, once that kid saw his face all those years ago — he was so obsessed that he wouldn't remove his gaze off him unless necessary! He even used an entire hour to snap pictures of Ethan's face from every possible angle when they had to part so that he could keep looking at it!! Ethan wasn't narcissistic, but even he was well aware of his own otherworldly beauty. He was even more certain that there was no living being with better face than his! So for Mikhael who once saw it and worshiped his face to act like he didn't recognize him now, Ethan really refused to accept it!    "I really should never have let him go alone..." He sighed. Whatever, past is past. Ethan couldn't forget Mikhael for twenty years, so even though the later was so angry to not even acknowledge Ethan once he saw him — he was sure that he had enough patience to slowly make the boy fall in love with him once again. As for grievances Mikhael had in past with him, Ethan was patient enough to slowly deal with them and apologize if necessary.    "I've let him rest enough, it's about time I go to pick on him again." Though — poking that little hedgehog was also kind of fun. He had seen the spell-caster Mikhael who was fearless enough to provoke Vatican and Vampire King alike because of his petty mind, and now he got to see another side of Mikhael that obviously wanted to beat him up but didn't dare. It was quite refreshing. As long as he had that boy by his side, nothing could possibly go wrong. Back then, he let go and regretted for the next twenty years. This time, even if he offended Mikhael's entire family and formed a blood feud, he still won't let him go! As he headed for Mikhael's room, he suddenly paused and his eyes widened. Sweet. He could feel the faint sweetness lingering in the air, refreshing both his spirit and body. He didn't feel any thirst nor indifference to that smell, only something resembling content at the moment. Content for being able to smell that scent again. Somewhere in his memory, the smell reminded him of home, though Ethan never had one — it was an odd mix of melancholy and bitterness over something lost and something regained time and time again. He couldn't place a name for such feeling as he unknowingly found himself walking towards the source of that scent. Not too fast, nor too slow — he was oddly relaxed with a small tug on his lips upwards as he let his blood guide him. How he longed for that scent... To have it within his reach, to embrace it and never let go. He continued to walk until he reached a certain door, and without bothering to knock on them, he gently pried them open. Mikhael only glanced at him before turning back to Cera, already used to Ethan's arrogant face barging whenever he wanted, and continued to talk to her. On his hand held out for her to see was a single cut on top of his finger with a single drop of blood flowing out of it, while he was explaining its properties to her. But, before he could even open his mouth to keep talking, Ethan has already appeared in front of him and took that arm before slowly licking the wound closed. As he tasted that one drop of blood with his tongue, he gave Mikhael a genuine smile. Back then, his blood was quite attractive. Not that he was vampire, it was even better. Mikhael only sat rooted in place, not understanding a single thing that just happened. What did he just do? Is that him smiling? He? Ethan? Out of all people?!    "Say, did you perhaps drink more than you should have? You know, it's not good to drown in alcohol as you have a little girl to take... care—" his voice got stuck in his throat as Ethan's figure blurred before he pressed him down on the bed, his red eyes gleamed like a sea of blood while his hand gently held Mikhael's neck. In the next moment, he tilted his head towards Mikhael's neck who only confusedly left it exposed to Ethan. Although as a Hunter  —Mikhael would've never exposed his neck to a vampire, he felt his mind blank out as he moved instinctively, as if he already did this before. Seeing this, Ethan smiled, revealing two rows of white teeth and Mikhael subconsciously clenched his fists. But Ethan didn't let him have time to protest before his fangs sank down into Mikhael's skin, drawing out the sweet blood that almost drove him insane. Mikhael could only hiss in surprise and grab Ethan's hair as his whole body stiffened underneath this man. He didn't notice a certain someone's smile against his skin as he drank blood. Good. 'Even if you pretend to forget, your body is still honest. And as long as your body doesn't hide, I myself won't let you forget this feeling ever again.' 'This feeling of belonging to me!'   
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