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cHAptEr 15: A visitOr [tHE sEcOnd pUrEbLOOd's ArrivAL]    WHAT WAS wrong with this guy?!    "Hey, you bastard, what do you think you're doing?" Realizing that he was voluntarily letting himself be bitten by Ethan, Mikhael immediately began protesting, "What the hell is wrong with you, there's still a kid-" Slam!    "Eh?" Before he even finished what he wanted to say, Cera has already long ago escaped and slammed the doors closed. Mikhael could only stare with incredibility at the closed doors wondering how he's been abandoned.    'Why would you leave me with this psychopath? I thought we were friends!' Ethan, completely ignorant to everything around him, only grunted in protest before removing his fangs out of Mikhael's neck.    "Good, listen now-" Mikhael was about to complain about how it's not good to simply barge into someone's hospital room and feed on them when Ethan, completely disregarding his opinion, pushed him down on the bed once again    "Are you really going to starve me any longer?" Without even waiting for his answer, Ethan grabbed a fistful of Mikhael's hair before exposing his neck. Licking his lips as if he has seen the best snack this world has to offer, he didn't waste another second before sinking down his fangs once again. He was already showing self-control. If it were twenty years ago, Mikhael would already be screaming under his body! As he pushed him down, his hands traveled under Mikhael's shirt with a dark gaze. There were so many things he wanted to say and do, but in the end — he only drank the little guy's blood. When Cera came to visit, he had just finished showering and shaving to get rid of that annoying hair for the one last time, so his skin was still rosy and soft to the touch. To Mikhael, being fed from like this was a novel experience. Even so, it wasn't that loathsome. Vampires don't cause much pain to those they drink blood from except for the initial piercing of skin or unless they want their prey to suffer. After a while, the feeling would grow to be quite... Comfortable to sensational and pleasurable if the vampire wanted. There were toxins on their fangs, but they only served to intoxicate their prey and make them willingly submit rather than turn them into one of their kind. That kind of thing could only be done with their blood and a long, complicated process only vampires themselves knew of.    'f**k, don't tell me I actually have a kink for things like this!?' Even if he never got bitten before, he shouldn't be this accepting of it now, right?    'It must be... En, because I'm weak to this guy's face. It's only because I like his face!' While Mikhael cursed Ethan in his head, the later was lost in his own little world. He was like a man who's been crossing the desert for years without an ounce of water to soothe his parched lips. Every single drop of Mikhael's blood was like precious treasure he didn't intend to let be wasted. No matter whose blood he got his hands on, Ethan has never tasted something as blissful as Mikhael's. Sin. It was truly a sin that he was made to wait for so long to know of this secret elixir, that he was denied this pleasure his entire life! It almost made him lock Mikhael away and hide him from the world.    'Only I am allowed to take liberties with this boy.' A feeling of possession he didn't know he could have slowly crawled beneath his skin. In his mind, he would already slaughter whomever tried to take him away. Destroy whomever thought of getting close to him! Mikhael was his! Those were the only thoughts going through Ethan's head as Mikhael's blood warmed his throat. It was only when he was satisfied and Mikhael looked pale like a ghost that he pulled away.    "f**k, I'll have to go through another round of living under water at this rate," if Ethan did drink a lot of his blood, his body might really suffer and start stinking again. It's not easy being a vampire...  Looking at the boy from above, Ethan couldn't believe the viciousness of his own thoughts. He felt that he could even slaughter his brothers and sister for Mikhael's sake.    'But...' He just couldn't help it. Ethan was used to always losing precious people and things that came to mean something for him. Although he knew that twenty years ago he might lose Mikhael too, he still fell for a silly spell-caster by his side and deluded himself that this time it would be different. He thought, if he doesn't completely obtain Mikhael, if he keeps him at arm's length and feels like he hasn't won him over, Mikhael won't be taken away from him. Yet the moment he gave in to his feelings and fate, Mikhael was ruthlessly snatched away leaving no trace behind. Regardless of what he wanted to do, he still lost Mikhael in the raging sea of war and now he finally found him back. One should know, Ethan planned to form a Blood Contract with Mikhael all those years ago, the two themselves exchanged vows to spend eternity together. Mikhael himself said that once he was done with the Great War and his power was no longer needed, he would settle down with Ethan. Spell-casters would have hard time turning into vampires. But Ethan believed that if it's his own blood used to turn Mikhael, he could do it. Yet... This silly boy that promised to accompany him disappeared the moment he learned of his identity. But there was no chance for a vampire who decided on a partner for Blood Contract to ever love another again. Ethan never loved before Mikhael, and he was even more indifferent to those feelings after he thought that Mikhael died. So even though he got him back, even though everything should be fine, Ethan still couldn't suppress that paranoia in his heart that made him act out of control. Like he was no longer in his own skin.    "In the end, what are you doing to me, Flame?" He softly whispered, touching Mikhael's face, "Ever since I first saw you, my head has been in a constant turmoil, I'm walking on a thin thread between reality and madness and I don't even know if I'm happy or worried because of it," to that, Mikhael only glared back. He was in no mood to talk, this bastard almost sucked him dry all over again, like hell was he willing to go through all that torture once again! And now he's speaking some sweet bullshit to him, what does he think this era is? Sixteenth century? Do something then compose a poetry?!    "I've already become ruined, I'm unable to drink others blood after tasting yours," he continued to speak, seemingly in a daze, "You had your chance, you should've escaped the moment you were done with the barrier and yes — I know it's you who did it. You can fool others, but that scheme was too naive for my eyes." As someone who made those pillars, he didn't doubt that Mikhael could fix them either.    "..."    'Did he perhaps get drunk on my blood for real or something? Why is he even telling me this?'    "You can't escape anymore. I've no intention of ever letting you go even if I have to chase you 'till the ends of the Underworld!" His words resounded loudly in Mikhael's head. It was like a heavenly declaration, a seal over the deal on his destiny. Though Ethan's eyes were dimmed as he said that, the determination in his words couldn't get any clearer. It made Mikhael shiver, but he was unable to do anything about it. Ethan seemed to contemplate about something, and after a long time of silence, he let out a long sigh.   "Forget it, it's impossible to keep you locked for eternity and not feed you so that you wouldn't escape, you'd die out of boredom," Mikhael almost coughed blood to his words. What the hell was this guy planning to do to him?! He didn't know what the Hell happened to Ethan, but he was sure that it wouldn't end up fine for him if he stayed here! This guy can't possibly be thinking of making him his personal blood bank, no?    "Here, it would be a pain in the ass to let you recover all over again," Ethan said before biting his own wrist and bringing it closer to Mikhael's lips, "Drink!" His eyes cleared up and he threw Mikhael a glare. Good. This was the Ethan he knew.    "Have you never heard of privacy, you can't just barge in like this and do as you please, what if I've been making out with someone or something?" He grunted in protest, but still took Ethan's bloodied wrist and began to feed on it anyway.    'A crazy motherfucker! I'll drink all your blood to get the energy to run away faster!' Ethan's lips only curled into a mysterious smile Mikhael failed to notice, but he said nothing. If someone would be so stupid to dare to get a taste of what was this King's, he wouldn't mind letting them go to their early graves. Mikhael wasn't as elegant as a certain Pureblood who didn't let a single drop go to waste. Quite the contrary, Mikhael was quite messy when feeding so his lips were completely smeared with Ethan's blood. Yet Ethan didn't seem to mind the mess, thinking that this little boy is so cute now that he's a weak and unguarded little vampire. Unlike Ethan's ignorant thoughts — as someone living outside of Eden and on constant run from Purebloods, all while hunting vampires and hiding his identity, Mikhael was never the one to leisurely feed. When he first turned, he couldn't control his hunger well and although he had Einz and others to teach him how to feed nicely — well, beat it deep into his bones actually (literally) — once he was left on his own, he always had to feed in a hurry in order to not be found. Even after he joined Hunters, no one knew of his identity at the beginning. It was actually quite the painful topic for Mikhael, and it was due to his inability to keep his nose out of other people's business that he once again got caught up in trouble. It was some seven centuries ago when Mikhael saved some random humans from vampires on their way to Salem. Witches were really famous around that town and Mikhael needed to trade some stuff with them. Since those humans were on the same way as him, he decided to fetch the ride and go along with them. As it turned out, those vampires who previously attacked them were some other guy's mobs and him beating them lured the big boss out who was coincidentally the target of the Hunters roaming nearby, so when they met Mikhael and saw his abilities to fend off a vampire — they wanted to recruit him. Mikhael naturally used every lie possible to escape, but as fate deemed it: enemies meet on a narrow road — and Mikhael met Hunters wherever he went from that point onward. In the end he just decided to join them and hid his identity. It was much later that they found out about him being a vampire and began chasing Mikhael to the end of the Earth and when they finally (after some good fifty years or so) realized that neither could get rid of the other one, they just chose to compromise. Hunters stopped hunting Mikhael, but he decided to join them because it's always better when you have a power backing you and it was perfect alias to hide from Purebloods! Still, Mikhael would usually roam the world for few decades before returning for a while to the Hunters HQ, hence rarely who knew of his existence over there. But some Hunters who didn't know of him ended up hunting him here and there, so he still didn't have time to rest and feed leisurely. And that's why he didn't have time to practice the art of feeding elegantly.    "Does that... Hunter woman know about your abilities?" Mikhael paused as he was asked this. Amelia knew that he's a Half-blood, but Ethan probably asked about the other part.    "No, nobody knows about me being a spell-caster." Ethan nodded and watched Mikhael resume drinking blood. Although it was still a bit messy, at least Mikhael drank his blood a bit more gently.    "Good, don't let her know. Regarding the barrier, you called over a friend if she asks. He helped you to hide me back then, fixed the barrier then ran away." Because Ethan protected Mikhael all the time, no one had a chance to talk to him and question what happened on that day, except for Varus. But Varus was someone who was a capable Higher Noble so he would never ask what shouldn't be asked. Mikhael once again paused. Drinking someone's blood directly from their bodies would let you feel their mood or intention when in close proximity until you ran out of that blood. It's what made Mikhael confused: he could see that this guy genuinely wanted to shelter him. Although there were some frustrations and mischief on the other side, he could feel that Ethan really wanted to protect him. In fact, Mikhael also knew that his own identity was suspicious, his presence in this city after Amelia came made him even more suspicious! Any other guy in power would have doubted Mikhael by now or tried to get rid of him, yet this person... Mikhael wasn't someone who could get threatened by oppression, but if someone was kind to him... He was truly at loss how to deal with them. But even so, Ethan's actions were really too suspicious for him to accept!    "I say, did you perhaps mistake me for someone else?" But more than suspect Ethan, Mikhael was more sensitive to other people's emotions. To live for eight centuries on a constant run, Mikhael had to be good at reading other people so he doesn't get caught. So he saw them. The emotions in Ethan's eyes as he looked at him sometimes.    'Indulgence. Love. Care.' Not emotions that a Pureblood vampire like Ethan should have towards someone he met for a single day.    'His reaction the first time we met.' Mikhael was even more sensitive to the killing intent. Ethan really wanted to kill him few days ago, but stopped because of Cera. After that... Various things happened and he suddenly changed his approach towards Mikhael.    'Those feelings are either fake ones meant to sway my mind after he found out that I'm special or he's mistaken me for someone else.'    "I don't think the two of us ever met until a week ago. Though I don't know how you came to know those things about me, it's not impossible for me to hide everything properly, so I guess it was due to my own negligence." But Mikhael could tell who Ethan took him for. The passionate kiss in the middle of nowhere, the disappointment when he found out that it was Mikhael whom he kissed in that corridor, his reaction when he found our about Mikhael's abilities and all that followed after...    'That legendary secret human lover of his. He was definitely a spell-caster.' Mikhael was even more certain the more he thought about it. If it was just another random vampire, Ethan might not mix the two of them. But Mikhael was a vampire who could use spells, so this guy probably hoped too much and tried to use that connection to mistake the two. Ethan didn't say anything and just continued to stare at Mikhael. It was impossible for Mikhael to figure out anything from that guy's gaze alone, but even though he knew that he might end up offending Ethan with those words, he still went ahead and said them. Because Mikhael would never allow himself to fall so low as to be someone else's replacement.    "Mikhael?" Ethan finally said something and it was his name that he called out to.    "Yes?" Mikhael's gaze was earnest and clear. There were no secrets he tried to hide as he simply responded to his name being called out. As Ethan carefully observed him, he was clearer on that more than he wanted to admit. Even earlier, when Mikhael said those words, Ethan could hear the honestly in his voice. His eyes darkened, yet before he could say another word, the two were interrupted with a knock on the doors.    "My Lord, this servant has important matter to report." The person outside spoke breaking the heavy silence between Mikhael and Ethan. Ethan only frowned before eventually bringing his wrist closer to Mikhael again. The later only blinked in confusion before he realized that Ethan wanted him to drink more since he didn't get enough of it.    "..." Whatever. Mikhael felt that he had said enough. Even if the other person wanted to continue to take him for someone else, at least he should be aware now that Mikhael was conscious of his idea and would never fall for it.    'He should get bored of it eventually.' Mikhael really couldn't refuse Ethan who was offering his blood for free, so he only silently lamented his bad luck and began to drink once again. Being a vampire was so pitiful...    "What is it?" He asked before returning his gaze on the boy beneath him. Those round red eyes that stared at him in defiance were as same as always. Ethan was confused, not only because of the different face Mikhael had, but also because the color of his eyes when he didn't use red ones was different. Mikhael of the past had peach colored, almost translucent eyes that brimmed with vitality and life as he took every single detail around him and reflected it in his earnest gaze. But Mikhael in front of him had blue eyes devoid of life, who openly greeted death and merely looked around him as if waiting for scenery to pass by. Ethan was the most conscious of Mikhael's eyes. He fell for him after he fell for those eyes, after all. But even so, some things didn't change. It just that it took Ethan longer to find them. But the words Mikhael spoke just now made him sick to his very bones. A terrifying though he didn't want to acknowledge nor accept became clearer in his mind the more he observed Mikhael who became more and more indifferent towards him instead. It's like something dark and twisted that's been locked inside of him for a long time slowly began to stir awake. At times it would give suggestions, at others it would make his body act. Even Ethan himself couldn't predict where his thoughts would wander off to next. And those lips smeared with red... Unable to restrain from it, he slowly lowered his head before pressing his lips on Mikhael's forehead, not interrupting his feeding. But Mikhael finally couldn't continue to drink his blood this way and once again pulled away. That left Ethan an opening as he lowered his head to kiss his lips instead. His other hand still gripping Mikhael's hair only curled tighter as he licked his own blood from the boy's lips. Vampires avoided tasting their own blood for it was disgusting to their taste buds. It tasted like rot, yet Ethan felt nothing as he entrapped the boy's lips with his own, slowly undoing his clothes. He didn't want to part. He didn't, but..    "Tonight, you'll serve me," with a mysterious smile, he stood up and went towards the doors. He paused for a slight moment before walking out, there was a hint of excitement and anticipation lurking in those red eyes of his. Mikhael really might have forgotten about him. Ethan didn't want to accept it, but the thought of him getting the wrong person was even less acceptable. He wasn't someone who would delude himself nor was he unreasonable when it came to matters like this. Since he came to like someone in the past, he definitely wouldn't search for him in someone else. If Ethan really wanted to do so, he wouldn't have waited for twenty years. So he was certain that he got the right person and that his feelings were true. After all, he long thought of the boy to be his most precious treasure. He couldn't even watch Mikhael frown, forget about hurting him. Perhaps, when he attacked him and hesitated, it wasn't because he had grown soft. It might be because his instincts recognized Mikhael whom his consciousness didn't, so they refused to hurt him further, instead. Ethan wasn't so soft to stop because Cera was there, he just deluded himself with that idea. His gaze turned complicated before he eventually let out a sigh and left Mikhael's room. Yet Mikhael, whom was too stunned to to move from his spot, failed to see that expression.    "What is it, Varus?" He asked once he was out. Rarely does something important happen that requires his attention, so Higher Nobles usually didn't burden him much with work. Being a Pureblood in charge of Eden wasn't as complicated as everyone thought. It's mostly his very own existence that keeps things in check, while most things get solved by Higher Nobles. Ethan only needs to read the reports and check them out in the end, but that's about all. His men could deal with everything on their own, so he only needs to enjoy his leisure time.    "To answer Your Highness, it seems like You have another... special guest."    "Guest?" Seems like all kinds of birds flock to this city as of lately.    "Yes, Your Highness. It is your Second Royal brother, he's waiting for you inside the city."    "City? Why didn't he come here?" Ethan can't say that he liked his Second brother much, but he didn't dislike him either. It's just that that guy... Really made people want to beat him and never brought anything good with him whenever he appeared somewhere. All Purebloods had a headache when they thought about him.    "..."    "That, he seems to be busy," Varus' complexion was quite the sight to behold. Even he didn't want to associate with that person, especially after receiving the report.    "Busy with what?" What can possibly be more important that his own brother to the point where he'd send someone to fetch Ethan instead of coming here?    "..."    "From what I've heard, he's busy with that female Immortal Hunter from before."    'Huh?' It can't be that he decided to pester that Immortal Human? Ethan could understand it a bit, that woman's blood was rather attractive. But even so, provoking Hunters...    "Prepare the car, I'll be on my way," Ethan gave an order before his figure disappeared. He had to prevent his brother from making a mess, that useless Casanova! At the same time, Mikhael who's been frozen for solid five minutes finally broke into a cold sweat. What was that? First he gets bitten, then kissed and now he's been ordered to get f****d? No, no, no, no! Now, Mikhael was far from being a virgin. s*x, although he often found to be a bother since he preferred to sleep, wasn't that big of a deal to him either! Eight hundred years, ah! He can't remain a pure innocent boy forever!!! The problem is the evildoer who wanted to do it with him! Mikhael was no naive kid who'll be screaming in joy because of the opportunity to get laid with one of the most powerful beings in existence. Someone else would be elated, but Mikhael knew more! First of all, Mikhael is a Half-blood. A very old and powerful Half-blood. Though his identity is hidden, Ethan has already gotten addicted to his blood — it naturally doesn't occur that often, but there's still a possibility of it happening. After all, Mikhael could joke about Ethan being hardcore, but to completely ignore his body stench, there's only one reason. Mikhael's blood odor was much more attractive to Ethan who could not even notice the stench of his rotten body. Blood addiction. Inability to enjoy blood other than a single one that completely got you hooked on. It happened often, but it usually happened to people who had Blood Contact! Still, Mikhael didn't rule out that possibility. Isn't he the oldest Half-blood? There was none before him, but didn't he eventually appear? So, 'impossible' just doesn't exist in Mikhael's dictionary. So once Ethan had a taste of s*x and Mikhael's blood mixed together, he is certain to want more! And let's face it, a dominant Pureblood vampire who has lived for two millenniums and a little vampire who came out of nowhere, whose ass will have to bear the brunt of this misfortune!? Mikhael's! Of course!! And who's going to lose his sleep? Mikhael! Of course!! He wouldn't have a problem with being the bottom in this relationship, it wouldn't be his first time, but even so — Ethan didn't look like someone who'd be careful and go all lovey-dovey with him! Hell, he already stated his intentions despite Mikhael telling him that he's aware of being mistaken for someone else!!! And Mikhael who didn't have any relationships in years to suddenly be thrown to this immortal beast that didn't know what sleep was...    "..." The thought was so scary that it sent shivers down his spine. So, he had to run! Although he was dazed for a while after Ethan left, he still heard what those two were talking about (perks of having enchanted hearing), and saw a ray of hope in this mess. Yet misfortune at the same time! If that guy makes trouble with Amelia, there'll be a fight — he knew her nature all too well. Although her man was a Casanova, Amelia was loyal but hated other men like her husband the most!! So when she sees that Pureblood, she'll definitely start a fight! And if there's a fight, Ethan will have to join and try to pacify the situation. And if he does that, he won't have time to cause trouble for Mikhael! So Mikhael would have room to do what? Naturally, f*****g escape from this city and live alone on an isolated island! Those are the pros of this situation. Cons is that Mikhael will have an even harder time breaking through the barrier with two Purebloods in the town.    "..." So, he might have to stay here for a while until he properly checks the situation.    "But no way in hell am I staying with this bipolar psychopath!" Without a single bit of hesitation, he ripped off the UV tube from his arm and just like that, wearing only shorts, he jumped out of the window. He doesn't even know when Ethan got rid of his shirt, which only made him more afraid.    'Bloody Hell, running away was the right choice!' Surprisingly, not even a single guard was around to intercept him. In a castle supposedly protected by countless Noble vampires, they sure didn't notice him running away. In his head, Mikhael already started mocking them. He was also quite exhausted after all that happened and hasn't recovered properly, so his mind was overloaded to the point where he couldn't see the bigger picture. If not, his instincts as a Hunter would've surely warned him that something wasn't right... It didn't take Mikhael long to escape from the castle grounds. It normally took a while to reach it from the city because the main road coiled like a huge snake around the mountain top where the castle was located, and it was impossible to go through a shortcut for ordinary creatures. Forest around it was filled with countless monsters, but for Mikhael who has had his fill of Ethan's blood, they posed no danger at all, so he moved unhindered in a straight line. Not to mention... Those monsters all felt his aura and willingly retracted. He was like a fish freely swimming in the sea. With no unnecessary turns, it was quite easy to escape to the city in no time. As he drew closer to the streets, he noticed the noise and bustle coming from there and frowned. Was there some festival tonight or something? Good, that would make it even better to blend in and hide!    "Now, all I need to do is to keep a low profile until things settle down. Although the W.E.R.P. and Ethan might send people to search for me, but as a spell-caster, I can easily change my appearance and hide," Mikhael would ram his head in a wall to try and commit suicide if he failed to do something as simple as hide his identity! Shrugging the problem off, he headed towards the city when he suddenly shivered, the air around him seemed to drop down to an incredible degree. He naturally had no way to know that the cold didn't come from wind, but from a dangerous glare sending daggers his way.    "f**k, isn't it summer now? What's with this city?!" Mikhael then glanced at his own body, and only now realized that he's been almost naked all this time. Thinking about it, when he was pushed down on the bed, Ethan probably noticed his body so he decided to do him tonight! How detestable!!! Mikhael was, unlike Ethan, quite narcissistic when it came down to his own body. He wasn't ignorant of his face and body that helped him cause storms all over the world and get away from them just because he had superior beauty.    "That guy... I can't have charmed him because I look like this, right?" It was possible.    "..." Really, really possible. He casually reached out with his hand and pulled the clothes out of the void and grunted about the weather —yet unbeknownst to him, eyes of a figure hiding not to far in the darkness suddenly turned serious. Void. Ability of older vampires. Ethan raised his eyebrow.    'Sure enough...' Seems like he seriously underestimated this little fellow. For how many centuries did he manage to slip through his fingers? Thinking of that time when he said he's an eighty years old man while posing as a human... Ethan's fingers dangerously itched. He almost gave up on his idea to follow and observe Mikhael in secret just so that he could properly spank him. Sure enough, once that vicious little fox opens his mouth, not a single thing he says can be trusted!! At the same time... Varus frowned as he looked at the car in front of him. He found it a bit odd that his Lord asked for a vehicle when they needed to hurry the trip down the city — but he didn't bother pondering on that question since he just needed to obey the order. Yet now that he searched through the entire castle and failed to see a single trace of a certain Lord...   "Lord obviously left already." He left, but... What the hell does he do with this car now?    THE MOON tonight was not pleasant at all. Eden wasn't a peaceful city at all. There are many factions fighting for supremacy here. Although it seemed like the Sixth Pureblood created it while Higher Nobles and W.E.R.P. managed its order, many were actually looking for a perfect opportunity to subdue each other and reign over them. They weren't the only ones. Many factions formed from vampires who were unwilling to remain detained here, or those who sought asylum, those who lived normal lives here and even humans who sought opportunities and chose to stay here... So many people were vying for the top, yet no one made a move. The moment they did, others will have to follow in order to not fall behind, and it would eventually escalate into an all-out war. Which is why no one acted, but searched for a decent reason to frame others, aiming to weaken their power and influence until swallowing them silently became possible. A Pureblood isn't someone they could touch with their powers alone, so whoever dared to act had to chose another target. A man in white stood on the roof of a building, sighing as he turned to greet ten vampires holding big suitcases each. The full moon shining on his back made him look lonely, yet that loneliness didn't incur pity from others. It was instead loneliness that incurred reverence, he was someone who was bound to stand above everyone else. In his hand was a single golden coin as he flipped it around with ease as his red eyes reflected the full moon. But the beautiful white moon appeared bloody and full of evil once trapped in his eyes.    "The Second came to this city, it looks like we won't be able to mess around as carelessly as we intended to." He spoke to no one in particular. But one of the men still dared to step out and answer.    "Then, do we stop? But we already turned so many, so..."    "Why should I stop?" The guy turned his head to look at him, but his gaze made the other party unable to say anything in turn. He was well aware that he would die if he did so. The man turned to those coffins instead, pretending like nothing ever happened.    "Such a big haul this time, quite troublesome," he mused, "But a deal is still a deal. A diluted drop of Pureblood for each living merchandise." If someone heard his offer, they'd call him a madman. Nothing in this world is as worth as drop of blood from a Pureblood, even if it's a diluted one    "They flocked together, we lost twenty two of them. The little bastards sure were resilient, going as far as to die to take us down with them. Those were the weaker or who were injured and we managed to catch them, but they still count as living, so..." another vampire said before signalling others and they all opened the suitcases before the man in white. Surprisingly, each of them had a little child cramped inside, a single talisman on their foreheads. They were incapable of moving, yet their big eyes held rage and wrath that could swallow the world itself as they stared at the men around them. The man in white smiled, his eyes were like two blocks of unmelting ice, no one could read his thoughts.    "They are more than perfect," and if one took a better look at those children, they'd notice that they all had a similar trait besides their endless wrath and thirst for blood. They all had white hair and red eyes. Vampires. All those kids were taboos to night-walkers and rarely seen alive in the world, yet here were ten or so gathered together, alive and breathing. The man in white threw a bottle with red blood to the leader of those vampires. Only he himself knew what kind of disaster is going to befall this city starting from this night onward.    "Now, let's see how you'll protect this city this time. Before Eden becomes another New York, I sure hope that you'll entertain me properly... Sixth brother."
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