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cHAptEr 04: shErbEt  [AbOminAtiOn mAdE bY hUntErs]    "SO, YOU'RE saying that you heat the stove..."    "Yes."    "You just put the sugar in the pot."    "Yes."    "Wait until it becomes liquid and brown."    "Yes."    "Add water."    "Sure."    "And wait till it starts to boil."    "Yes."    "Then add a single blood pill?"    "Uh-huh."    "And that's it?"    "If you really want, you can just use milk instead of water, but I don't know how it's going to taste with a blood pill."    "..."    "That really is everything!"    "That's how you made this oddly satisfying drink that is some kind of a... Brown sugar tea?"    "Yes, that's how you make sherbet."    "What the hell is this sorcery?!" To sum it all up, after he defeated that guy, Mikhael went to the kitchen to prepare some food for Cera. So far, he hasn't really been thirsting for blood so he guessed that he was still fine —escaping shouldn't be too troublesome. Mikhael used to have a decent collection of vampire blood in the past, but most of it was wasted in the past twenty years. And because he was hiding after an incident in the past, he couldn't go around hunting vampires. On top of that, because the world knew about the existence of night-walkers and W.E.R.P. started their patrols everywhere, it became difficult for Mikhael to move around and hunt for prey. Vampires were also brought to Edens, and all would get a nice ransom if they reported a strange vampire that had no [Blessing]... And if that couldn't get any worse, he even offended Vatican and had its entire force sent after him. As for how he offended them... Provoking them for 400 years, stealing every single precious artifact they had, meddling with their Pope selection, walking on their grounds unperturbed, stole their Holly Scripture and finally raised a Pope that ruined over two thousand years long tradition and took away their only weapon Purebloods feared! And that's not even the tip of an iceberg! Not to mention... He wasn't really willing to drink blood in his current state. It would mess up his plans for the future. But he also didn't want to be trapped by a Pureblood and forced to do something he doesn't like...    'What a difficult choice to make, really.' However, after seeing the way they treated him here, he became reluctant to part with his nice room. He still had to see what job would be assigned to him before making a further decision, though. He wasn't sure what currency they used here in Eden, but Mikhael had a decent room and fresh ingredients in this place for free so he was fine. Now... It's not that he's poor. Really, Mikhael had everything from the blood of Higher Nobles to mana crystals, authentic gold from before third millennium, rare ores, valuable spells and even money. But he was stingy. Very. Very. Stingy! That he picked a bench in a shabby park where a vampire attacked human instead of a decent hotel said a lot about that problem. Mikhael was the type of a person who would, once faced with a problem, focus on how to get rid of it and forget all about the consequences. Yesterday, he only thought about how to obtain blood and run away, but after he had a — or didn't have — proper sleep, he realized that the him right now couldn't drink blood! And... Even if he could drink it, he could just go out and buy it — why should he even listen to Ethan!? It is a vampire city, they f*****g gotta have at least one blood bank — probably legal — to buy real blood. He never bothered to seek informants in Eden since W.E.R.P.'s surveillance is nothing to scoff at, and vampires are all snitches unless they work for a Pureblood! But this city should be similar to the City of Evernight which once used to be home of all vampires. It was a magnificent city where vampires could obtain everything they wants without a problem — but unfortunately, it was lost during the Great War. But anyway, Eden, with the way it is now — would sooner or later become Mikhael's playground once he properly researched this place. At that time, forget about making a hole in that barrier to escape from here, he could easily run around in circles and never be caught. All those years as a Half-blood pretending to be an ordinary vampire pretending to be a vampire Hunter weren't in vain! He could even cheat Vatican that he's their Pope, what is there that he can't do once he's set his eyes on a target!? Hiding his identity and getting lost inside the crowd was his innate skill, OK!? But, while wondering how to continue to act like a vampire while avoiding blood — since he couldn't drink human blood any longer — Mikhael remembered the weird pills they gave to him. And then he remembered the children he protected outside. He had witnessed those wretched moments when Children if Night — as they called them — would go on a rampage and kill someone just because they were driven by their thirst. Young and newly-turned are weak when it comes to resisting their thirst. Not to mention, their blood was too wild and untamed, so they had even harder time holding back. But then, as they saw their hands soaked in blood and start regretting what they've done, they'd ask to be killed in turn because they couldn't live with that burden. So, Mikhael decided to see for himself just what kind of a miracle those pills are. Glad that he finally escaped from that annoyance of a Pureblood and eating peacefully with the human child, Cera, who would compliment his food with every bite she took and then over-exaggerate about how good it was — Mikhael made himself a simple drink with those pills. Instructions said that they were best when put in water and then drunk together like blood — but Mikhael firmly believes that they were made that way just because some vampires would be too ashamed to drink pills like patients. They had their stupid pride. So Mikhael decided to simply ignore those instructions and decided to make it his way. Since he wasn't really a fan of blood, so... Now don't get him wrong, all vampires love blood! While they thirsted for it, it would appear to taste like honey or their favorite food, but after they had their fill and no longer had the need to keep feeding — it would become the same metallic taste like it appears to humans. And Mikhael always had a strict diet when it came to blood in order to never again drink liquid metal. But as of lately, his situation was complicated and messy and he only fed on Pureblood's blood he obtained long time ago. But his feeding sessions were so rare that he led his life more like a hibernating bear now... Thus, he didn't want to test his luck and drink metal water. But since those rich bastards only had famous and expensive tea Mikhael might be asked to pay compensation for, he resorted to sherbet. A nice and warm sugar tea that gave off the smell of caramel — it was also sweet and warmed your throat. Not to mention that it was basically a tea made for people who had no money or didn't want to spend it — like Mikhael. As he watched the pill dissolve into his sugar tea giving it an alluring red color, Mikhael licked his lips before taking a sip and contently sighed. But! Just as he made another one for Cera — without the pill, of course — that rich mosquito decided that it would be f*****g alright to just casually appear in front of him once again! And to mercilessly snatch his drink before sitting on the same sofa Mikhael previously occupied and then proceeded to drink it like it was originally made for him!! Then be f*****g amazed by its taste and demand to know how he made it and now that Mikhael explained the entire process to him, Ethan basically called him a sorcerer. Which, in a sense, he had some connections to, but still—    "It's the culinary, not sorcery!" Well, after spending your time with old grandmas whom you saved on your missions that would later give you a secret recipe or two — and whole ton of gossips about people you aren't even sure were actually born — proved to be of some use. And trust Mikhael, Eastern European grandmas are the blast. They knew everything and he repeats, EVERYTHING! They could even miraculously track your bloodline to see if you're related to someone from another country! Hell, just casually mentioning a country leader they heard about for the first time, they'll tell you his entire history and dirty secrets even government spies won't know! No joke. He can swear an oath that he really met some who said those things!    "Impossible! Do it before my eyes, I want to see it!"    "..." Can he kill this guy now?    "No way, I need to sleep," protesting, Mikhael was about to go back to his room and call it a day. It was just a single sip, but Mikhael felt as if he had drank the entire body's worth of blood. Although, he didn't feel the familiar strength in his body. Those really only worked to sate their thirst.    "I say, is this really enough? I won't turn into a mummy if I live on those pills alone for the next year?" But it was too good to be true. Mikhael lived for eight centuries, and there were many vampires much older than him. In all those years, there was never a way to control their thirst. But now, just after the Great War between vampires and humans ended, those pills appeared!? It was too convenient.    "You can use them up to five years. But you'll need some real blood after that if you want to continue using them. They lose their effect if your body gets used to them," Ethan replied. Vampire body was such a weird thing. They can't live without blood, even with something like this.    "By the way, who is making those pills?"If they were a real deal with no side effects, he can casually smuggle them outside the barrier, but he needed to properly investigate them if he planned to leak those pills to Children of Night.    "..." Ethan narrowed his eyes — isn't this little one too curious?    "We have a few companies," it was true, every Pureblood invested in those pills seeing as they were one way of averting vampire's attention from humans and was perfect for their plan. But even so, he's yet to see a vampire so willingly abandon blood and accept those pills like Mikhael. There would usually be some side effects like throwing up for the first few times, but this little vampire was fine... Even though those effects appear with the newlings the most.    "Oh, are they really safe? I mean, they do sound too good to be true?" he mentioned as Ethan took another sip of bloodied sugar tea. The temperature was just perfect, almost as if he was drinking blood that just left a living body. The taste was a bit sweet, but it was completely overshadowed by the taste of blood and it's smell. He had to give that kid a credit, he created a great accomplishments. Sell! It would definitely sell!   "Of course it is! Do you think I would poison my brethren?" rolling his eyes, Ethan continued to sign the papers he brought along — planning the festival that was about to begin, as well as securing the transport and stay expenses for those vampire Hunters that should arrive in two days. He simply had no time to make a break. Vampires hated Hunters, but they needed to keep a good relationship with those bastards, so they couldn't really help it. Ethan especially didn't like those guys.    "Well then, whatever. I'm off to slee—" just as he was a single step from leaving the kitchen, Ethan spoke again interrupting him.    "You surprised me over there, I was sure that it would keep you occupied for the day and years after. But since you won and I have no damn idea under whose supervision to place you, you'll have to stick with me."    "f**k no!" He was fast to disagree.    "Unfortunately for you, you have no say in this matter so you'll go with me. Originally, Varus should be the one to watch over you, but I didn't expect you to be this capable, so I have already sent him away." With a sigh, Ethan threw those papers inside his own void.    "Like I said, just let me sleep. You can even lock me in my room to make sure I don't go wandering around!"    "No can do. You should get used to a life without sleep since you're a vampire now," Ethan sighed as he observed Mikhael. This boy really likes to sleep.    'How similar, the two of them.'    "Listen, buddy—" Ethan threw him a glare which made him correct himself, "I mean, Your Highness. If me causing a problem or not having supervision is what's been bothering you, then it's something that's already been dealt with. I assure you that I will spend the entire next week in my room, my bed, sleeping and dead silent without causing any problem."    'So you go receive those Hunters Varus talked about yesterday, and don't let them meet me!!!' A moment of silence passed as Ethan stopped with what was he doing before taking another sip of his drink.     "Nice try, but no. Vampires don't sleep and you will learn how to be a decent one. Besides, you need to see the city for yourself and I'm kind enough to tour you through this place, so grit your teeth and stop complaining."    "..." Why does this person insist on taking him along? How can Mikhael change his face and cause trouble in the city if he has this big tail following him around? Moreover, this Pureblood really looked unwilling to take Mikhael along, so why the heck was he insisting?    'He's an M. Other than being a moon-walking pervert, this guy was definitely a masochist!' He still didn't forget about that incident from the last night.    "No, I don't think—" he was about to protest again, but then he realized that it might not be such a bad idea, after all.    "Okay." Right, didn't he originally intend to learn the layout of this city and then cause trouble?    "Okay? What happened? You aren't really plotting to escape or something?" Furrowing his eyebrow at the suspicious behavior of his fellow brethren, Ethan rose from his chair and crossed the distance between the two in a flash.    "Flame?" Mikhael shivered from hear to toe hearing that low voice. It reminded him of the way this guy called out his name the last night, and for some reason — Mikhael found himself at loss.    "Wh- What? I need to know where to run off once you anger me, what if I get attacked like the last night for no apparent reason?" "..." That made Ethan go silent. He was really in the wrong this time.    "Let's go. And if I'm going to be staying here for a while, I'd better get used to this city."    "..."    "What?"    "Alright. But if you really dare to run away..." Ethan grabbed Mikhael's hood and pulled him towards himself, which resulted in Mikhael crashing into his chest instead, "I can't guarantee that I won't catch you in your room instead of the hall tonight."    "..." Mikhael immediately jumped away from him who only slyly smiled.    "It would be a loss on my end, but even so — at least I won't have to worry about you running away ever again," Shaking his head as if he really meant what he said, Ethan finished his drink. At the same time, a maid appeared and handed him a black coat. Mikhael only stayed glued to the wall opposite of him, trying to maintain the distance. The goosebumps on his skin didn't look like they would be going away on their own for a while. Ethan only draped the coat over his shoulders without wearing it properly, and put the red leather gloves on hands. Mikhael carefully eyed the minute movement of his, in case he changed his mind and grabbed him instead.    "You're going to follow obediently, or do I have to carry you?" He jumped in fright before eventually following after Ethan. He still maintained a distance on three feet, though.    'How scary! I must definitely change the lock to my room tonight! Stick a bunch of red spells on it while I'm there!'    "Let's go. We need to go to the blood bank first. Don't force me to make a move today."    "..." What could else Mikhael do but nod his head like a little chick. He really won't cause trouble, absolutely not... For now. Although he didn't believe a single word Mikhael said, Ethan realized that nothing dangerous could happen even if he let this kid run around for a while. It's just a newling, so—    'No, wait!' Ethan was so overwhelmed with work that he had no time to properly investigate this kid, but once he recalled the incident with the blood pill, his mind cleared up. This fellow... Might actually be older than they originally thought. In the first place, there aren't many new vampires born in the last 700 years, so they were mostly recorded down somewhere. But this guy, if he wasn't older than that, the he...    'Should be turned around the time of the Great War. As the most other unregistered ones.' But that would mean twenty years old, at least. Still, there was a great hunt on vampires to lock them down in Edens following the end of that war, could a newling really avoid all those W.E.R.P. agents by himself without a prior experience? As if stuck by great revelation, Ethan immediately stopped in his track before turning back to Mikhael.    "Who was it that turned you?" His voice was plain, devoid of any intent or emotion. It almost sounded like a king of Hell addressed him.    'Or, is he from that place?'    "Why are you so curious? We're just going for a walk, not a date!" Mikhael was on guard. Did this guy suspect something? How was his cover blown!?    'Where did I make a mistake?'    "Just answer!" Mikhael flinched at his cold tone, his instincts telling him to run. But he didn't naively believe that he could outrun a Pureblood in his weakened state, so he could only give this guy a satisfying answer.    "I don't know! I don't remember!" A lie. Half-bloods aren't made. They are born human, and at their death-bed — they turn into a vampire.    "How old were you when you were turned?"    "Twenty-one!" Legal age to create mess and move unperturbed around the world. Another lie, though — it left his lips as naturally as flowing water. Ethan sighed, but stopped asking further.    'What did I even expect to hear. No way in hell would he still be alive after that incident. But this guy...'    "I've thought about it. You can drink blood." Mikhael's eyes widened.    "Didn't you just say that I shouldn't?" This time, he really took a step back, but before he could start running — Ethan who followed his every move intersected his way and pushed him to the wall. At the same time, he grabbed Mikhael's jaw and lifted him above the ground while his eyes looked at the juvenile like he was no different than a corpse.    "Or you can't?"    "You!" He had no choice. This person was really trying to kill him! Mikhael tried to maneuver his body and hit Ethan, but just like the last time, the later once again predicted his move — only, what he got in this time was a broken knee as the Pureblood casually broke his bones with the other hand.    'It hurts!' But even so, Mikhael didn't even let a sound escape his lips. He had no time to cry. Instead, he used the opportunity where Ethan's hand was still occupied with holding his ruined hand to attack with his own arms instead.    "How sly," Ethan finally released Mikhael's jaw, but grabbed his throat instead — slamming him to the ground instead.    'I hesitated.' In that moment, Ethan clearly had enough time to let go of that leg and break his arms next, but he hesitated.    'Sure enough, his existence is bothering me.'    "How weak for a vampire. I would've confused you for a mortal, if not for your blood."    'So... I must get rid of him. Get rid of him before he becomes an annoyance.' Mikhael couldn't answer as his throat was being crushed. At the same time when he intended to go all out, his sight blurred as his consciousness began to fade. He was weaker than he originally though. Although he couldn't die, but was there really no other choice than to let this person find out his true identity?    "You also can't drink human blood, isn't that so? Of course you can't, you abomination made by Hunters, a fake..." He could no longer remain conscious. Though he couldn't understand Ethan's words nor even try to comprehend how he came up with that conclusion, he could no longer bother with this guy. The last thing he remembered before he blacked out was someone screaming in the distance, a somewhat nostalgic cry he heard somewhere long time ago...    WHEN HE opened his eyes again, Mikhael could feel that he was moving with great speed. Looking around, he saw the scenery of forest through the window, with blue lights flickering by. Was he dead?    "Will-o'-the-wisps, faerie that guides the way for the dead." He heard someone speak and nodded, so he really was dead— He sharply turned around to see the one who spoke. Ethan observed him right across his seat. Mikhael blinked and then looked around even more. This looks like the car he rode in yesterday. But this guy definitely wasn't dead, Mikhael couldn't kill him even when he was conscious, forget about when he was unconscious. So, what actually happened? Ethan moved his hand around and one of those blue flames appeared in it in the next moment.    "They also live at the outskirts of the forests, and like to confuse passengers. They're really friendly with us vampires, so they'll help out if you need them," Ethan explained, but before he could say anything else, the little blue flame inside the black lantern immediately extinguished itself and disappeared.    "..."    "..."    "I did nothing." Mikhael immediately raised his hands in defeat, but then immediately coughed. His hand reached for his throat, but it only made it hurt more when he touched the bruise, so he hissed and let go of it. he glanced at his leg, but it seemed to be more or less fine.    'The bone healed. My body used the bare minimum of regenerative ability to fix me...' He could move it and exert pressure on it, but he probably shouldn't be able to run.    "It might've had some important business," Ethan sighed, "Sure enough, you don't even heal properly. A fake is a fake no matter how you look at it... But how did you survive for so long?" he frowned. Their normal lifespan was about few months, at most. Was he influenced by his own blood, then? Ethan did go all out when he destroyed that place, and got wounded quite a lot. His blood smeared the ground quite a bit, so a fake one could easily obtain it and feed on it.    "Whatever. I have enough time to study you." He only let this thing live because Cera stopped him, anyway. If not for her... Anything that had to do with that place which took away his beloved shouldn't be allowed to exist in this world. Mikhael had no idea what nonsense was this guy sprouting again, but he was about to break out in cold sweat at any given moment if Ethan continued to press him for answers regarding the fairy. Because it really was afraid of Mikhael! He had some bad blood with those things! The entire forest around the castle was most definitely magical and Mikhael didn't even want to know what kind of creatures lived in there. Those lanterns, aside from providing light, should also serve as protective charms to scare those beasts away. As of what kind of monsters lived in there... Those would probably be failed experiments to turn beasts into vampires or failed summoning of familiars. Nasty kind to deal with, Mikhael's personally the least favorite. Or some other faerie or spectre. Those of the other side liked vampires and hated humans. The ride was silent after that and other than Ethan trying to dissect Mikhael with his gaze alone,nothing else happened. His urge to escape only grew stronger, but.. Boy, Mikhael had no idea on what drugs the architects and city designers were because. Eden. Had. No. f*****g. Sense. Of. Directions!!!    'What the f**k is with the outline of this city?' There wasn't even something that you could call the main street! Not even the logical pattern those streets followed after!! It was just some random nonsense Mikhael wouldn't last in even for a minute before ending on Alps or something, yet for some inexplicable reason whatsoever — Ethan knew this place like the back of his pocket! Sure, he's probably been living there for years and all — but literally every single corner of this place looked the same! Like some kind of a maze made of buildings! Although Mikhael didn't know what was wrong with this guy that kissed him in one, and tried to kill him in other moment — the later didn't say a word after he left the car and just walked towards the Blood Bank. Mikhael didn't want to test his luck, so he obediently followed behind, also unwilling to talk since his throat was hoarse. He just added schizophrenia to the list of Ethan's illnesses. But when he saw the Blood Bank... he really wanted to curse.    'Could those bastards have been more obvious?' The red building was the tallest on in the entire area, with over twenty floors — according to his observation. After hundred steps at the entrance stood a majestic golden gate while they had a security guard on every fifth step. There were also no windows in the entire building.    "..."    'They aren't keeping a Pureblood locked in there instead of blood, are they?' He really has to run away from this place! As for where would someone like him that got fired and chased by vampires and W.E.R.P. internationally go... Well, he should probably go and live with monks. Probably those on East, those monks still managed to remain in business by selling talismans. They were all good spell-casters with low — cough, clean morals... Ah, they call themselves Taoist Priests, though.    "You wait for me here."    "..." Ethan simply left Mikhael alone and passed through the gate, without bothering to look behind of add another threat. But it only made Mikhael more terrified, despite it appearing as if he had more trust in him now. After all, someone that threatened to get laid with him was far less dangerous that someone who tried to kill him. Unfortunately, Mikhael didn't even have a single minute of peace as he heard a nearby scream.    "..." Surely not? He lanced at those guards around the Blood Bank, but none of them seemed to have noticed. Or they did but didn't care. Rubbing the tip of his nose in frustration, he turned to look in another direction and ignore that voice, when he happened to see a weird person on top of an similarly weird green building.    "!!!" He switched his sight to the red eyes and as he looked at that person even more carefully...    'What the hell? Aren't those black robes of the Hunters HQ?' He glanced at the guard again.    "Excuse me, but... You have a Hunter over there," he pointed at the building, and some guards glanced in that direction, but then resumed their previous post. They were here just to protect the Blood Bank, anything else wasn't of their concern. There are other guards that would deal with that Hunter.    "..." So f*****g useless!!    "Fine, you stay there. I'll go and see what's going on over there." Since he regained consciousness, he speed up his regeneration and fixed his knee and throat a bit.    "So useless..." He didn't know if those words were intended for those guards, or his own determination to stop meddling in other people's business.
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