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CHaPtEr 5: AmEliA  [tHE sEcOnd immOrtAL sEAt] MOST OF vampire hunters chose their profession because their entire families — or someone they cared for — have been murdered by those blood suckers. Rykee — a twenty nine years old Hunter — was no different; he had looked with his own eyes as his entire family, including his dearest older sister — got slain by one of those monsters. He didn't necessarily hate them before that. He, just like his sister, used to believe that they could manage to coexist with those guys and live a happily ever after. Unfortunately, the real world wasn't a fairytale — happy endings weren't possible in the period where humanity and vampires almost fought to the point of extinction. Vampires were unpredictable. They were merciless. Once they saw blood, they forgot about even the most basic communication. His family used to live in a secluded part next to a run-down church near the outskirts of Yalta. In that church were many orphans and war victims, the nuns also accepted everyone regardless of their past — and one of many they sheltered just so happens to be a vampire. Originally, that person was silent and smiled kindly at them for the first few days, never showing signs of aggression or violence. His red eyes were kind, so nobody was afraid of him. Rykee even shared his food with that guy and thought that vampires were nice. And then one night, without a single warning, the man attacked and killed everyone in that street. All but him who managed to survive thanks to an odd masked person in black passing by that got there just in the nick of time and saved him. He would never forget the words that person told him: Look clearly who you real enemy is. The man's words were harsh, but they made Rykee feel warmth and strength to stand up on his own. He was later picked by other Hunters and told that the man who saved him was also on their side, and perhaps — if he proved his worth, he might have a chance see that person once again. Unfortunately, he never did. He was still weak, like the man said. But at the same time, he grew strong enough to protect his teammates. Ever since that day when he learned of the true nature of vampires, he's been aiming to kill them. It wasn't indiscriminately murder he committed, he knew better. With his twenty nine years of life, he met many people that showed him a bigger picture. Especially the Esteemed Seats, those who stood at the very top of Hunters HQ. As well as the person they were protecting... Or not. They were more like an extra luggage for her. That person could face off against a Pureblood on her own, so she really had no use of them. But they joined her on this trip for experience, and listening to her talk about vampires and humans, Rykee felt like there might be some hope. Despite not trusting those fuckers, he still knew when to respect them. But kids... Vampire brats were something he couldn't let run rampant. Even in Eden, there were humans that chose to live there as blood donors and similar, and those kids presented danger to them. Children of Night. The girl on the other side of his gun was a perfect example. She looked at him with wide eyes, terrified as she realized that her life is about to end — but just a second ago, she tried to murder him without remorse. It was his luck that he had two more teammates by his side and two other backing the trio up, so he was able to react in time. As for their Esteemed Seat... They lost sight of her once they entered this city. It was a bit shameful to admit, though. And then this girl simply lunged at him out of nowhere and bared her fangs despite him not having done a single thing to make her attack or something, and now she was about to pay the consequences for her actions.    "Please..." she began, he almost chuckled at how innocent did she look with those golden locks and red eyes. He knew better, that kid would kill without hesitation when driven by hunger.    "Sorry, little girly," he said removing the safety, "But you were a bad girl and Santa doesn't listen to wishes of those like you." Well, he didn't have to worry about problems and regulations for killing her in this city. Seeing as she is the one to attack first, he was safe to go—    "Goodbye, vampire." It all happened so fast that neither Rykee nor any of his companions had time to react until it was too late. In one second, his finger was about to pull the trigger while in the next one he found himself laying on the ground, his wrist almost broken. The two by his side immediately took out their weapons and aimed at the new threat that now stood three feet away from Rykee, holding the little girl under his arms.    "Ops, that was dangerous, almost burned myself," Mikhael shook his hand. He almost touched that gun, how close. It was really difficult to knock out someone's weapon without actually touching it. Mikhael knew that he shouldn't have meddled in other people's business, but he really had a weak spot for vampire children. Not to mention, there's no way Eden would let in thw Children of Night. Vampires also didn't like them much, so this one must be a naturally born little vampire. Killing one like that would've really brought trouble for those Hunters since vampires are really protective of their young ones. If only one was born every twenty years, they can be considered to have won a lottery! And from the looks of this one... She should be really, really young. They could easily be mistaken for Children of Night, but the difference was that those grew while Children of Night were stuck in their undeveloped bodies forever. But even so, a little vampire like this kid just instinctively chased a human, since it was probably her first time to find one.    "Did you get lost?" What useless parents did she have? Those guards were also useless. All vampires in this city were f*****g useless!    "That's some odd confidence you've got there, mister Hunter. But just why do you think you can do whatever you want in this city or point your dangerous gun at whomever you like?" Mikhael's hands weren't strong enough to tightly hold onto someone, and they were even less clean. He wasn't a saint that would sacrifice himself to save others, the amount of blood he shed was enough to condemn him to hell hundred times over, but... If there was someone asking for help in front of his eyes, willing to take his tainted hand — he could try just a bit harder and pull them up. Because he was able to do just that much, if nothing else.    "You're also holding onto something dangerous as well, vampire," Rykee spat on the ground before picking up his gun from the ground. After dusting it off, he pointed it at Mikhael, but carefully observed his every move.    'This person is dangerous.' All those vampires he faced before couldn't compare to the dangerous vibe this guy's glare emitted.    "I was just about to clean up the garbage from this street, I do not see it as making a bigger mess than you already have," the little girl clutched Mikhael's jacket rightly. Mikhael didn't mind her actions, but if he were to fight, she had to let him go or they'll both be in trouble. He haven't feed in a while — and those two snipers, the guy ten feet from him who was probably carrying a cold weapon or two and that girl that pointed her own guns would be too much even for him to deal with, in his current state... Unless he fed on blood. But if he did that, then this place would turn into a m******e. Mikhael, whose identity couldn't be hidden wouldn't just stay and let others catch him. He'd fight and aim to bury this city together with him if he really couldn't run away. At least the snipers haven't realized that he had noticed them. "Who knows. Attacking one of the children just recently born in the entire city might actually start another Great War, you know. Vampires do get pretty angry when someone touches their young ones," Mikhael threw back.    "Born?" Rykee frowned and glanced at that girl again. Did he make a mistake? There's a lot he doesn't know about Eden, but the matter regarding Children of Night has always been a grey zone for vampires. To them, Children of Night really posed no threat, but because of humans — they had to deal with them. But because Children of Night could easily expose them, vampires also hated them. Yet now that they revealed their existence to the outside world... Who knows what will happen.    "Are you trying to scare me or stall for time?" Mikhael clicked his tongue. Where the f**k was that that Pureblood when one needed him? Surely, he won't let this child suffer harm, and would protect her? Even if he disliked Mikhael, he shouldn't dislike this little one as well.    "Do you realize who we are, vampire?" Ah, Mikhael really hated this kind of cliche question. So he simply shifted the little girl in a more comfortable position, and in next moment appeared behind Rykee, with a knife under his neck he for from who knows where.    "And do you realize WHERE we are, Hunter?" The vampire city. Even if this guy was a famous vampire Hunter, he was surrounded by hundreds of vampires at the moment.    "Was that supposed to sound threatening? This people need me here, they cannot afford to go against me," Rykee replied before licking his lips, "Isn't that so, your majesty?" Blinking twice before turning his head behind, Mikhael loudly inhaled when he noticed Ethan standing behind him, a dark look in his eyes. When the f**k did he get there? Why was Mikhael unable to perceive his presence up to that moment? Is it because of the wounds he received earlier, so he was still sluggish? Or it because he didn't feed? No, he sensed those two snipers, it wasn't up to his ability to sense murderous instincts. Ethan was just on a completely different level from all those vampires Mikhael dealt with in the past. As expected, Purebloods are nothing but pests.    "Flame..." Why was he looking at him like he was the one to be blamed? Mikhael did nothing wrong, he was just protecting an innocent girl that was acting according to her instincts to survive.    "What is it?" he couldn't let those kind of emotions blur his sight. True, he didn't really give a damn about Ethan, but it hurt when you were judged and looked upon as guilty just for helping someone out. He should've known that he was going to end up in trouble for being a decent person — but he could still not get used to it. Even after eight centuries, it really was difficult to carry the charge of sin you didn't commit.    "Put that blade down," he ordered, his eyes gleamed like a flowing lake of red blood, but his lips were pulled into a thin line. He didn't seem human, there wasn't a single ounce of humanity left on his face — but to Mikhael, he looked like he was holding back the killing intent before unleashing him where one least expected it. Just like earlier. He didn't reveal even a tiny bit of his killing intent before he lunged at Mikhael the last time. Mikhael unconsciously gulped and moved away from Rykee before dropping down both the knife and the little girl. It was pointless. He was a Pureblood, he would never be able to see the same views Mikhael has. They were way too different, so why did Mikhael think that he could live in that city among them? He wasn't a vampire. Long time ago, he could have tried to adapt, but there was no longer a single person to hold him down to the vampire side. They were all dead. He couldn't be cold-hearted like vampires, not heartless like humans. He couldn't throw away someone's life just because his pride told him to do so. He couldn't ignore the truth before his eyes just because he needed to impress someone. He could never be a part of either world. Which was why he didn't object — he knew that it was pointless, that it wouldn't change anything. Sure enough, he should just sleep though many centuries, away from everyone. Both thing previous and harmful to him. He's already grown weary of this world.    "I apologize for the rudeness of my brethren. He's a newly-turned and still has no idea of what is right and what is not." Mikhael couldn't understand just why the f**k Ethan apologized. Where did his pride from earlier go? He was strong, he probably could've killed those Hunters on his own, so why was he bowing down to them? He seriously couldn't understand this guy..    "See, brat, I told you that you can't do anything," he said as he played around with his gun, "You should've been a good boy from the very beginning and kept out of our way."    "..." This guy really doesn't know when to shut up!    "You have luck that we aren't outside of Eden, you know? I wouldn't have to put up with anyone's bullshit if—"    "Flame!" Ethan interrupted him and was about to give him a proper lesson when Rykee mockingly raised his hands in defeat.    "Well, unfortunately for you, we're inside of Eden. You gotta think of the bigger picture when fighting a battle, you know? This is why we Hunters easily kill you vampires, you never plan thoroughly."    "..."    "What? You don't agree?" Mikhael chuckled.    "Hearing that from someone who doesn't even look properly at their enemy really makes me want to throw up." This kind of person, if he really killed this little girl today would've ended up killing his entire team as well. Mikhael really hated those reckless leaders that only led their teammates into their demise.    "You-!" Rykee wanted to refute, but as those words sank in, he got a weird feeling. The same merciless tone, the same cold voice, and similar words.    "You, are you the one from that time?" At the same time he asked those words, Ethan gripped Mikhael's shoulders. Naturally, he was annoyed at those Hunters and all, but it couldn't be ignored that he needed them to restore the barrier. The barrier around the city was damaged and it was something made by the greatest spell-caster Ethan knew. Unfortunately, vampires couldn't use mana like spell-casters, so they couldn't fix it on their own. And thus, they needed an outside help — which would be those annoying Hunters and Neo Academy — sacred grounds established by powerful spell-casters all around the world. Yet before the trio could make the situation worse, they were interrupted by a new arrival.    "Please wait a second!" A feminine voice spoke and they all turned to look at the new person that entered the scene. It was a beautiful woman in black robes and short skirt holding a silver suitcase as her heels clicked with every step she took. She fixed her glasses before untying her shoulder-length golden hair that freely swirled in the wind as she crossed the distance to stand in front of them. She ignored everyone present before turning towards Mikhael and smiling.    "It's been a while since we last met, no?" Mikhael wanted to act indifferently, but recalling all those centuries of friendship with this woman, he only helplessly sighed and returned the greetings.    "Amelia. You gave birth recently, if I recall correctly?"    "Unfortunately, it still feels like it was only yesterday and I don't have intention of giving birth ever again. It's too painful to go through it twice," He laughed as the little girl from earlier grabbed his clothes and clutched them tightly once again.    "Still as good with children as always, I see," she smiled at the girl, but the little one only hid behind Mikhael's leg.    "I have the face they like, nothing can be done about it." He shrugged helplessly.    "And they still don't like me.," she clicked her tongue and shook her head, "I really don't know what kind of devil possessed me to give birth to one back then — not to mention that Domi, that bastard, is still as useless as ever. I'm tempted to kill my husband, what to do?"    "Who told you to form a Blood Contract with him. Didn't I also pull away from him as soon as I saw through his real self?"    "You placed him among the top ten you slept with so I decided to give him a chance. Moreover, our relationship has been going on and off for so long that I honestly couldn't imagine spending the rest my life with anyone else." It's not just long, it's centuries she's talking about here!    "..."    "It's true love, I'm telling you."    "You're simply a shaking M. You can't be saved anymore." Because dating a Casanova for three centuries and finally marrying him really couldn't be considered as normal! And a vampire Casanova! While you yourself are a vampire Hunter!!!    "Ma'am Second! It is my honor to be your escort-" Rykee began to talk, but she ignored him as she focused solely on Mikhael.    "Compared to you who devotedly seek death every single day, I would say that I'm still better than you!"    "..." Fuck! He wanted to refute this, but just look what kind of mess happened in one single f*****g day? And it haven't even been full 24 hours yet!!    "Moreover, you little piece of s**t, weren't you sitting on sidelines and cheering for our relationship to succeed? If not for you, I wouldn't have even met that black disaster in the first place!"    "..." That's also true. Mikhael really was the sole reason why the two are still together...    "But it's still you who decided to marry him!"    "That's because you already f*****g kidnapped a real Pope from Vatican the day after we announced our engagement! How could we still pass the opportunity to have him wed us two!? It's Vatican's Pope, oi!!"    "..." Hm, he also did that... Ethan had a weird feeling in his heart as he listened to this conversation. Something passed through his mind, but before he could fully catch that thought, it disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared. Because Mikhael had a little grudge against Vatican and Vatican hated Vampires and Hunters, he specially kidnapped their most important figure and had him wed the two.    "Alright, alright, that's all in the past — there's this thing called divorce nowadays..."    "..."    "What f*****g divorce! Blood Contract can only be broken with the death of one party... And it's always followed with the death of the other one!!"    "..."    "But it's you who asked me to make sure Dominique can't escape from you."    "..."    "f**k! I. Was. Drunk. At. The. Time!! I didn't really mean it!"    "Oh, so you're going to tell me that getting laid until you finally got pregnant — with a vampire, may I add — was surely something you also didn't intend to happen!?" Vampires conceived with really, really great difficulty. So all the effort they had to take to make it come true... Mikhael only disapprovingly shook his head as he looked at her.    "..." Ah, this one really was her fault.    "Look at the bright side, even if he dies — as an Immortal Human, you should be able to make it through."    "..."    "Makes sense."    "Unlike me, who's going to remain a single dog for eternity!" He grunted. Though, Half-bloods also couldn't die. He should also be able to survive if his partner died. Unfortunately, because of his identity, he couldn't find a decent partner in fear of them betraying him.    "Well, yes... Sucks to be you, Khael."    "At least I never got pregnant, Amelia."    "At least I didn't get fired."    "Now that was a really low blow."    "A successful one, be it as it may."    "Remind me again, just what did you come here to do again?" He gave up, he couldn't deal with this immoral b***h. And the worst thing is that it was all his fault, really — she learned everything she knew from him.    'And to think how she used to be so innocent back then... Must be Dominique that ruined her. Even I want to kill him just by thinking about his face, and I'm just his friend...' And yes, humans could actually become immortal without having to get turned into vampires, but it was so complicated and usually had some catch to it that would end up turning into a huge pain in the ass so Mikhael would rather not talk an about it.    "Ah, right. You got a work to do," she said as she raised the suitcase in front of him.    "I'm fired. I've got no work to do," the moment he heard those words, he immediately ignored Amelia. She only rolled her eyes at him before turning to Ethan who only suspiciously stared at Mikhael's back.    "Lord Ethan, I apologize for the rude behavior of my teammates — I assure you that even I don't approve of the course of their actions and—" just as she began to talk, Mikhael had to interrupt her.    "The way you suddenly turned professional really makes me feel like Esteemed Seats are something useful. Giving birth sure have changed you a lot, back in the days — you'd just beat people first and then talk." And Mikhael just had to interrupt.    "..." Amelia suddenly remembered why she hated to go on the mission with Mikhael in the past.    "Have you ever been shot by an anti-vampire weapon, Khael?" she asked before throwing him a glare as he only shrugged.    "Shot, cut, stabbed, blinded, burned, drowned, choked, nailed... You name it, I have it. I've been caught by a maniac when I was still a young and innocent man." He shivered recalling that disgusting person.    "In that case," she started before she lowered the suitcase, "Prepare yourself, you little piece of s**t because I'm about to blow some more holes through that skinny ass of your—"    "Freeze!" Another girl suddenly appeared before aiming a huge rocket launcher at the group. She was short, barely meter and half, yet holding that gun twice her size really made it impossible for people to laugh at her height. She would probably kill them.    "This is W.E.R.P. Patrol Team number 34, and—" she started her introduction when suddenly — the belt holding her weapon snapped, making her lose her balance and fall on the ground leaving everyone speechless. Her red hair that went green at the ends tumbled in the wind caused by the impact made when the gun hit the ground, while she guilelessly stood up and then moved her gaze from those guys to her weapon. Now that was one terrible way to make an entrance.    "You are putting our team to shame, Vice-Captain," another voice spoke as they all turned to the guy with a short black hair and glasses entering the scene. Both of the two wore black clothes with green cloaks and AV weapons — symbol of W.E.R.P. Agents who used Armament weapons and regulated peace on daily basis through their so-called patrols.    'Didn't they come a bit too late, though?' Mikhael lost all respect for the guards in this city, be they vampires or W.E.R.P.    "Don't be so rude, Krull! I told you that I had a bad feeling for today," she protested as she grabbed her weapon, holding it by next to her hip with.    "It's called being honest, but I guess that some people are just too dumb to realize the difference," ignoring her, he turned towards the group — immediately recognizing two people from there. The Sixth Pureblood Ethan and Second Immortal Seat of Hunter Association, Amelia. Looking at the others, the three with weapons were hunters while the blonde boy and little girl were probably vampires causing mess. He sighed, more paperwork to deal with. And he just received the report about a child gone missing while she was playing.    "We appreciate you trying to maintain peace, Hunters — but that is our job. As for you, the Second Immortal Seat, please refrain from barging in like that without invitation. It is dangerous for you to be roaming around Eden alone, especially with so many vampires seeking to find a way out."    "Well... Whatever," she shrugged before turning back to Mikhael, "I've been sent here because no one else could persuade you into it."    "Forget it!" he interrupted her before she even had a chance to say something.    "You don't even know what I'm about to say," she replied before putting her hands on her hips.    "Oh, but I know that son of a b***h well enough to realize what is going on here. For all I know, he might've even set me up to get trapped inside of Eden himself!" Mikhael glared at her. And demanding from Mikhael to work after firing him — how could there be such a convenient thing in this world? Mikhael has only wanted to lead life as peaceful as possible, but that son of a b***h kept sending him on the most difficult missions where he had over ninety-nine percents of dying for the last six hundred years! It made Mikhael think of him as the real devil! And... Because of many things that happened during the Great War, Mikhael seriously intended to kill him. Unfortunately, he never saw him again since twenty-seven years ago.    "I... Would've consoled you by telling you that such a thing is impossible, but considering who we're talking about here, you might actually be right on the mark."    "..."    'Thanks for nothing, I guess.'    "True that," she sighed, "But you know, he paid me fifteen billion and even decided to gift you ten Black Cards if you agreed to help."    "What am I going to do with Black Cards, ten at that matter? Destroy the world?" Everyone has been simply listening to them or got annoyed by the fact that they were treated like an empty air, but once she mention those cards — everyone's eyes sharply turned to the pair. Even those two W.E.R.P. agents who just joined the scene glued their sights on the two. In the world of spell-casters, there were special tiers to talismans one can use to summon monsters or activate powerful spells. Talismans were complex or simple, and their power depended on the drawing used to activate the spell. If it were the normal cards, that is. Normal ones were white, or yellow. Those that had power above them were red and they could summon a familiar the size of a city, while black ones were so rare and dangerous that there's only rumors circulating about them! The last time one was used has been during the war twenty years ago when a mad spell-caster used it to obliterate the entire New York.    "Um, excuse me..." the girl that entered the scene, Malena, spoke trying to interrupt them, but they simply ignored her before continuing with their conversation.    "Go home, Amelia. And tell him that I'm rejecting his proposal."    "Why? Are you still mad at him? Because he screwed your vice—" he immediately placed his hand on her lips preventing her from uttering a single word.    "Don't you dare finish that sentence, and no! That's not the reason, it's much bigger than some silly lover's quarrel!" A debt of blood. She nodded, with his hand covering her mouth she couldn't really verbally say that she understood, but in a way she did.    "You've been having a pretty interesting conversation over there, but I'd like to ask of you to remove your hand from he Esteemed Seat before I'm forced to cut it off," Krull interrupted him as Mikhael frowned when the anti-vampire sword touched his throat. His skin burned as if it was splashed with acid where the blade rested in his skin. First he got choked today, now this — just how more unfortunate is he going to get today? Mikhael remained unfazed by the pain and didn't move away, and it was Ethan who pulled him back in the end. Mikhael was used to fighting Amelia whenever the two met, and they'd go after each other's life for real, so he just got too lost in their little conversation to care about his environment. And so he let a small fish come too close.    "Fine," By the time he returned back to Earth, his throat had already bleed to the point of soaking his shirt. He moved the little energy he had left to heal it enough to stop the bleeding and then just left it be. He should be fine. At the same time, Ethan's eyes were glued to his blood. For the first time, he felt his throat ache as an indescribable thirst began to well up inside his heart.    "What's your name, kid?" Krull asked him as he lowered his blade before returning it into its sheath and taking out handcuffs instead, "Class, rank and family as well?" Mikhael signed. Unknown, unknown and unknown. Even his name was unknown at the moment to everyone in Eden and he'd prefer it to stay that way forever.    'Ah, but...'    "Wait just a second, please," at that moment, as Mikhael finally got some hope that he could get a chance to get a nice place to sleep without interruptions (jail), Amelia thought that it would be wise to save him the trouble instead.    "The law says that any vampire causing trouble is in our jurisdicti—" Krull began, but she only sighed in annoyance.    "Screw your law. This guy over here, you must protect him at all costs," she pointed to Mikhael, "He is the one; the condition we set for helping you restore the barrier. He's the one that knows someone who's going to be helping—" But before she could finish with her words and before anyone could react, Mikhael was gone in an instant and her body was flying across the street before crashing straight into a nearby building, destroying the wall. Ethan clutched his empty hand as he realized that the little guy was suddenly gone from his grasp.    'Fast...' In the ruins of that building, Amelia lay on the ground with Mikhael above her, holding her throat.    "Amelia." A coarse voice echoed in utter silence as thick killing intent descended on the entire street. It was so violent that even Ethan's instincts warned him about danger.    "We have been friends for a very long period, so I'll only be warning you just this one single time. I have been very, very angry at that bastard for what he's done back then. So I really, really, really don't want to hear a single f*****g thing about him right now." As Amelia opened her eyes to see Mikhael staring down like he didn't recognize, she could only silently curse. It would appear that her plan is going to be much more difficult to pull out than she originally thought.
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