The use of my powers when I was already so weak made me slump down to the floor. "Violet." Someone by the door growled as I felt the floor vibrate with menacing strides move towards me. "What is wrong with her? Why is she so weak again?" "What are you doing here man? You were meant to stay away until the drug was out of your system." Caleb sighed. "It is, I swear." he growled. I felt Lazarus move away from me towards where I could see Kadzait stood. "He is right, the drug is out of his system." "Now someone tell me what is wrong with her?" Kadzait growled, not liking that his question went unanswered. "Her powers are tied in to her need for blood. She has over exerted herself and so needs more blood." Celab explained. "Well, I'll feed her." Kadzait growled. "No." both Caleb a