Chapter 14

2445 Words

Chapter 14After a luxuriously long bath in her own private bath, Zofia felt better. Now dressed, she stepped out into the hall noticing the bathroom door—the one which Dorian occupied—was open half way. Rich vanilla scented the hall. Quietly, she crept up to the open doorway and peered inside. Doused in candlelight, she found Dorian in his usual spot reclined in the tub, feet up, engrossed in a book. He hadn't even noticed her. She cleared her throat. Upon seeing her, he smiled. “Ah. My queen is up from her nap.” “Actually, I took a bath.” He nodded and returned to his book. “Good book?” “Yes. Very… interesting.” “What is it?” He held it up. The cover looked vaguely familiar. It had a boy astride a broom. “From Elton's room. He highly recommended them. I was bored with the ones I

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