Chapter 12

3625 Words

Chapter 12“Marinated crickets!” Tillie said, her voice filled with mischief. She took a seat at the dinner table, next to Elton, and the rest of the family. “What?” Zofia looked up at her, aghast. Elton made a futile attempt at stifling his giggles. “Or maybe they're…” Tillie eyed her plate of green leafy salad, grilled chicken strips and caramelized pecans. “Double-dipped, deep-fried water beetles?” Elton chuckled again. Zofia rolled her eyes. Tillie purposely spouted outlandish guesses on what was sprinkled across her salad. Across the table, Blanche gave her plate sour scrutiny. Pushing it away she said, “I'm not eating insects for dinner!” Elton nearly fell off his chair in hysterics. Tillie caught Zofia's beleaguered mien and hid an impish grin behind her hand. “Now look at w

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