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(Tayla's POV) I haven't been able to sleep, my dreams are all about Logan. They started out just fine, then the night at Elijah's pack house played and replayed. This time, however, it was Logan who I saw. When I woke up, my wolf would say that her mate was in pain, and she could feel it. My guess our wolves had connected, so had we, but had never made it official. My mind then wondered how Brielle was probably so happy that I was gone. I had let her beat me. I sighed and got up, and walked to the kitchen. I brought out some breakfast stuff and started to cook. I sat down with the paper, old fashion I know, but I didn't have wifi. I ate while I read, there was a new youth lotion or something, a store was burglarized, and there were just bits and pieces of Elijah's pack house. I was just getting done, when I heard the click of a lock. I quickly got up and went to the door with my gun. Standing at the ready, and pointing it at the door. The person slowly pushed the door open. There stood Roman. "Hey, Tay." "How the hell did you know I was here?" "Tay, this was mom's old home. Grandpa gave it to her, she gave it to you." "How did you know?" I said, still standing at the ready. "I remember you bragged about it for a while, this was where you had wanted to live before going to college, but you didn't want Jett here with you." I remembered I had mentioned it to him, but bragging was a harsh word. I put the gun down, and went over to look around outside. Nothing. I closed the door, and Roman followed me further in. "Why did you come looking for me? I thought you were clear how you felt about me." He looked at me, it was strange having your big brother look at you as if you were a freak. "Someone came asking about you the other day, and I just...I want to know what's been happening. What happened to you? How?" "Like I said what did Dad say..." "Dad, had a mental break down not long after you were taken. He has no idea who sent for you." I stood there looking at my brother, every fiber in my being wanted to believe him, but I couldn't. How would they not know? I walked toward the little living room and took a seat. Roman followed. " Who is going around asking about me? Did they give you a name?" "Yeah, he said his name was Logan." My heart jammed into my throat. Logan was looking for me. I tried to hide the fact that the news made me happy but Roman caught me. "What's the deal with him?" "It's a long story." "I have time," Roman said and sat back, looking completely at ease. "Okay." I started from when I was in the lab, how I escaped, then how I formed the pack of only women, then how I met Logan and the Alphas. How, after three years, they ambushed us and how the girls found their mates and such. Then how Brielle's surprise made me walk away. "Well, s**t. That's...Wow." Roman was now at the edge of his seat. "I told you it was a lot to take in." I said, going to the liquor cabinet and bringing back some glasses and grandpa's favorite whiskey. Roman downed the glass. Then took a while to process. "Did you ever find out...who attacked you?" "No, and it's not from a lack of trying, he just disappeared from the face of the earth." He got up and poured himself another glass, giving himself time to think. "I thought this was all a bad dream. What I saw in your room when you first changed, when they took you. After Dad had his crisis, I went into the business and found out a few things. Things that started to click into too many things." "Like what?" He looked ready to scream but downed the second glass, then turned to look at me. "I want to show you. Come with me to the apartment." I felt on edge when he said that, but I nodded. I went to change and we headed back to the apartment. The silence in the car was heavy. I could feel his eyes on me. Once at the apartment, I stopped for a moment. Just looked up at the building. "What?" Roman asked. "This was our first home. I thought Dad had sold it." "Nope, he gave it to me." We went inside, and I felt a kinda soft hug. I could smell Mom in the air of this place, better than I could at my place. I walked up to my old room. It had been my room for a year, but there was still a crib and a rocking chair in there. "I haven't had the heart to throw these things out or even to sell them." "Don't. you never know," I said, and followed him to his office. In the office I could smell Dad. It made an old anger stir inside me, but I shook it off. Roman then pulled out some papers and put them on the desk. I picked one up and looked it over. "I found these in Dad's office a while after I took over. It seems Jett's Dad and our Dad were into supplying medical tissue, bone grafts, and such." "This was what he was always working on? He never told us anything." "Not only that, I found these." Roman pointed at two pieces of paper. One with Mom's name and another with his. I picked it up and read : "Subject is responding well to the blood transfusions, and so is baby." I looked up at Roman, then read the one with his name: "Bone graft has been placed successfully and patient is responding well." "What the hell is all this?" "I looked into these things. For a while, Angus was supplying things, but wherever they were finding these parts, dried up. Then remember when I was ten I got hit by that car on my bike?" "Kinda yeah." "Dad got a piece of that same blood and tissue. Somehow, I made a full recovery in less then three weeks." I looked at the dates, some were a good while before I was born, but then the bigger number was after Mom's death. Somehow the dates were jumping out at me. Then it clicked. "These are also close to the dates, my girls were attacked and turned." "Not only that. Bodies were found around this time too, either young or older men. Just ripped to shreds." I looked at all this, but what kind of stuff was Dad into? I don't get it? "You think your friend could help me with this?" I looked up at him and felt my stomach drop. I was sure Logan could but I wasn't ready to face him, but I nodded. "Mind if I give him a call?" "Not at all, he's good at computers." We headed down and right as we got to the first floor, the door to the apartment opened. "Babe...I'm..oh, hello?" a very beautiful woman came in. She took her scarf, hat, and coat off. She was taller than me, with jet black hair, and the greenest eyes I had ever seen. "Babe, you're home early." "Yeah, they said a snow storm was heading this way, the shoot was canceled. Who's..." "Fay...Fay Blackner. You actually convinced her to date you?!" Fay smiled and chuckled. Fay was my brother's best friend growing up. She had friend zoned him, because he was the cool jock in school. She never thought he would take her seriously. What she didn't know was that my brother had been head over heels for her. She had also baby sat me a few times. "Babe, you remember Tayla, right?" Fay's face went shocked, but she looked at me. Then suddenly pulled me into a big hug. "Tay! Oh, my gosh!" "Nice to see you too, Fay." I said, surprised. She pulled away, and looked me over. "Roman, told me you had been...gone. You look like you've been starved! Are you okay?" "Yes, I'm fine." "Well, let's get some dinner made and eat!" she pulled me toward the kitchen, and we started to get busy. Once dinner was done, we all sat down and ate. It was so good. I got a second helping of food. When we got done, I was ready to go take a nap. Then I noticed Fay looking at me. "Yes, Ms. Fay?" "Have you ever modeled?" "No, not professionally anyway. Why?" "Fay is changing careers. She's going into photography now, but according to her, she hasn't found the right subject yet." "All the other girls are all the same, but you Tay...you have something...about you is just perfect. Fresh." "Sorry, Fay, but I'm trying to keep a low profile." "Okay, fine, but if you change your mind." "I know who to ask," I said with a smile, and looked at the time. It was five. I looked outside and it was dark already. I'd spent the whole day with my brother and his girlfriend. I sighed and went over and washed my dish. Then put it on the drying rack. "Well, thank you for dinner, but I'm going to head out before the storm hits." "It's already snowing outside," said Roman. "Then I'll get going." "I can give you a ride back." "No, it's not that far, I'll walk." "Tay." I put on my coat, gloves, and scarf on. Gave Roman a hug and a hug to Fay, then headed out. I walked fast before they could come out to follow me. When I got to my house before, the storm was really coming down hard. The new information was really racing through my head. Before I could stop myself, I called Eva. I told her to check dates, and if she had pictures of the men that were found. Once she had all that, I told her to take it to Logan. I thanked her and hung up. I felt like a coward not giving this information right to Logan, but I wasn't ready to talk to him just yet. I went to my room and without much effort I was fast asleep. (Logan's POV) "I have some information that I need to run by you." "Not now, Eva..." "It's from Tay," said Eva, and I sat up. I had been trying to sleep but was now wide awake. "What is it?" Eva handed me some notes and pictures. "Tay needs to know what you know about these men." I looked at the pictures and then back at Eva. It felt like a trick question, but I guess they wouldn't know, would they? "I didn't know them personally, but Walker did. They belonged to a pack from a whole other state. We never knew how he ended up here. The next thing we knew, the whole pack had just disappeared." "So all these men were werewolves?" "Yes." "I need to tell Tayla." "I'll tell her." I said, taking Eva's phone. She quickly took it back. "No, she gave me this to give to you, but I'm sure she won't talk to you." "Could you at least ask her?" Eva sighed but nodded. She sat down and dialed the number. "That was fast." Tayla's voice rang and my heart raced. "Yeah, it wasn't that hard, mostly because these men were from a werewolf pack from outside the state." There was silence, then a deep sigh. " How did they get here?" "They don't know...and he wants to talk to you." Another pause. "He's right there, isn't he?" "Yes." "Fine. Hand him the phone." I took the phone from Eva, and just wished I could jump through it to her. "Tayla." "Logan." My heart fluttered at her saying my name. "What's going on?" "I got to talking with Roman, he found all this but he didn't know what was going on." "What made you think I would?" She chuckled dryly. "Because you're good...Logan...even if we aren't together." Those last words stung. "I'll make it so we are." "Don't you dare kill that baby Logan. I would never forgive you!" "Way to jump the gun, I mean...I want you with me." There was a long pause. "I'm sorry Logan." Before I could say anything else, the line went dead.
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