Chapter 29

1603 Words

Falyn Pov Lunch was probably the most awkward thing I’ve ever been forced to go to, and more than once I wanted nothing more than to get up and run away. We didn’t just eat with the four of us, no, Delphine came to visit as well, sitting next to Amelia, and there were the scholars as well. They normally were assigned to have the weekend off as well, but knowing how much work my mother does, everyone tends to pitch in when they have a chance to try and lessen her burden as much as they could. I was forced to be sandwiched in between Arlo on my right side, and Cain on my left, and the things I was feeling…I couldn’t even describe them. It was hard to deal with the tingles that came from both sides whenever one of them touched me. I couldn’t quite believe the story that Delphine came up with

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