Chapter 9

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Cain Pov ‘What’s going on? She doesn’t feel this?’ I asked, watching her tilt her head to the side, confused. Luke didn’t answer me, whimpering and scratching in my mind, and I shushed him, wanting to talk to her instead. “Who are you? What are you doing out here?” The woman asked lightly, her eyes trained on mine. Before I could reply to her, I frowned, being interrupted by a voice in my mind. ‘Bro, where are you? Your mom said you jumped out of the car and just ran off into the woods. You’ve been acting out again, haven’t you?’ Chris’s voice floated into my mind from the mind link. I shook my head at him, frustrated. ‘You don’t understand, Chris,’ I said to him, frowning. Ever since he married Arielle, he’s barely been there for me. He calls me his brother, but he’s too busy with his own life. And there’s nothing wrong with that. I try not to hold it against him, but it still hurts a little bit. We used to be so close when we were younger, but just like I predicted, when girls get involved, best friends start to fade away. He never tried to stay close to me once he realized he was in love with Arielle, and I didn’t…try to keep him either. What was the point? Someone like me…I wasn’t worth any of it. ‘I just needed to go for a walk, to cool my mind. Tell everyone I’ll be back soon. I’m just walking in the woods. I’m not far from the pack.’ I replied to him. He told me alright before pulling away, and I looked at the woman in front of me once more, licking my licks as I sighed. I continued to take careful steps towards her, trying to appear harmless, wondering if maybe she was a human. But…humans didn’t just walk casually into floating circles of colors all blended together without flinching. A witch? An Elemental? She’d still feel…something, right? From what I remember of witches and Shifters, they dreamed about their mates beforehand. Maybe it was clearer for witches than shifters, but I’ve never dreamed of her before, so she couldn’t be a witch or a shifter. “What are you? You’re not human, are you?” I asked her lightly. She looked alarmed and I realized I had never answered any of her questions. “My name is Cain, Cain Knight, and I live in the pack close by. Well, it’s about thirty minutes away on foot, but you know what I mean,” I said lightly. I stopped walking when I was close to her, staring down at her as she watched me, before lifting her hand in front of her body towards me, and giving a soft and curt curtsy. “My name is Falyn, Princess Falyn. I know about your time, and I’m not going to tell you what I am, we don’t exist for you yet and I’m not going to chance changing things.” She said, her voice filled with a confidence that made a shiver race through me. I stared at her hand, confused for a moment, before slowly lifting my hand to hers, taking it into the palm of my hand, and gently lifting it towards my lips. I felt goosebumps rising on my skin as I touched her, the delicious tingles I’d heard about from others were racing through me, and I wanted nothing more than to yank her against my body and press my lips against hers. Instead, I gently kissed her knuckles, before reluctantly letting go of her hand. She had a frown on her face as she looked at her hand, staring at it, and I wondered if she felt it yet. “Pleased to meet you, Princess Falyn,” I said with a thick voice, suddenly feeling like I was standing in a movie. Her dress, her polite manner of speaking, and her pristine curtsy, not to mention she called herself a princess, and everything was screaming at me about an old medieval movie. Then again, we had titles too, in a sense, but ours were just starting from the new world being wiped anew, different titles from different species. “I’m a werewolf, Falyn, and I know you’re not a human. Can you…feel that? When we touch?” I asked her softly, lifting my hand to cup hers once more, where she still had it lifted in between us. I rubbed a soft circle on the top of her hand, my eyes lifting to her arms, watching the hair stand up on end, the same as mine was doing. She gave a soft shiver, her eyes lowered as she pulled her hand away from mine, a frown on her face. “I’m sorry, but I don’t feel anything. It’s nice to meet you, Cain, but I need to be leaving.” ‘Is she freaking serious? She’s our mate, Cain, you can’t just let her go,’ Luke whimpered. I growled a soft warning growl as Falyn took a step backward towards the glowing circle, her eyes wide as she pressed her hand against her chest. “You’re my mate, Falyn. I don’t know what species you are that you can’t feel the mate bond, but you’re my mate. I can’t just let you disappear into that…weird circle.” I stammered, taking a step towards her. She shook her head back and forth, a frown on her lips as her eyes studied me once more. She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment, confusion on her face, before shaking her head no once more. “Cain, the species I am, we do feel the bond. But I can’t be your mate, Cain, you’re mistaken. Maybe you’re feeling someone else somewhere close by.” She said, her eyes searching around us. I shook my head, taking another step towards her as I lifted my hand to her face, gently turning her face up towards me as I slid my thumb against her jaw. I took a deep breath, feeling enamored with the tingles racing through me, wondering if I'd ever get enough of this feeling. I could see why Colette and Axel were practically barely separated, even after all this time they'd been married. “I don’t understand, why are you so sure it’s not you? Don’t you feel this?” I asked her once more, my head dipping low, my eyes hovering over hers. I licked my lips, feeling the heat of her breath against mine as her eyes widened in surprise, and for the first time in my life, I wondered if she was actually feeling this or not. But then she jerked her jaw away from my grasp, shaking her head no as she placed her hand on my chest, trying to push me away from her. “I don’t feel what you’re saying you feel, Cain, because I already have found my mate. Now, if you’ll excuse me, the portal won’t stay open for much longer, and I need to go. My mother is waiting.” She paused as she took a step backward, her eyes hardened. “My mate is waiting for me. You need to search around here, find her, because she’s not me.” She said with a small bow of her head. “Goodbye, Cain. It was nice meeting you. I hope you find her,” She said, before turning around and walking through the portal. A million thoughts were racing through me. Panic, fear, and the crushing pain of once more…not being someone’s first choice. ‘Why does everyone just…throw me away?’ I wondered, staring at the thing she called a portal. Luke was whimpering in my mind and I clenched my jaw, anger racing through me as I shook my head back and forth. ‘She left, she doesn’t feel the bond? She…has a mate already? What the Hell is going on?’ Luke whined. Any other time, I would have given up. Accepted that once more, I just wasn’t good enough, that someone just couldn’t want me, couldn’t love me for me. That I wasn’t worthy of them. Hell, she said she was a princess. Of course I’m not worthy of her. But then again, I was angry. Hot anger was ripping through me as I clenched my fists, a deep growl building, building inside me, and all I wanted to do was tear something apart. I was sick and tired of not being good enough. I was sick and tired of being left behind, being pushed away. There’s got to be an explanation, something I missed, something going on. I just needed to make her listen to me. I needed to keep trying, and I wasn’t going to give up, not this time. “f**k that,” I growled, looking side to side at the forest around me, back towards the direction of the pack, before clenching my jaw in anger. “Not this time,” I growled, before running straight through the glowing circle she called a portal without a moment's hesitation. This time, I wasn’t going to give up, I wasn’t going to let her shove me away. I was going to prove to at least one person, that I was worth taking a second look at. She’s my mate, and she’s worth fighting for, even if she doesn’t believe me.
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