Chapter 3

1570 Words
Cain Pov “Cain, get back here!” I growled, ignoring her as I walked steadily down the steps of the building, rolling my eyes in frustration. I grimaced, feeling the wound on my cheek slowly healing. ‘You should be glad she got you out of there before the humans noticed you were healing faster than you should be. It’s kind of hard to explain to the doctors that the cut you got that needed stitches miraculously healed itself.’ Luke, my wolf, said with an unamused snort. I rolled my eyes, chewing on the inside of my cheek as I walked fast down the stairs of the building, wanting to get far away from here. ‘Shut the f**k up, Luke.’ I said with a growl. Luke, having been with me for five years now, was fully aware of me and my ways, and rolled his eyes, but kept quiet. He could feel the anger racing through me, my Alpha blood rolling around inside me, prickling me. “Cain Spencer Knight, you stop right now or so help me!” I huffed, but stopped walking, hearing the power racing through her voice. She was just as stubborn and angry as I was, and I knew I needed to give her a minute to catch up before she blasted me with an energy blast and wiped the memory of everyone around us. At this point in my life, I was fairly sure she’d do it, just to get rid of me. They’d all do anything to get rid of me. “You turn around and look at me when I’m talking to you!” She yelled, her voice getting louder as she got closer to me. I turned around and glared at her, watching her long white hair flutter around her as she glared at me, her light violet eyes glaring at me. If looks could kill, the way she was glaring at me would have sent me over the edge more than once over the years since I’ve been living with her. Colette, the second protector, is my adoptive mother. How she hadn’t gotten tired of me yet, was beyond me. “What?” I asked, hearing the anger in my voice. What was the point? She wasn’t going to understand. She gasped, but never backed down, her hands on her hips as she stared me down, still a few steps higher than me, making her around the same height as me. She wasn’t scared of me, even if she wasn’t one of the most powerful witches around, she was used to Alphas. She was freaking married to one, after all. “You got into a fight, with a human, Cain!” She said, whispering the word human, but screaming the rest as her hands flew into the air in frustration. “He hit me first,” I said, knowing there was no point defending myself. She wasn’t going to listen to me, she wasn’t going to ask my side. I was the troubled child, always have been, and I was always shut down before I even had a moment to defend myself. I shouldn’t even f*****g need to defend myself, she should know me. No one f*****g knows me. “That doesn’t matter! Let him hit you! He’s ten times weaker than you! Why did you have to stir up trouble? In a bar, no less? I thought you weren’t going to bars anymore, Cain, you’re supposed to be going to meetings,” She shouted. I sighed, shaking my head as I felt slight embarrassment building inside me. The soft whispers of those walking up and down the steps of the jail were starting to get to me, even if they were all humans who had no idea who I was…it still was embarrassing. I tugged on her sleeve, wincing as she ripped her hand away from me, and frowned. “Come on, talk in the car, we’re causing a scene,” I muttered, trying not to look hurt that she pulled away so fast. ‘It’s just because she’s angry, not because she’s repulsed by you,’ I tried to tell myself as Luke whimpered in my mind. ‘She’s not the same as the others,’ I reminded myself over and over again to no avail. She glared at me, but nodded sharply, her shoes clicking with her violent steps as we walked down the stairs to the car she had driven here. For a few minutes, I saw them all, mother after so-called mother, staring at me with horror in their eyes as they shoved me away, telling me how stupid I was, how useless I was, how nothing I’d ever do would ever be right. We got into the car and for a moment she was silent, her anger was like a tangible element rolling around with my defensive state, the usual tension between us that spoke louder than any words ever could. “What did we talk about a couple of weeks ago? When your father had to bail you out of jail when you were driving drunk? They didn’t know you were drunk, your blood was healed before they tested it, but we knew you were, Cain. What did we talk about?” She asked, her hands gripping the wheel tightly as she spoke calmly through her teeth, trying to keep the anger out of her biting tone. It didn’t matter, that did nothing for me. It was just like talking to a damn therapist and their pretend honey voice, instantly making me defenseless. I opened my mouth, but closed it, shaking my head with a frustrated sigh. What was the point? She’d do all the talking. It’s nothing less than I deserve anyway. “You said you’d go back to therapy, and you’d go to meetings for your alcohol problem, Cain. Colt was even waiting for you yesterday to go with him to his meeting, and you never showed up. I should have known it was because you were causing problems again! In a bar, getting into a fight, for what, Cain? For what?!” She screamed, throwing her hands in the air as she stopped at a red light. I clenched my jaw, wondering if it would be a bad idea right now to ask her to drive me to the bar so I could get my motorcycle back. Nah, I’d probably have to get someone to drive me back to town to get it when she cooled down. “There was this woman,” I started to say, before she cut me off. “Of course there was! There’s always a woman, Cain!” She huffed. I rolled my eyes, giving up already, feeling myself backing away and closing myself into my walls. “You have so many women coming in and out, and I understand that you’re twenty-five, Cain, you’re a grown man and you can do whatever you want, but when I have women coming up to me in the pack asking me when you’re going to propose to them, or whining to me that you won’t call them back, or acting like they have the right to have an attitude with me because they think they have privileges for being your sleeping buddy, then it starts to get ridiculous.” She said with a growl. I nodded, not even bothering to care anymore as she continued to scold me. ‘Are you even going to try and explain? You weren’t even hitting on this woman, she was getting harassed by the guy you got into a fight with. You stood up for her when the group of guys was pushing her around and trying to distract her, putting something in her drink. Then you broke her glass, and told her it was drugged, and the guy punched you. Just…tell her the truth, Cain.’ Luke said to me. I shrugged, not even caring anymore as I pinched my pointer finger and my thumb against the bridge of my nose, trying to keep the frustration out of my mind. ‘Why? It doesn’t matter, none of it does. I’m never going to be good enough for any of this. She’s probably waiting for me to move out of the pack and leave, so I don’t have to be her problem anymore. It’s all I’ve ever been, a problem for everyone.’ I said. “Sorry,” I said after a few minutes of silence, knowing she was waiting for me to say something. She sighed loudly, her hands tightening tighter against the wheel once more as she turned down the road to another road I didn’t recognize. “Where are we going?” I asked, noticing we were still in town. “There are some wolves that live in town. They’re still part of the pack, but they watch things in town, keeping tabs. There’s a therapist here, she’s agreed to see you. You’re going to behave, Cain.” She parked the car and turned to look at me for a moment as she raised her eyebrows in a way that showed how serious she was. A soft meow from the backseat alerted me to a sleepy Pumpkin, breaking my eye contact away from Colette with a growl of frustration. I threw my hands up in the air, and shrugged, realizing there was no point saying no anyway. “Fine,”
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