Chapter 4

1772 Words
Cain Pov I steadily strummed my fingers on the arm of the chair I was sitting in, my eyes moving around every part of the room, studying it. The room design was…strange. I could tell it was colorful for the kids, the mirrors all over the walls were for their attention. Some were strange, like the type of mirrors you’d see at a carnival, and some were regular. I looked at the mirror behind the woman’s head, studying my appearance as I chewed on my cheek. My ash-blond hair was hanging in the right side of my face, an undercut cut on only the left side of my head, shown from how my hair was styled to the right. I had an eyebrow piercing showing on my left eyebrow, my piercing light green eyes shining, and the bags under my tired eyes from so many countless nights of lying there wondering why I was never good enough. I wasn’t as big as Zain. That would be impossible, even though he was a Gamma and I’m an Alpha, he was still probably the biggest guy I’ve ever seen, but I was pretty close. My muscles were fairly defined in my tight white t-shirt, and I could tell the therapist was struggling to look at my eyes, hers glancing down my chest over and over again as she checked me out. I wanted to roll my eyes, but refrained, knowing any sort of movement like that made them think I was troubled. Not that I wasn’t troubled, that is, I just didn’t care for this bullshit. A few silver hoops in my left ear shone in the light, glittering against the mirror as I sighed, pulling my eyes away from it and looking at the woman in front of me. She was probably around thirty, maybe more, but she barely looked thirty. With wolves, it was hard to tell, especially if they kept in shape like this one did. Their appearance always remained fairly beautiful, just like Colette who still looked amazing for her age. This woman had a deep caramel color to her skin, her dark eyes lowered as she once again checked me out, the same wire glasses that all these f*****g therapists seemed to have, and her long wavy brown hair pulled back into a ponytail at the back of her head. Her top few buttons were probably opened more than they should have been for a professional, but that didn’t bother me. Her body was nice, she was hot, and I was bored. I shrugged, tapping my fingers once more, wondering how long we’d have in here before the session was over. Knowing Colette, she was waiting outside in the waiting room, and she’d probably come to find me if I was back here for too long. I didn’t particularly want her to walk in on us, knowing she was pretty much just calling me a slut a few minutes ago in the car. Not that she was wrong. I had plenty of women coming and going in my life, but it didn’t matter to me, because I didn’t feel anything. Just passing the time, scratching an itch, waiting for my life to begin…or end…whichever came first I guess. “Can you tell me a little bit about what’s going on?” The woman asked with a heavy Spanish accent. I raised an eyebrow at her, looking her up and down, smirking as a shudder ran through her. “Not really feeling it, to be honest,” I replied, sitting back in the chair, my hands on my knees as I eyeballed her. She took a deep breath, her eyes automatically sliding down to check out my groin, before darting back up to my eyes again. Luke was laughing in my head, shaking his head at me. ‘Bro, she is so desperate,’ he snickered. I smirked, watching her visibly take a deep breath as she stood, adjusting the short skirt she was wearing and walking towards the table with cups and water. “Your mother told me a little bit about what you’ve been doing lately, how worried she is. Can you tell me how that makes you feel?” She asked hesitantly, lifting the little paper cup to her mouth and taking a sip. I cringed, hating that question. How does it make you feel, probably the worst question of all time therapists could ask, yet they all always do. It was like they were given a rulebook of ten different questions and constantly moved through the same ones over and over again, with how does it make you feel, or how are you feeling about that as the top ones. I stood up, walking slowly and purposely towards her, my steps confident, my back straight, watching her eye me up and down once more as I came up to her. Her mouth fell open, I was too close to her, but she didn’t even try to stop me as I leaned down, my fingers sliding up the sides of her upper thighs, lifting her and placing her down on the table. I situated myself in between her legs, one hand staying on her upper thigh as I lifted my other hand to her hair, expertly pulling it out of the ponytail and curling my hand in the long wavy hair, pulling her head back so she was looking up at me. I leaned down, listening to her heavy breathing in my ear as I grinned, sliding my nose against her jawbone before lifting my eyes so they were hovering over hers. A deep growl ripped through my throat as she shivered underneath me, her hands lifting up to fist into my shirt, trying to figure out if she was going to push me away or pull me closer. “I’m going to bend you over this table and f**k you hard, make you moan my name, until you can’t remember anything else. How does that make you feel?” I growled in her face. Her mouth opened and closed over and over again as she gripped my shirt tighter, her eyes wide as she stared up at me, and after a few seconds, she closed her eyes, before pulling me closer to her. I brushed my mouth past hers, refusing to kiss her, instead of turning her around and bending her over the table as I said I would do. She gasped as my teeth grazed against the back of her throat, my fingers shoving up her skirt as I traced circles on her exposed skin. “Consent, now,” I growled, feeling her quake underneath me. “Yes,” She choked out as I ripped her panties out of the way, unzipped my pants, pulled my d**k out, and slid a condom out of my pocket. I tore it with my teeth, expertly putting it on and slamming it into her without any warning as she nearly screamed with pleasure. She was a moaning mess as I spread her legs apart further, gripping the back of her neck with my hand as I held her down, pounding into her over and over again as she gasped underneath me. My face was blank of emotion as I let out heavy breaths, the pleasure spreading like a dull drone through me, never enough to make me moan, never enough to make me want to kiss them, never enough to make me feel. I sighed, hearing her chanting my name as I slammed harder and harder into her, her hands fisted into the table cloth as the cups and the water jug fell to the ground, water soaking into the carpet. Distantly, I wondered if this room was soundproof, but figured it probably would be, for patient privacy in case therapy sessions got too…heated. As she came, squeezing my d**k tighter and tighter, I closed my eyes and sighed, slamming into her a few more times before coming silently into the condom, my body quivering slightly as it released, the pleasure spilling through me temporarily, before fading away. I pulled out of her and tugged off the condom, leaving her lying there with her skirt up and her legs quivering as she gasped for breath, tying off the condom and throwing it into the trashcan close by. ‘Damn, at least help her to a chair or something,’ Luke muttered, used to me by now, as I shrugged and moved to the mirror to fix my clothes. As I zipped my pants back up and straightened my shirt, running my fingers through my hair, I noticed she had managed to slide to the floor, her skirt floating around her legs as she sat there with quivering legs, her eyes wet from tears and her face filled with contented pleasure as she looked at me. “I’ll be heading out now, just write down whatever the hell you want on the paper,” I said with a shrug as I started to walk past her and towards the door. “Ca…Cain, wait!” She said as I put my hand on the doorknob and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “There’s still ten minutes left,” She breathed out. I shrugged, giving her an easy smirk as she stared up at me with adoration that I never really understood. I had no idea why the women seemed to be attached to me afterward. I never kissed them, never made noises, never did much of anything, just pounded them senseless and left them a quivering mess, but for some reason that was enough for them to think they were one day going to marry me. “I guess I get to leave early for good behavior, right?” I asked, winking at her. She blushed, her hands pressed against her chest as she tried to calm her racing heart, and nodded rapidly, her eyes wide. “I’ll look forward to seeing you again, Cain,” She breathed out, fluttering her eyelashes at me in a way that girls thought was attractive. I turned around and walked out the door, giving her a wave without looking as I closed it, and sighed. ‘I’m probably never even coming back here again,’ I said with an easy-going laugh in my mind. Luke sighed, shaking his head at me. ‘What am I going to do with you, bro?’ He asked with a sigh. I shrugged, spotting Colette, and walked over to her. ‘Nothing you can do. You’re stuck with me till the day I die,’ I said with a sigh.
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