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Milky Chance- Stolen Dance     I used to think death had become irrelevant to me. To those, I've come to love. It never occurred to me that this was something that I would ever have to face. It's something that as a human I would never have thought of because I never had anyone to lose before. It didn't matter to me if I lived or died. Then again my time had come at a young age. I was nineteen when I accepted this ride into the night.      She had been the most beautiful woman I had ever met and while I didn't want anything romantic with her, I fell in love. It was the way she spoke. The way she carried herself. Everything about her just pulled me in. A mysterious combination of beauty, elegance, and grace. Everything women strive to be. She came into my life and inspired me when no one before her had ever succeeded.      Diana had been my history teacher when I met her. Vampires had come to the light already but not many knew how to spot the difference between vampires and humans then. I sure didn't. She had fought what she thought was a disease for a while. She didn't want to be the monster her maker had trained her to be and for almost a century she had won. That is until I came along. She fought it for months without me being aware of just how much danger I was in when I was around her and I wanted to be around her a lot.      When she did come for me. There wasn't much left of me that would refuse her. I had no family. I hardly talked to anyone. Death was something I full-heartedly welcomed at the time. She explained to me what she was, what she wanted to do, and what would be happening. Now that I think back, it had been almost a casual conversation. She bit me.      I fully gave into the feel of her sucking the life out of the bite on my neck. I had accepted that perhaps death was the only thing I had left. I wasn't living much of a life anyway. I know she tasted that in my blood. She would say that she couldn't kill me because I was so young but I know the truth.      Blood has a certain taste to it when it comes down to human emotions. All vampires know that one of the best ways to feed is when the person is scared shitless. The blood is just exquisite so filled with life. And man does it leave an impression for days depending on how scared the person is. With that being said, there is a type that conquers them all.  Fearlessness.      There's a certain draw one gets from someone who doesn't feel fear like other humans. Someone who has nothing left to lose. Often, at the very last moment, you see it in their eyes. The fleck of fear of the unknown. The question all ask. What happens after I die? But before that. You get to taste everything else.      The endearment of who the person is. Everything that hides behind the smile. The depression, the solitude, the liberation of fear itself, and the fulfillment of their life. Diana never talked about the night she bit me and I know it's because she felt it. She tasted all of me and she didn't think death was worthy of something so broken.      It was why she spent the next twenty years trying to give me everything I didn't have as a human. She became more than just my best friend. She was a mother. A sister. A lover. The only person I cared for outside of myself. Funny isn't it? It was a dead woman who taught me how to live. She gave my life meaning and there is nothing I wouldn't have done for her. My maker is the sole reason for who I am.      "We have to go, Sage. Diana wouldn't want them to catch us too," Remus the only man she ever trusted placed his hand on my shoulder trying to offer me some kind of comfort.     "I'm taking her with me," I whispered kneeling in front of what's left of my Diana. I can't bring my mind to fully process what I'm looking at right now.      "The mausoleum then?" he asked. I looked back at him and nodded. "Sa mergem," (Let's go.)      I gently picked her up and tossed her over my shoulder. Tonight we won't be able to take the car. There is no slowing down for us and there is no stopping. The hunters have declared war. The coven is in mourning but this time come tomorrow night hell will break out on the streets of Romania. Running with her in my arms is crushing and not because she's heavy. I doubt I know what heavy is anymore.      When the light glistened down on a world meant to be kept hidden, no vampire knew what to expect. The supernatural had been so afraid that this world would take to the darkness. They thought it would mean the extinction of the human race. Well, they wrong. These mortal blood pumping mother fuckers sharpened their pitchforks and started the witch hunt.      The first encounter is now called the great war of the light. The vampires were forced to work with the werewolves and the demons. It was a m******e not just for us but for them. Humans are resourceful when they want to be. The other supernaturals weren't safe for long. However, they didn't know what they were up against and let's just say that some of us that live forever have had nothing but time to prepare for a war we know only our kind would survive.      The second encounter is what is coming to an end. The war against the dark. Humans aren't as stupid as they seem. They knew they wouldn't be able to just kill us easily.  Not to mention how greedy they can be. They want the toys we have. In a treaty between immortals and mortals, we are legally supposed to be friends.      They supply us with blood and we help them live their human life spans in peace and with innovation. Technology, medicine, weapons anything to innovate, and help us all move forward. We share with one another. I was starting to think it was working. Peace seemed to be within our grasp.     This is the phase of this war that I was brought into. Diana with her self-hatred and loathing of all things vampire took to this treaty wholeheartedly. She taught me to play well with humans. For the past sixteen years, I've been studying biology, chemistry, politics both human and immortal. She was proud and I was happy to oblige to all she asked of me.      No one had ever smiled at me like she had when I did something worth her pride. When I showed her that I wouldn't waste the opportunity she had given me. All of it had been for her. My mother.      I gently placed her down on the concrete table in the confines of the mausoleum behind the coven manor. She looks like she's sleeping. It's ironic really. When I was first turned, I used to say she looked dead when she slept. This is really happening. This is real.     The tears I never shed as a human came easily now. The pain I thought I felt then is nothing compared to the pain I feel now. Seeing her lifeless body like this is fueling the rage I thought I had surpassed. Rage only she was able to keep at bay. Everything I know is laying here, motionless.      "You have to keep calm, Sage. I'm here too," Remus spoke coming around the table so that I could look up at him.      "What am I supposed to do now?" I asked. My voice is completely foreign to me. I've never let my emotions show. Least of all to him. He sighed taking her other hand.      "I don't know," he answered honestly. "We don't have anyone else,"      Remus is my brother. I didn't always act like the sister he should have. Diana had turned him in hopes to keep me stable. To help me cope with what she had done to me. I didn't need him then. It's one thing she never understood. While she thought she had taken my life, I know she had granted me a new one. A better one. Her guilt was misplaced. I even resented her for a while after she turned him. I had wanted to be the only one. While I was her first, he is her last. The prodigal son of Diana Fraye. The Marchioness.      "We'll be fine," I found myself saying. I reached out placing my hand over his. He looked up at me taking his eyes off of her. The look in his eyes is something I never thought I'd see on his features. We were never reborn to suffer this way. "You have me,"      "You have me too, Sage," he said. I nodded not knowing what else to say.     "Sage?" we looked back at the coven entrance to see Mila. Diana's assistant.      "We should head inside. It's almost daylight," I tell him.      "I don't want to leave her here," he whispers gripping her hand tighter.      "I know," I say because truth be told, I don't want to leave her either. Not out here. Not alone.     "Sage, bring your brother," I shivered at the authority in his voice. The Coven King.     "Yes, sir," I answer swallowing all the emotions threatening to rip me apart. Remus can see me weak but never him and definitely not the coven.     I take Remus' hand and pull him with me. For a second, he protests. I growl as gently as I can so that only he can hear me before he finally lets her go. Once we get to the door I have to push him inside with force. A couple of guards come and pull him inside so that the doors can be shut for the day. The coven has all come here for sanctuary after the raids tonight. Remus is escorted to his chambers. I stay feeling the weight of the daylight outside.      A light hum starts at my fingertips. Blood of my blood. I watch in the camera as the bodies of all those we lost slowly begin to burn. My eyes stayed on camera nine. One last tear slips as I watch her body burn. It doesn't finish making it's way down my cheek. He catches it.      "I'm sorry for your loss," he says. I pull away from him.      "I'm not the only one who lost someone today. You want to catch their tears too. My king?"  He sighs he always does but he never scolds me for being rude. "Get some rest, Sage. We have a long night ahead of us. I need you to pull back from the lab. The coven needs you,"      "Yes, sir," I say taking one last glance at the monitor. Her body is just ashes on a table now.      Diana had introduced me to coven when I turned out to have an affinity. An affinity she couldn't teach me to control. The king right away had taken interest and for a while, it solely stayed on me. Then I had to join the ranks and his attention strayed. I couldn't bring myself to forgive him then and I can't bring myself to do it now. I have attachment issues. It's a pain in my ass but no matter how hard I try to fight it, it wins.      After I was able to be out on my own, she let me go. She let me do what I wanted to do and I did. I went back to school. I started living again and she couldn't be happier for me. She's not here anymore. Someone took her from me. Someone who made a grave mistake when they pierced her heart taking the only thing that truly matters to me. The only person who made me feel more than anger.      Diana will be disappointed in what is to come. What I'm going to do to get to who took her from me. It's a good thing she won't be able to witness the wrath I am about to unleash on the hunting society. These Sterlings. They never learn. Teaching them a lesson is no longer an option. The death of that bloodline is all that will satisfy my need to kill.  
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