We Were Young-3

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Imagine Dragons- Thunder Chapter Three: Turn Around And Run     We both walked out of the house without encountering either of her parents. Their cars are there which means they are home. They never make a fuss when we went out the way my mom does. They never ask her where she's going or who she was going to be with. They always just assumed she's with me in my house, without asking questions.     "Is that Jerry?" Brant asked when we walked out of the gate.     "Yeah," Brandy beamed, looking back at me with a bright smile. She handed me a blue lipgloss tube. "You forgot,"     "Thanks," I said reading the label. Diamond Blue Matte.      I hadn't forgotten. I just never think of stuff like this. I put it in my pocket and climbed into the back seat hoping it was clean and tried not to imagine that my best friend's bare ass could have been on the seats. Don't get me started on Brant's ass being on here. Gross.     "You look nervous," Brant's voice always unsettled me. The guy sounds and looks like someone who would put someone in the hospital for accidentally glaring in his direction.     "The last time we went out she broke Allyson's nose," Brandy laughed.     "Oh, s**t. That's right," Brant laughed. They had just started dating back then. I was kind of their awkward third wheel. Kind of like I am right now. "You know where we're going, southpaw?"     "Yeah," I nodded.     Everyone calls me Southpaw because I'm left-handed and I had knocked Allyson Montgomery on her ass with a left hook. I hadn't meant to break her nose just like she hadn't meant to spill her drink on my dress that night.     "Try not to get into trouble. Rocket has a f*****g temper. Maybe not as bad as yours but he's a hothead," he warned, pulling into a street packed with different cars.     "Rocket? I thought we were going to Lawrence Parker's house?" I asked scooting closer to the front seat. He glanced back at me surprised.     "No one calls him that. You know him as Lawrence?" he asked.     "Yeah," I shrugged. "I didn't know anyone called him Rocket,"     "Okay," he said parking. "I mean if he's cool with you calling him that then go ahead. I think the last time someone other than a teacher or his dad that called him that, he put them in the hospital,"  I climbed out of the backseat looking back at Brant.     "You know him?" Brandy asked. She pulled the lipstick out of my pocket and put some on my lips puckering her own trying to get me to do the same. I slightly opened my mouth.     "Not really. I've seen him a couple of times. Once with his sister," I said looking in the reflection of Brant's car making sure she didn't make me look like an i***t.     "He has a sister?" they both asked.     Brant took Brandy's hand and pulled her into him keeping her away from the sidewalk protectively. Brant is a scary guy. A lot of people know who he is and I used to think my best friend was out of her freaking mind when she started dating him. Over the last eight months, Brant has proven to be the perfect boyfriend. When it comes to Brandy, he's nothing but mush. A giant scary teddy bear. She has him completely wrapped around her perfectly manicured finger.     Brandy took my hand with her right one. She pulled me closer to her with a smile giving me an encouraging squeeze. As we got closer to the house I felt myself already getting nervous. If I hadn't been wearing these gloves I would have covered hers in sweat. I hate being nervous around people.     Brant led us to the backyard and held the wooden door open for us. When the crowd came into view I wanted to turn around and make a run for it. I think Brandy read my mind because she pulled me forward making me stumble into her. She laughed.     "Calm down," she said softly.     "You're okay. We've got you," Brant smiled at me. I looked up at the two of them and nodded not feeling any better about the situation.     "Trip," Brant looked up and waved at someone.     I looked over to the Dj. He was set up in front of a pool that's meant to look like a small pond. There is an outdoor bar. Everything looks. like it was hand-picked by a professional designer. This place is beautiful. It makes me think back to this morning. Why the hell had he been on the bus? I had never seen him on the bus before. I've been riding the thing for six years now. Hardly ever missed a day.     "Rocket," I heard Brant said behind me. "Nice digs, man,"     "Thanks, make yourself at home," I turn at the sound of his voice. A-part of me didn't want to believe that Lawrence and Rocket were the same person.     The guy standing in front of me is definitely the guy from this morning but at the same time, he looks nothing like him. His hair is slicked back revealing a taper that goes all the way around his head. His jacket is gone and replaced by a blue flannel button-up rolled up at the sleeves. His arms are both covered in tattoos. The dark jeans he has on aren't as fitted as they had been this morning. They're long but not long enough to be tucked into the black suede timberlands on his feet. He has black suspenders linked to his jeans. He didn't just scream trouble the way he did earlier. He screams danger. The run and never look back kind of danger yet I can't look away from him.     "Speedy?" he asked looking at me. I smiled feeling my face flare.     "Hey," I awkwardly waved at him. Yes, this is the same Lawrence I met on the bus this morning.     "You clean up nice," he complimented, his eyes raking my body. I had busted a few guys in the face for giving me the look he's giving me but for some reason, his gaze heats me up. I like that he's pleased by the way I look.      "Thank you. You're..." I looked him over once again. "You're really intimidating,"     "Thank you, Speedy. That means a lot coming for you," he laughed.     "Speedy?" Brant asked looking at me.     "How do you two know each other?" Brandy added.     "We go way back," Lawrence answered when I didn't. I think I just forgot to person. "Isn't that right, Speedy,"     "Speedy?" Brandy smirked looking at me.     "Have you seen this girl run? I've never seen a chick run like her," he said stopping in front of me. "Would you like something to drink?"     "Yes," I nodded, feeling parched. He turned away leaving me standing there trying to remember where I am.     "You b***h," Brandy squeaked smacking my arm. The smack worked, waking me. I found my inner animal and smacked her back.     "What the hell, B?" she looked back at me her mouth wide open like she was the happiest person on the face of the earth despite the fact that I had just hit her pretty hard.     "You know, know Rocket Parker. It makes sense now. You didn't fight me when I gave you the dress. The makeup. You little hussy," she pulled me into a hug pissing me off. I pushed her back making her laugh. Brant laughed looking at me.     "Screw you guys," I said looking away.     I watched as Lawrence made his way through the crowd. Both guys and girls reached out for his attention. He would greet them and brush them off as he made his way back. His eyes stayed on me when he saw I was watching him.     "Oh, my god. You like him," Brandy whispered into my ear. I looked over at her without saying a word.     "Here you go," he said handing me a can of ginger ale.     "Thank you," I said looking over at Brandy. She looks impressed. How did he know I wouldn't want a beer or something?     "How was the rest of your day, Speedy? Miss me?" he asked. I laughed at his cocky facade.     "I didn't make anyone cry," I said opening the can. "But I did get to push B off the counter,"     "b***h," she said rolling her eyes. "Come on, babe. I want to dance. Southpaw has her hands full right now,"     "Don't leave her alone, Rocket. She'll f**k s**t up," Brant said letting Brandy pull her away.     "You're the infamous Southpaw?" Lawrence asked when they were gone.     "Yeah," I said taking a sip of my soda.     "Brant tells that story all the time. He was seriously impressed," he said making the heat in my already embarrassed cheeks intensify.     "That's... How embarrassing," I admitted shaking my head. That's why everyone thinks I'm a freak.     "Embarrassing? Hell no. No one's ever put Allyson on her ass like that. She and Adam think they run everything cause their dad is rich. You're a legend,"     "I had no idea who she was. She was just being a b***h and I snapped when she put her hands on me. I don't like people touching me. Brandy gets away with it, mostly, but even then, it's not something I welcome,"      "Good to know," he said. "I'll make sure to ask or you can easily ask me,"     "You're the cockiest person I have ever met and that says a lot because I am around Brant all the time," he shot me that damn smile my way. I had to look away.     "Are you nervous?" he asked.     "Nervous? Should I be?" Deny it was always my go-to response to that question.     "Not around me, Speedy. I'd never hurt you. Not on purpose anyway,"     "Okay," I said looking at the crowd of people. I was met with some glares and curious glances.     "So, your street name is Rocket?" I asked. He looked down at me with a smirk.     "That's right,"     "That's a whole lot better than Shark," we both laughed. "Can I ask why Rocket?"     "I'm a fighter. It was just the gimmick I was given and it stuck. Not a slick as Southpaw though,"     "You're a fighter? Boxing or MMA," I asked turning my complete attention to him.     "Whoa. You should see the light in your eyes. You fan?" he mused. I nodded.     "Yeah, I am. My dad was underground. Specialized in Jujutsu and Kickboxing. He could have gone pro,"     "Did he get hurt?" I shook my head. "MMA. Taekwondo and Brazilian Jujitsu,"     "That's cool. I bet you kick some serious ass,"      "What do you specialize in?" he asked.     "Boxing and Judo. Well, I used to. I stopped when I turned fifteen,"     "Why? You obviously love it,"     "Ummm, I don't want to talk about that. It's kind of personal,"     "Alright. Do you dance?" he asked.     "What? Dance?"     "Yeah," he said taking the can of soda out of my hand. "Come on,"     "I don't know," I said skeptically when he extended his hand offering me to take it. "I don't like people,"     "You're going to break my heart if you don't dance with me, Speedy,"      "You're going to have to try better than that," I squinted my eyes at him.     "I like that fire in you. How about this, everytime you say no to me I'll lay someone out until you agree?"     "What?" I asked looking around. "You're going to hit someone if I say no?"     "That's right. Don't believe me?" I stayed still feeling my heart start to beat fast in my chest. He turned around grabbing some guy by the arm.     "Okay, okay. I dance. I can dance," I said putting my hands up to try and stop him.     "Hey, man," the guy greeted him.     "Sorry, bro. I thought you were someone else," Lawrence smirked turning his gaze back to me. He extended his hand for me to take. I took a deep breath and placed my hand in his giving him permission to pull me along with him. One dance. That's all this is. I can do one dance.     "Would you have really done it?" I asked trying to keep my attention on him.     "No," he said with honesty. I laughed shaking my head.     "You're scary," I shouted over the music as we pushed through the crowd. We stopped in the center. I stood rigid in place nerves making my body tremble.     "Can I?" he asked his eyes staying on mine. He let his hands hover over my hips when I looked down. I looked back up at him taking a deep breath.     "Okay," I whispered. My voice is shaky. I have never danced with anyone who isn't my mom or Brandy.     I had never let anyone put their hands on me like this. Any entanglement I had ever been in was in the ring while me and whoever put their hands on my were beating the hell out of one another. Lawrence gently put his hands on my waist and pulled me into him. He lifted my hands up putting them on his shoulders. With one rough pull, my body smacked into his. His hands slid down to my waist keeping me in place.     "Relax, Speedy. It's just me," he whispered in my ear. I swallowed hard feeling him all over me. Saying that is just a reminder of how much of a stranger he is but there's something else. I don't want him to be. The feeling is unsettling.      With one of his legs, he spread mine stepping closer and he began to sway us back and forth. I can feel my breathing coming in desperate pants. He's so close I can hear his breathing in my ear. The heat coming from the crowd and the bodies jumping around is too much.     "I can't," I cried, pulling away as the anxiety took over my body.     I began to shake, my body needs to run. I pushed him away turning around desperate for air. Everything is blurring, caging me in. I began to push my way back the way I had come. If I didn't get out of here fast I'm going to hurt someone. I can hear Lawrence calling me as I tried to escape. My body smacked into someone.     "Watch where you're going, b***h," she shouted pushing me back.     "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," I tried, shaking my head.     "Get out of my way freak," she shoved me again making me tumble back into the crowd behind me.     "Whoa," some guy laughed steadying me.     "Jeremiah no," I heard Brandy shout.     It was too late. The hum in my body quieted. My body came to a complete standstill with my focus zeroing in on the girl in front of me. She said something reaching forward giving my shoulder a light shove. I pulled back swinging forward. My left fist met her jaw sending her staggering back. She cried out before she came at me again. I blocked her hit with my right arm and hit her again with my left. I pulled her into me bringing my knee up when she bent down. Her face never connected with my knee.     She was pulled away from me while someone pulled me away from her. I pulled my body forward and then pushed back as hard as I could. I heard whoever was holding me cursed. My head didn't meet with anything. I was pushed away from whoever is holding me. I spun around with my elbow up connecting with someone's head. They stumbled before coming back at me. Their intention is to make me submit. Whoever it is, is strong. A lot stronger than I am because I was stuck and no matter how hard I tried to reverse the hold on me I couldn't move an inch.     "Calm down, Speedy," I heard him say in my ear. "I don't want to hurt you. Please,"     "That only makes it worse. Let her up," I heard Brandy say. "Jer. Calm down. It's me. Jer. Calm down. Let her go, Rocket,"     I was released. I turned around pushing my body up hard and off the ground before landing on my feet. I looked around a little disoriented. Brandy is standing in front of me with her arms spread out like she's trying to keep everyone back. I looked down to see my dress had come up around my waist. I pulled it down as fast as I could.     "I'm sorry," I said taking in slow deep breaths as the anxiety returned with a vengeance. She laughed.     "Damn, Jer. You f****d some girl up. You almost laid out Rocket,"     "Not even close," he defended standing behind her.     "Your piercing is bleeding," I pointed out looking around. I kept my eyes down trying not to pay attention to all the eyes on me. "I have to go,"     "Where are you going?" Brandy asked reaching for me.     I looked back at her with a glare making her flinch and step away from me. I turned towards the exit. The crowd opened up for me as I walked out. I pulled my jacket off and rolled my sleeves up needing the fresh air on my skin. I walked down the street away from the noise and sat on the sidewalk where the line is red. I bowed my head feeling ashamed of myself.     I have successfully humiliated myself yet again. I told B this would happen. I told myself that I wouldn't let it happen but that feeling he had ignited in me was something I have never felt before. I had liked his hands on me. My body pressed against his but the sound of the music and the warmth of the crowd around us was too much. I let out a sob wishing I wasn't like this.     "Hey," I jumped up turning around to see Lawrence standing behind me. He had his hands in his pockets. There was blood drying on his face. His hair is now messy and he looks a little winded.     "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. I panicked. There were so many people there. Then that girl shoved me three times. I lost it. I knew I shouldn't have come. I don't know why I came,"     "It's fine. It was my fault. I shouldn't have pushed it,"     "You should stay away from me. I'm not the kind of person you should befriend," he smiled at me.     "I don't want to befriend you, Jeremiah," the way my name rolled off his tongue gives me goosebumps. "I want to make you mine," 
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