In The Dark-2

1578 Words
Blink182- Perfect      Kambria's parents are lavishing her with affection after the ceremony was over. My mom had died a year before I had graduated high school and my dad had bailed on me when he found out I was going to be staying in the dorms. I sent an invitation to where he had told me he was staying last. It came back a few days ago with a note saying he no longer lived there anymore. So no one ever shows up to these things for me. I've learned to not be disappointed anymore. That's a lie. I've learned that disappointment builds character.     "You'd think the princess would have had the world laid at her feet today,"      I rolled my eyes turning around to see Axel standing there with a bouquet of flowers and a bear wearing a graduation cap and gown matching my own. It's so big he could barely hold it with one arm.      "Expectation versus reality," I shrugged with a smile.      "Lee, come take a picture with me," Kam called out from the giant group of people surrounding her.      "Give me a second," I called back to her, she turned back to her family.      "These are for you," he said handing me the flowers and the bear. "For my savior. I also wanted to thank you personally,"      "For what?" I asked.      "I just signed my contract with the White Sox," he said pulling out a baseball cap from his back pocket.      "Are you serious? Why would you thank me? That was all you," I said excitedly.      "You put me on their radar. I'd have to spend another year in this place without you. Maybe more,"  I shook my head.      "That was all you. All I did was write an article," I said. "I am so happy for you. Are you excited?"      "I am. Really excited. I wanted to see you before I left,"      "When do you leave?" I asked.      "Tomorrow night,"      "Kam's parents are having this thing. Want to come?"      "Yeah," he agreed.      "Aleethea," I looked up at Axel. I felt the heat completely drain out of my body. I shut my eyes briefly before I turned to see my dad standing behind me.      "Dad?" I asked trying to find my head or something rational in it. He walked over to me. He looks just like I remember him. Tall, dark hair, cold emerald eyes, and as always a well-tailored suit.      "Can I have a moment alone?" he asked looking back at Axel.     "I'll hold these for you," Axel said taking the bear and the flowers. Thankfully, Kam came over and pulled him with her.      "You've grown," my dad said when we were away from everyone.      "I sent you an invitation. I got it back it said you no longer live in your old apartment," he nodded.      "I moved. I live in Connecticut now. I... I met someone. I got married last year. You have a brother on the way," I looked away nodding. "You're going to be twenty-five soon,"      "I'm aware of that," I said not meeting his gaze. The information stung in my chest making me want to slap him. He could have picked a different day to come and ruin my existence.     "You don't understand. You're going to change. Something is about to happen to you. I want you to come with me right now. It's important. I wouldn't be here otherwise,"      "Are you kidding me right now? You think I'm just going to drop everything I've worked for to go anywhere with you? I haven't seen you since I was seventeen and even before that you weren't a very good father. So got back to Connecticut with your new family and stay the hell away from me,"      "Aleethea," he said trying to stop me from walking away from him.      "Screw you, Red. Don't try to contact me again," I said turning away.      "Are you okay?" Kambria asked.     "I'm fine," I said shaking my head trying to keep it together. "Is he still there?"      "No," she said. "He left. What happened?"      "He said he moved to Connecticut. He's married now and has a kid on the way," she sighed rubbing my arm.      "Well you have a new family too," she said hugging me. "And a pro-baseball player who can't stop looking at you,"      "Shut up," I said cracking a playful smile. It's all I can give her right now, but I have to admit that her charm always works on me.      "Come on, let's get some booze in you. You did it," she said jumping up and down. She pulled me over to where Axel and her boyfriend Howard stood.      "You good?" Axel asked and I nodded. He handed me the bear and the flowers.      "You guys look super cute together," Kam's mom Esmer said. "Scoot closer for a picture,"      "I'd love a picture," Axel said pulling me into him.      I rolled my eyes at him. Esmer laughed and showed me she had caught me rolling my eyes at him. She took a couple of more before she made me take a picture with Kam and her six brothers. Sometimes I'm extremely grateful for being an only child. At least I used to be.     The drive back to their house took us half an hour. The only reason she had moved into the dorms was because she wanted to get out of the house filled with guys. She's the only girl and the oldest. I'd run for the hills as well.      Axel makes my beetle look smaller than it actually is. Since Jason and Kyle, two of Kam's brothers had to ride with me Axel couldn't push the seat-back. Every time I glanced at him I can't help but laugh. His long legs are crammed into the small space he has. His knees almost reach the handle to open the door.     "Laugh it up, Lee," he said glaring at me.      "How long have you two been dating?" Jason asked.      "I thought you were a dike," Kyle added. Axel looked at me, eyebrows lifted.      "I will stab you, Kyle," I warned making them laugh. "We're not dating,"      "Which brings us back to you being a dike," I hit the brakes making him slam his face against my headrest. "Ass hole,"      "Even I saw that coming," Jason said.      "What makes you think she's a dike? She is not dike-ish in any way," Axel said.      "She only hangs out with my sister. Disapproves of her relationship with a to be pro-baseball player,"      "As if," I said rolling my eyes at the last part.      "See," Kyle said.      "She's right. Howard isn't getting drafted," Axel said.      "What?" they both said in unison.      "You guys didn't know that?" he asked.      "What tipped you off the fact that they said he was to be or that they were surprised when you said something?" I asked sarcastically. The guys chuckled in the back seat.      "If you're interested in Miss Personality over here. Good luck buddy," Kyle said laughing. I hit the brakes again. This time his entire body hit my seat. Axel put his hand up stopping himself from hitting the dashboard. Jason just laughed.      "I think she's awesome. Just so you know even if you do get famous in Chicago we'll all still whoop your ass if you hurt our sister," that made me smile. My best friend's brothers have a way of making me feel better, even on my worst days.      "I'd come looking for you so you can beat the s**t out of me if that were to happen," he said looking out the window.      "Cocky mother fucker," I said shaking my head. He looked at me with a smile on his lips. The guys jumped out of the car as soon as I stopped.     "You lied to me," he said. I turned the engine off and looked at him.      "When?" I asked.      "You said you were just Lee Cromwell. Your name is Aleethea,"     "He's the only person that calls me that," I shrugged.      "What does it mean?" he asked. I smiled.      "The truth," I answered.      "Yeah," he said nodding. I laughed. He thought I had asked him if he wanted the truth.      "That's what it means. Aleethea means Truth,"      "That's ironic," he said looking at me.      "I'm glad you think so,"      "You should give him some credit," he said not taking his eyes off me.      "I'm not giving him s**t. I don't owe him a single thing," I said looking away. The anger in me lashed out making my heart race. I felt the heat rush to my face. I hate getting mad because I turn red. "He didn't even congratulate me. I don't know what the hell he was doing here. All he did was throw that he had moved on without me in my face. A new wife and their unborn son. I didn't even know he had left California,"      "I think you owe it to yourself to know what he wants. Sometimes it has nothing to do with what you really want but what you need," I sighed looking over at him.      "If he comes into contact with me again. I'll try. How about that?"      "You're not doing this for me. This is for you,"      "I'm doing this so he can hurt me one last time so I know better the next time he comes around," he smiled at me before pushing the seat back so he could get out the car. 
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