In The Dark-1

1309 Words
MCR- Mama     The smell of m*******a drifted into my room through the vents. I had covered them up all winter but now the heat is starting to settle into this Californian atmosphere I couldn't keep the AC covered anymore. I sighed opening the window. The hot night air drifted into the room swirling the smell in the air until it blended in with the stale stench of dry beer, piss, and vomit from years of co-eds coming into the dorms night after night of bad decisions.      Finals week, one more week of this hell and I'd be able to move to the city where I will find a place where I don't have to smell this s**t anymore or any of the other crap these girls could come up with. The giggles coming in from outside are something I'm very familiar with. I stood up glancing out into the courtyard to see my roommate with one of the Baseball players.      I have known Kambria for eight years now. We had met when I came back for her sophomore year and she'd become like a sister since we've fallen into a comfortable routine. So year after year, we get back together so we wouldn't have to deal with the embarrassment and awkwardness of living with new people.     This year, Kambria had a mental break down halfway through the semester and decided, f**k it. She let go of the grip she had on the fight for her future as a Lawyer. She quit her internship at the Lawfirm she had been working at. Her grades dropped to a two-point oh average and even when the two of us will be graduating together, she'd still have to come back to retake three classes.      She'd met Howard Stevenson at one of the infamous baseball house parties. He has a tight grip on her and by the looks of it. She has her claws deep in him. They have been inseparable since then. She's in love.  It breaks my heart a little. She'd lost track of the vision. She let herself get lost in something before she got where she'd wanted to be. We got along the way we did because we had once had the same ideals. We shared the same outlook of the person we wanted to actually be over the person we are now.     "Hey," I jumped when the door was pushed open and then slammed shut.      "Who the hell are you?" I asked getting up. The guy had rushed in without so much as a knock. I could have been naked.      "You don't know who I am?" he asked me stupidly.      "Do you know who I am?" I asked.      "No," he said after he thought about it.     "Then why the hell would I know who you are? Get the hell out of my room, you i***t,"  He laughed.      "I'll give you fifty bucks if you let me stay here for like twenty minutes," he said pulling out a fifty-dollar bill from his wallet.     "No, get out," he reached for me putting the money in my hand.      "Please. I am desperate," he pleaded.      "Where are you?" two different voices shouted. "Get your ass out here mother fucker!"      "You're the mother fucker I assume?" I asked.      "You really don't know who I am, sweetheart?"  I glared at him not liking the nickname in the slightest.      "No," I said putting the fifty dollar bill in my pocket. I dropped on my bed and began to shut my textbooks.      "You're studying?" he asked.      "Yes, I have class at seven forty," I sassed, putting my finished assignments in my bag along with my notes.      "What's your major?" he asked going over to the window. He shut it. I got up and opened it. "Why do you need the window open?"      "My neighbors are professional griefers," I glared at him, pushing him away from the window.      "You didn't answer my question," he said.      "One out of two should be good enough," I tried to dismiss him. He sat on Kam's bed.      "You're kind of a princess aren't you?"  I laughed sitting at my desk.      "I'll tell you my major if you tell me what you did to those two guys,"       "Shouldn't I tell you who I am first?" he smirked. I shrugged. "Do you know who David Grant is?"      "Meathead football player. Doesn't take rejection well. Yes, he's made his pitiful existence known a couple of times,"  He laughed.      "He caught me with his girlfriend,"  My turn to laugh. I pulled the fifty dollars out of my back pocket and handed them back to him.      "Then I'm happy to lend you some assistance. Free of charge,"      "Keep it. You're really cool," he said. "You saved me from going to my profiling with a black eye in the morning,"      "Journalism," I said putting the fifty back in my pocket.      "Really?" he said looking me over. "Yeah, I see it,"      "See what?" I asked.      "The Louis Lane aura," I laughed.      "I'm Lee,"      "Lee? Just Lee?"      "Lee Cromwell,"      "Now. I know you know who I am. You wrote the piece that got me an interview on ESPN,"      "What?" I asked looking him over. "You're Axel Segler?"      "I am," he said smugly.      "I've never seen you up close or outside your uniform," I said looking him over again. He's pretty. I mean I knew he had a nice ass from the way his baseball pants fit but, damn.      "Wow, it's nice to meet you," he said extending his hand out to me. I shook it.     "Thank you,"      "Can I ask you a question?"      "You just did," I snarked making him flush. "Go ahead,"      "Why me?" he asked. "Why'd you choose me?"      "Why wouldn't I?" I asked him truthfully.      "There are other players just as good or better but you chose me,"      "I've gone to all your games since the first time I watched you play against Arizona State two years ago. You aren't like the others,"      "You don't know me," he said looking away.      "Maybe, but I've seen enough to know that this isn't just a game to you. You don't play because you thought you were good and wanted the fame or money that comes with it. You play because this is your life. You're in love with this probably more than you're in love with yourself. Passion is a rare commodity nowadays. Everyone wants to be famous. Everyone wants to be rich. A lot of people do things for all the wrong reasons. I think you do it for the right one,"      "You sound like you know how that feels," he said looking down at his hands.      "I do. I know exactly what I want. What I've always wanted and no one is going to get in my way of that no matter how hard it gets," h He smiled at me and nodded. "Greatness recognizes greatness then?"  "Something like that," the door burst open.      "Yo, L..." Kambria froze at the door. I looked up to see how close we were. I pulled away. "I am so sorry. I'll come back,"      "Segler," we both stood up when the two massive halfbacks stood at the other end of the hall behind my friend.      "f**k," he laughed.     "The window. We're on the second floor," I said pushing him to it.      "I'll see you later, Lee," he whispers softly and jumped out. He tucked his body and rolled as he hit the ground. He's definitely done this before.      "Move," I was shoved onto Kam's bed before the two massive brutes rushed out. I looked over at the door to see Kam trying to make herself smaller against the corner.      "Are you okay?" I asked going over to her.      "What the hell just happened?" she asked rubbing her arm.      "I met a guy," I said shutting the door. "He's an i***t though," 
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