Danger is My Middle Name-1

1459 Words
Billie Eilish, Khalid- Lovely (Naruto AMV)     "Brandy, you're up already?" my dad asked as shut the refrigerator door. I took a but out of my cheese stick and glanced over at the timer on the oven. Six fifteen a.m.      "I am," I lied. "I do go to school,"      "Your mom is in a bit of a mood already. She was up all night again," he pulled out a hundred dollar bill and held it out for me to take. "Don't give her a hard time today,"      "Kay," I shrugged snatching it out of his hand.      I rushed up to my room to shower and get into something comfortable. I hadn't been to bed yet. I was out with some friends all of last night and if he had come down a three minutes earlier, he would have caught me sneaking in through the back door. It's going to be a long day today.      The walk to school only helped to remind me that I'm going to fall asleep during class sometime today. Why do I do this to myself? I'm the only person who actually suffers at the end of this. My mom really doesn't care if I'm home or not. The only other person my dad cares outside of himself is my mom. I'm just a nuisance in their life. My mom actually forgot my name last week.      "You look tired," I looked over at the boy standing next to me. His deep voice is appealing. The guy is tall. I know him from somewhere.      "I feel tired," I shrugged reaching my locker. I put in my locker combination and tried to open it to no avail. I wiggled the knob a couple of times before I groaned and tried the combination again. Same result.      "Let me try," he suggested. I motioned him to try as I put my locker combination in again. Nothing. "Maybe it's stuck?"      "All of my s**t is in there," I groaned smacking my head against the locker.     "Hey, B. Whachu doin?" I turned to see the only person on this earth that loves me unconditionally standing behind the handsome tall guy I may or may not know.      "My locker is broken. It won't open," I complained.      "B, that's not your locker," she laughed. I looked up to see that she's right. The two of us started laughing. She got between us and opened my locker that's next to the one I was trying to open.      "How embarrassing," I sighed smacking my head on the unknown locker again.      I looked up at the cute guy to see him grinning like a wild man. He has the nicest teeth ever. Well, Jerry, my dear best friend has super nice teeth too. Her mom is a hygiene freak. Cute guy is big. He towers over me and I'm kinda tall for a girl. His arms are jacked. I bet they look nice as hell bare. Let's not get started on the rest of him.      "You're definitely tired," he chuckled.      "I'm sorry. I had a rough night. Thank you for trying to help. Much appreciated,"      "Much obliged. I'll see you around, Sleepy,"      He smirked at me before joining a group of smaller less jacked boys who look like they're trying to compete over who can get to his physique first. The answer to that is none of them. Sexy like that comes genetically. I know. Jerry, she gets it from both her parents. Thick with two c's is all I'm going to say about her thighs and ass.  "You haven't slept all night have you," she accused while looking me over.  "Not even a little," I yawned.      She reached into my locker and pulled out a little box. From inside of her messenger bag she pulled out a cold water bottle. She emptied something into it that made the water bubbly. She handed it me making me drink it. I took a sip and shook my head letting her know I'm not interested.      "Trust me. You're going to need that. It's caffeine. This," she pulled out a small tube of what I think is chapstick. "This is to help wake you up when I can't do it for you,"      "What is it?" I asked taking the wrapper off of it.      "It's vapor inhaler," she opened it for me and put it up to my nose. "Inhale deep,"  I did as instructed and started coughing my lungs out. That burns and she's right. It woke me right up.     "How are you a stay, awake wizard?" I asked.      "My mom works double shifts at the hospital sometimes. You know staying out all night isn't going to help anything right?"      I sighed grabbing my things for my first class of the day. She's right. It isn't going to help anything but that's not what I want to do. I need to get away from the sickening feeling I get when I home. I don't want to be there and just thinking about going back there makes me want to stab myself in carotid so I can just f*****g bleed to death.      "Do you work today?" I asked her. She shook her head.      "Want to come home with me tonight. We can sleep all day. I need it too,"      "Please," I nodded.      She smiled at me linking her arm through mine. Jerimiah got me through the day. In the two classes we didn't have together she would text me. I smiled at her random messages knowing that she's texting me with her seriously out of date flip phone.      "You smile at that thing a lot," I looked over at my partner in lack of sleep next to me. Lawrence Parker.      "You don't ever smile. So, shush,"      "You're not going to make me beat the s**t out of ass hole are you?" he asked. I looked over at him confused.      "Why would you do that for me, Rocket?"      "My guy is seriously interested in you. He thinks you're special. He has this if I can't have her no one can, kind of attachment to you already," I burst out laughing.      "Is that what you call it? Your guy? Oh, my god. Look Rocket, you're cute with your little emo get up, your snake bites, and your s**t kickers but you're not my type. I like my guys with a less sadist gimmick," he glared at me which only served to make me laugh even more.      "Cute," he shot back. "I'm not talking about my d**k, Brandy. I wouldn't touch you with my d**k even if you were the last chick on earth. I like my women a little less... loud. Women with more self-respect. I was talking about Trip,"      "I have plenty of self-respect, ass hole," I shouted. Everyone in the class turned to look at us.      "Calm down, Brandy," he groaned shrinking away from me.      "Don't f*****g tell me to calm down. Who the hell do you think you are?" he rolled his eyes at me.      "Both of you get out of my class," the teacher demanded.      "Gladly," I shot back at her. I stuffed everything into my backpack and walked out of there.      "That's what I meant. You're so loud. Your only friend can probably hear you from across the schoolyard," he snarked once we were outside.      "I don't just have one friend d**k face,"      "I don't care. You completely missed what I was trying to tell you. You're the weirdest girl I have ever met in my life,"      "Yeah, well you're the emo-est dude I've ever met in my life,"      "I'm not emo," he shot back.      "You could have fooled me," I screamed. I can feel myself getting excruciatingly angry for no reason. It happens when I'm tired.      "Whatever," he shook his head. As he walked away what he was trying to tell me before I snapped clicked into place.      "Who the f**k is Trip? What kind of name is that?" he looked back at me as the bell rang. People began to pour out of the classrooms and into the hall. He didn't answer me. He just walked away.      "Was that you screaming?" I turned around to see Jerry walking over to me with a smile on her face. "Are you okay?"      "No, I'm tired," I complained.      She nodded taking my hand in hers. She pulled me with her until we got to our lockers. We both caught the bus to her place. When we got there she made me soup and a grill cheese sandwich. As soon as my head hit her pillow I was out. This is the only place I feel at peace. She's the only person I feel safe with. The only person in this world that doesn't think I'm a piece of s**t. 
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