The First Time-2

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Amber Run: Pilot  Two: What Really Happened     Grayson was literally the only boy in school who hated high school even when he had everything a high school jock could ever want. He questioned everything in a bitter way. He didn't understand that everything was so easy then. The hardship hadn't even begun and yet he carried himself like the entire world rested upon his shoulders.That's what I loved about him.     I was the new kid at school and already everyone knew who I was from the massive portrait of my family in the city hall building. My dad the political man and my mom the law lady. The dynamic duo of change. That is really what people called them. How Grayson didn't know who we were baffled me and made me like him more.      No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get him to look at me much less talk to me. So, I did the next big thing. I befriended the ass hole who claimed to be his best friend. I just couldn't bring myself to befriend the girl who claimed to be his girlfriend while she was hooking up with his best friend.      Zach wasn't exactly a complete ass hole. He was actually more of a tool and I imagine that he still is. What I liked more about Zach was that he treated me like a friend. He was in love with his little hussy so much that he didn't use me as an opportunity. Not that I was putting it out there. At least, not for him.      He knew I was interested in Gray. I mean it wasn't exactly a secret. He caught me looking at the guy more than I care to admit. I think he liked that as well. I think he wanted what happened to happen except when it happened he hadn't been prepared to let go of the one thing that didn't just belong to him. He was my only friend at the time and he liked it that way.      A part of me wanted to stop Grayson from walking up those steps. I had been worried about him since he arrived. He went straight for the beer trying to avoid everyone which was odd for him he was usually the center of attention and he liked it. There were instances when he would glance back at me like he knew I was watching. I was such a creeper.      When he walked out of the house annoyed I knew what had happened so I gave him my beer. I honestly didn't mean to look as cool as I did except this was an opportunity that I couldn't let just fly past me. This had been the moment I had been waiting for from the moment I watched the guy swing a bat my first day at school. No one on his team had the perfect form he did and none of them hit as hard as he did- does.      When I smacked my lips on his and he pulled me in. I swear it was more than I ever expected. I wanted it to be under different circumstances and I had pictured something super romantic but let me tell you that s**t was magical. Jason Todd could have been on a unicorn right next to me and I wouldn't have even noticed.      What happened after that was a bit of a blur. I gave him my car keys mostly because I wasn't fit to drive. I was drunk in love and I felt a little bad because of the state of mind he was in. A dirty and bold move I admit but hey that's politics right? I got it from my daddy.      I just wanted to make him feel better. I wanted him to smile like he usually did so that I could keep admiring him. It was hurting me to see him falling apart like he was and he seemed pretty happy until the moment I told him he and I were a thing.      "What the f**k? You're f*****g crazy," he retorted at my claim.      "No, I'm not," I shot back unable to think of a better response.      "Yes, you are. I have a girlfriend,"      "Had. I kind of laid her out after we made out in front of half the school,"      He thought about my statement for a while. He just stood there without looking at me until I think it finally clicked together for him. He shook his head and turned around walking out of the room. It was hard for me to keep up with him. I couldn't drive I was no longer drunk in love. I was just drunk.      I followed him without saying a word to make sure he got home safe. About halfway to his house, my leg started to hurt really bad. My walking slowed and I couldn't walk straight anymore. I was limping up until I couldn't move it anymore. I sat down between two cars with tears in my eyes. I didn't dare move my knee. The pain would pass hopefully in less time than it usually did.      "Felicity," I heard him shout. Seconds later he ran past me in the direction we had come from.      "I can't move," I called out after him. He turned around so fast I could have laughed if I wasn't in so much pain.      "s**t, are you crying?" he asked running back towards me.      "No," I lied angrily.      "Are you lying?" I glared at him.      "Of course, I'm lying you, i***t. You are the worst boyfriend in the history of boyfriends ever," I cried.      "I'm sorry," he said not denying it. "What do I do? Do I call an ambulance? Are you hurting really bad?"      "Yeah,"  I nodded. "I just need to rest. I'll call Veronica when I can get up by myself,"      "Call Veronica now," he demanded. I looked up at him annoyed.      "No, why don't you just go home and leave me alone. That's what I get for trying to be nice to someone,"      "You are the most demanding person ever. First, you want me to stay and now you want me to leave? What do you want from me?"      "I want you to sit your ass down and shut the hell up until the pain goes away," I cried out angrily.      "Okay," he shouted and sat down next to me.     Grayson held my hand while I tried to fight back the pain for two hours before I was able to stand up again. I called Veronica and he carried me into the car. When we arrived at my house he carried me all the way up to my room. He waited outside when Veronica helped me change into my pink silk pajamas.      "Can I come in?" he asked once she left. I nodded covering myself with my giant Batman blanket. "Felicity, I am so sorry. You were just trying to make me feel better. I am such a f*****g ass hole. Tell me what to do to fix it,"      It was a little past two in the morning and if I'm completely exhausted I can only imagine what he's feeling. I patted the bed next to me. He hesitated for a second before taking his shoes off and climbing into the bed with me. He carefully scooted into me before pulling me into him.      "See boyfriend," I joked making him laugh.      "You are so pushy," he whispered.      "Get used to it," I responded.  ********     "Still not a fan," Grayson said kissing the top of my hand.      "You guys are the cutest thing ever," the doctor said with a bright smile on her face. "You're almost there,"      "Did you guys just stay together after that?"      "Yeah," Gray responded immediately. "Turns out I didn't hate her at all. I just had this massive crush on her only I was too stupid to see it because of she who shall not be named if I want to sleep in the same bed as my wife for the next month,"      "Shut up," I groaned as another contraction hit. I swear I'm being split in half. 
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