Chapter 8 Let's Get Divorced

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I would never forget how Galilea had made sure that my mother didn't even have money to pay for her surgery, and I would never forget how she'd leaked mine and Aidan's photos to get the Mcknight family's fortune. Now, she was claiming that my father had forced her! I ignored the pain in my jaw and shoved him away agitatedly. "Ha, do you actually believe that? She told me herself that she dumped you because you weren't as rich as my father! My father forced her? She was the one who seduced him!" ... Aidan slapped me hard, and it rang out crisply. My face was forced to one side, and my head spun. For the past four years, even though he didn't have any feelings for me, he'd never laid a finger on me. Yet on this day, he'd slapped me for Galilea's sake. I leaned against the wall, feeling spent. I frowned and looked at him with disappointment. "Did I say or do anything wrong?" After that, I saw my reflection from the mirror. My hair was messed up, and my face was swollen. I looked as wretched as I felt. Aidan slowly lowered his hand, rage burning in his eyes. "If you hadn't told her to bring your father some tea, he wouldn't have had the chance to do anything to her! She told me not to blame you for this, yet you're doing everything you can to make her out as the one at fault. You're despicable!" Tea? My parents had had a huge fight that night, and my mother had slept in my room in a fit of rage. Why would I have asked Galilea to bring my father tea? I never knew that Galilea was so good at making things up. I felt my blood boiling as I clenched my fists and shrieked, "Of course you'll believe everything that she says! But it doesn't change the fact that the woman you love is nothing but a cheap sl*t!" This infuriated Aidan. He grabbed me by the arm and shoved me onto the bed, looking murderous. "I'll show you who's the true sl*t here!" For a moment, I was both anxious and mad. I tried my best to push him away. "Let go of me!" He subdued me with one arm and kissed me roughly, almost like he wanted to rip me to shreds. ... Pain ripped through me, but that didn't stop him. I was out of strength from fighting against him. No matter how resistant I was, my body couldn't help responding to him. Just as I was feeling dazed, his deep voice rang out. "Do you see who's the sl*t now?" That instantly woke me up. My veins were filled with ice. His words cut deep, and I couldn't breathe through the pain. Time and time again, he'd used different methods to remind me what our marriage was built on, but this was the only time that I'd felt absolutely humiliated. He got up and got dressed, seemingly not even wanting to spend a second longer in bed. Where was he going? To spend the night with Galilea and their child? My heart twisted painfully, and the despair smothered me. I took a deep breath and said to his back, "Let's get divorced." Those three simple words seemed to use up all the strength that I had. I couldn't say anything else. To Aidan, this marriage was nothing but a business deal. Getting a divorce was as simple as firing an employee. But to me, I was ripping a person that I loved deeply from my life. He stopped and snorted. "Sara, stop using the same old trick. It's not going to work." After that, he left without hesitation. The walls rocked with the sound of the door slamming shut. This was my first time seeing him so mad, and it was because of Galilea. As for me? He only thought that I was threatening him with divorce. I got out of bed and leaned against the window, watching his car leave. My chest felt empty, as if my heart had been ripped out. The tears that I'd held back for a long time finally rolled down my face. I stood by the window for the whole night, falling deeper and deeper into my pit of despair. The idea of divorce rooted itself in my mind. The next day, when I got home after work, I stood in the foyer, unable to take another step. Galilea and Kieran had already moved in. Aunt Hazel, who'd worked at the Foster family home for years, had come with them. Aunt Hazel came up to me with a smile. "Young Madam, you guys don't have a nanny here, so Madam arranged for me to come and take care of you." I didn't know what to say. Neither Aidan nor I liked having strangers in the house, so we had never hired a nanny. Now, I supposed it made sense that my mother-in-law sent Aunt Hazel over to take care of Kieran. "Alright, thank you." I nodded and took off my heels, feeling awkward. I quickly headed into the bedroom, feeling like a complete outsider. I couldn't delay the divorce anymore. There was no way I could live with Galilea and Kieran. I pulled out my phone and called Aidan, but his phone was turned off. For several days in a row, he didn't come back, nor did he contact me. On Saturday, I got up and started packing my suitcase, getting ready to move to a hotel. Perhaps I was being too narrow-minded, but I honestly couldn't take it anymore. Every day, I'd return to a place that was supposed to be my home, that was filled with laughter that wasn't my own. Each of Galilea's smiles felt like a challenge. She seemed to be saying, "Look, I ruined your parents' marriage, and now I'm going to ruin yours. What can you do about it?" I was suddenly glad that Aidan hadn't been home. Otherwise, it would just make things that much harder for me if I were to see the three of them together. As I was stuffing the last of my things into the suitcase, Galilea strode in haughtily. She glanced at my suitcase and laughed. "Oh, leaving already?" I wanted nothing more than to rip her to shreds. I said icily, "Get the f*ck out of here." For the past few days, she'd acted cautiously and tentatively in front of Aunt Hazel, as if she was trying to get on my good side. It disgusted me to no end. She played with the hair in front of her chest, her smile growing. She leaned down and said in a low voice, "Even if you were to stick around, I have plenty of ways to make you go, loser." I took a step back, feeling repulsed. "Galilea, you've always loved taking things that belong to others. Then again, I'm tired of this. You can have it if you want it so badly." I was completely exhausted. I was willing to give everything up to love Aidan, but I couldn't accept my marriage becoming such a mess. An ugly look crept onto Galilea's face. I didn't want for her to say anything else. I just dragged my suitcase downstairs. I finally relaxed once I'd checked in to a hotel. I pulled out my phone and saw that there was still no news from Aidan. Ha, he'd just up and dumped his mistress and illegitimate child to me. I sent him a w******p message. "Let's go get divorced when you have the time."
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