Chapter 7 I'm the Outsider

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Most of the people present were shocked by what I said. This should've been the scene of a catfight between a man's wife and mistress, but it had suddenly become a huge, messed-up soap opera. I'd done it on purpose. I could stand Aidan humiliating me, because I loved him, but I couldn't stand Galilea showing off in front of me, because I hated her with every fibre of my being! ... "Sara." Aidan's cold gaze swept over me, his warning evident. I sneered. "What, she had the guts to do it, but she doesn't have the guts to listen to me spill it out?" Galilea suddenly started to tremble all over, looking terrified. "Stop, please stop!" I didn't know where her terror was coming from, but I could sense that something was wrong. Aidan's icy gaze landed on me. It was as if he would strangle me if I were to say another word. He said coldly, "Sara, this is the Foster family. Do you think you have the right to say anything if I want to bring two people here? Kieran is my child, and it's only right for him to live at the Foster family." I refused to give in and said mockingly, "Your child? You know that Galilea can do anything. How can you believe her just because she claims that he's your son?" She was a woman who could even sleep with my father. How could she possibly still have any limits? Aidan took Kieran from Galilea's arms and wiped his tears away gently. "I'm making an announcement, not raising this for discussion." Bitterness welled up in me, and I was on the brink of bursting into tears. Even my fists were trembling. The man that I'd loved for so many years was humiliating me in front of all these people for a woman that had betrayed him. My mother-in-law couldn't take it anymore and said sternly, "That's enough! Sara's right. The Foster family can't accept a child that's of unknown descent." She'd helped to save some face for me. The Foster family had to be exceptionally careful when it came to recognising their kin. Galilea pulled out a report from her bag and handed it to my mother-in-law tearfully. "It's all my fault for making Aidan's child suffer with me..." Suffer? I sneered to myself. What exactly had she suffered? Even though I'd never stepped foot in the Mcknight family for years, I knew that she'd lived a good life. My mother-in-law flipped through the report, her expression abruptly changing. In a low voice, she said something to the housekeeper. I felt even more uneasy. In less than five minutes, the housekeeper came back and nodded at my mother-in-law. A joyful look crept onto her face. She handed the report to me and said, "Sara, it's good that Aidan has a child now. After all, you don't have any children of your own." ... The situation had reversed so suddenly that I was completely lost for words. My fingers trembled as I flipped through the report, feeling cold all over. They'd already got everything prepared, and I was nothing but a fool in this whole debacle. I felt like I was suffocating, finally unable to hold my tears back. "Mum..." She suddenly snapped, "Do you want Aidan to not have any children at all?" This hit such a sore spot that I couldn't think of anything to rebut her. Aidan was now the leader of River Corp, and it was obvious how important having a child of his own was. However, I'd failed to produce an heir for the past four years, and I knew that my mother-in-law wasn't too happy with this. I didn't dare to tell her that Aidan was the one who didn't want children. Then again, it wasn't that he didn't want children. He just didn't want me to have his children. I glanced at Aidan, who looked indifferent, then lowered my eyes and said with despair, "I was being silly." I'd been silly enough to fall in love with a man who would never spare me a second glance. Reluctantly yet gently, Galilea said, "I'm willing to give Kieran to Sara, but I'm afraid that he'll refuse to sleep if I'm not by his side." This meant that she wanted to live with us. I took a deep breath, so enraged that I was practically smoking. "You're wonderful at scheming, Galilea! All those years ago, you pulled a fast one over my mother, and you're doing the same to me now!" Even an i***t would stand strong in such a situation, but I didn't expect that my mother-in-law would be on Galilea's side. She softly pinched Kieran's face and sighed. "Alright, you can spend the night here. Kieran can go home with Aidan and Sara tomorrow, and you can go with them." I couldn't believe it and subconsciously wanted to object, but I suddenly felt like a complete outsider. I felt like my heart had been stabbed by a knife. As the pain spread, I felt my love for Aidan slowly dissipating. My mind was blank as I ran out of the Foster family home. I got into the car, but I didn't know where I could go. Lights were shining everywhere, and there were people laughing and having fun all around me. However, there wasn't a single place that I could go to. After a moment's hesitation, I drove to the hospital. Four years ago, my mother's surgery hadn't worked out too well. Since then, she'd been stuck in the hospital. Aidan had arranged for her to be transferred to this top-notch private hospital. I concealed my emotions and chatted with her. It was only after she'd fallen deeply asleep that I burst into tears, weeping like a child wanting to vent all their frustrations. When I returned to the villa, it was almost midnight. I thought that Aidan would've spent the night at the Foster family home, but I was wrong. I'd just come out of the shower when he pushed the door open. He strode in, looking like he was trying his best to hold in his rage. "Why'd you just leave without saying a word?" Ha, he'd come here in the middle of the night just to question me. Someone who wasn't in the know would even think that he was worried about me. I suppressed my heart-wrenching bitterness and looked up at him. "Did you actually want me to stay there like an outsider and watch the three of you act like a happy family?" He slowly lit a cigarette. "Galilea's only going to stay for a short while. Once Kieran's used to life here, she'll leave. Can't you even stand that?" I was so angry that I wanted to laugh. I knew better than anyone else that staying with Kieran was only Galilea's front. Her objective was Aidan. Back then, she'd slept with my father because she couldn't accept Aidan being nothing but the owner of a small company. It had been so many years that I'd thought she'd given up. It turns out that I was wrong. I nodded without hesitation and said angrily, "No, I can't! How stupid do I have to be to allow a mistress and illegitimate child..." Aidan grabbed my jaw roughly, forcing me to stop. His eyes were cold and distant as he said, "Galilea's the victim in this whole thing. You're hating the wrong person." I widened my eyes and looked at him like he was a stranger. "Aidan Foster, are you honestly going to be so blind to the truth?" To me, Aidan had always been a calm and wise person. Yet here he was, telling me that a woman who'd ruined my parents' marriage was a victim! He truly loved Galilea so much that he could just forgo all morals! His grip tightened, and he said coldly, "Sara, your father was the one who forced Galilea! She's had a hard time all these years, and she's already giving up a lot for your sake. Don't push your luck." My father had forced Galilea? She's had a hard time all these years?
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