Chapter 6 Their Child

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I wanted to say that I hadn't suddenly fallen in love with him, that I'd already been in love with him for more than four years. For the past four years, I'd been trying my best to win a sliver of your attention. A sharp pain shot through my jaw. I widened my eyes and came to my senses, then quickly shook my head. "I just like children." Aidan had a complicated look in his eyes. He slowly let me go and asked, "Is that so?" My eyes were slightly wet as I nodded. "Yes. I'm tired, I'm going to go to bed now." After that, I headed upstairs, my legs feeling like lead. I wanted to cry. All I wanted was a child that belonged to me and him. Why did I have to conceal such a simple thought in front of my own husband? ... The next day, my mother-in-law called me just as I came out of a meeting. She reminded me that it was Linda's birthday and that I had to go back to the Foster family home for dinner. Linda Foster was Aidan's younger sister, and the apple of the Foster family's eye. I was the only person that she couldn't stand the sight of. That afternoon, I compiled all the documents that needed my boss' signature and brought them to his office. I put the documents on his desk and pulled out a single one. "Mr. Grant, these documents all require your signature, but this one's a little more urgent because it's about the Valentine's Day promotion. If you can, remember to go through this one first." Kenny Grant was scrutinising another contract. He nodded and said, "Alright, you can leave it there." I nodded and said softly, "Sure. I'll get back to work, then." I'd been working as Kenny's assistant for five years now, starting from my university internship. It was also because I'd attended a corporate gathering with him that I'd met Aidan. "Sara, wait a minute." I'd just got to the door when Kenny suddenly called out to me. I turned around to face him. He looked up from the contract and glanced at his watch. "If you don't have anything urgent to do, you can get going." This surprised me. "Really?" He smiled. "Even if I didn't mention it, you'd take the rest of the day off, wouldn't you? You always have something to do on this day." I was both embarrassed and surprised that he'd noticed something like this with his heavy workload and personal life. If I'd just got to know him, my imagination might've run a little wild because of his thoughtfulness. However, I was his assistant, and I knew better. He was a perfect gentleman towards all women, but none of them truly caught his eye. I chuckled, not denying his kindness. "Thanks, Mr. Grant. I do have something to do today." He raised an eyebrow. "Alright, get going, then." I'd got caught in traffic and had been late for the first of Linda's birthday parties after Aidan and I had got married. In the end, she'd given my birthday gift to her to one of the maids. From then on, I'd done everything I could to make sure I arrived early for her birthday party. She didn't like me, and the feeling was mutual. The only reason I did everything I could to suck up to the Foster family was because of Aidan. It was only around four o'clock when I arrived at the Foster family home, but the party was already in full swing. My mother-in-law and a few other relatives were playing a game of mahjong. I went over to greet them, and she smiled at me. "Aidan didn't come with you?" I pursed my lips. "Yeah, he said that he has something to attend to. He'll be here in a short while." Before coming here, I'd called Aidan. He'd told me to come on my own. My mother-in-law sighed, but she didn't say anything. She knew very well what our marriage was actually like. At this moment, Linda came downstairs, wearing a limited-edition dress. I handed her the birthday gift that I'd specially picked out for her and said with a smile, "Happy birthday, Linda! Your brother and I picked this out for you. I hope you'll like it." Linda unwrapped the gift, her eyes gleaming with joy at the car key. "How did you guys know that I wanted this car?" I breathed out a sigh of relief at her obvious joy. "I saw you..." She suddenly dropped her smile and cut me off. "My brother paid for it, didn't he? Don't think that I'll like you because of this. There's only one person that I think of as my sister-in-law..." She came to an abrupt stop, then turned and headed towards the kitchen. I hadn't expected a sports car to change her attitude towards me. After all, she was the Foster family's princess. She wasn't in need of anything. Moreover, she was pretty close to the truth. Aidan was the one who'd paid for most of the car. However, what she'd said about only one person being her sister-in-law... This made me feel uncomfortable. I was rooted to the spot, feeling dazed. Had she been referring to Galilea? Aidan didn't show up, even after we'd sat down for dinner. My mother-in-law asked me worriedly whether we'd had an argument, and I had no choice but to walk over to the window to give him a call. The phone rang for a long time, but he didn't answer the call. An inexplicable, ominous feeling welled up in me. Just as I was at a loss for what to do, one of the maids called out to me. I turned and immediately saw Aidan standing there, the lights shining down on him. I was a little taken aback. When I came back to my senses and started to walk towards him, he suddenly said, "This is Kieran. I brought him here so that you all can take a look at him." My mother-in-law glared at him. "Why do we need to take a look at him? Whose child is this?" Aidan's tone was firm as he said, "He's my son, so he's your grandson." I came to an abrupt stop. My gaze trailed down and locked on him holding on to a boy, about three or four years old. In that instant, I felt like my blood had turned to ice. His words replayed in my mind. Kieran. Almost immediately, I recalled Galilea mentioning this name. Was Kieran their son? How laughable. How ridiculous! The best part about this whole thing was that I'd been completely caught off guard. My own husband was showing off his illegitimate child in front of all our relatives, and I didn't even know a thing about this. I dragged myself over to him and asked, my voice trembling, "Aidan, what did you say?" This seemed to scare Kieran. He ran into a woman's arms and said, "Mummy, I'm scared..." It was only then did I realise that Galilea was here as well. Just the day before, he hadn't allowed me to tell Galilea about our relationship. Yet here he was, bringing her back here. I glanced at Galilea, who was holding Kieran, and then at Aidan. They looked like a perfect family. Even an i***t could tell what was going on. Even Linda, who'd never liked me, was looking at me with a sliver of pity in her eyes. Galilea's eyes were wet. "Sara, I only came with Aidan because I was worried that Kieran would throw a tantrum." I suppressed my emotions and asked, "Why didn't my father come with you? I know it wasn't right for me to act like that at you and my father's wedding, but..."
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