Part 8

1184 Words
After watching The Godfather at the cinema, Jessie is now being sent home by Sally. She had arrived at her house and was about to enter the house. “ Mom, I'm home! ” said Jessie but she didn't realize that her grandparents were there. “ Just got home, Jessie? ” Anthony, who was sitting on the couch near the living room, asked. “ Grandpa? When are you coming here? ” Jessie asked, she really didn't expect her grandfather to come to her house. “ Just now ” Anthony answered a word. “ Did you come alone, grandpa? ” Jessie asked again. “ No, I came with your grandma. You have eaten? ” Anthony asked. “ Yes, I ate with my friends at the diner ” Jessie answered Anthony's question. Shortly after that Özge appeared carrying a dish of food and placing it on the dining table. “ You home? Come eat with us ” said Özge, inviting Jessie to eat with them. “ Actually, I had eaten with my friends earlier, but seeing that the dish looked delicious, I became hungry again” Jessie said with a dazed smile. “ Then let's eat ” Özge said. “ Oh is there anything I can help with? ” Jessie asked. “ Please bring the tea that your mom left in the kitchen here ” Özge said while covering the food with a serving lid, Jessie went into the kitchen and a second later she came back with tea and some cups on a lined tray. Jessie put the tray on the table. Shortly after that Jennifer came out of her room. “ Did you just come home, Jessie? ” asked Jennifer. “ Yes mom ” Jessie answered. “ Let us eat now ” Jennifer said again. “ Dad!! ” Jennifer calls Anthony over for dinner. “ Yeah? ” Anthony who was reading the newspaper answered. “ Let's eat dad ” said Jennifer again. “ Wait a minute, I want to read this newspaper a little more ” Anthony said as his eyes continued to stare at the newspaper. “ Hey there! Can't you stop reading the newspaper? You read the newspaper five times at home, don't you remember? ” Özge mumbled as she looked at Anthony. The old man just rolled his eyes because he was tired of listening to Özge's nagging. “ Well I'm coming, let's eat! ” said Anthony as he headed to the dining table. After finishing dinner with her mother and grandparents, Jessie entered the room while Jennifer was hanging out with Özge and Anthony outside the house, taking in the night air and chatting with her parents. “ It's been almost 17 years since you raised Jessie alone without a companion by your side, my kiddo, don't you feel like getting married again and giving Jessie a father? ” Anthony asked because he felt sorry for Jennifer struggling to raise Jessie alone without a husband. “ I'm used to living like this, dad, and I don't feel like looking for Jimmy's replacement. After all, if I'm looking for Jimmy's replacement, I'm not sure that person can accept and love Jessie even though he loves me. I don't want my girl to be miserable if I marry someone else and she has a stepfather, I know not all stepfathers are bad, but let Jimmy be the only one to be her father. Let me stay like this, mom and dad don't need to worry about me ” said Jennifer at length as she remembered Jimmy, Jessie's father. “ That's what you say and it's better in your opinion, but what does Jessie think? You don't know what she wants most in her life right? It's possible that she wants a father who can be invited to play with her. I'm sure she would love to call someone dad and you Jennifer, how long will you live alone? Until old? ” this time it was Özge who asked, she agreed with Anthony and she was also concerned about Jennifer and Jessie's condition without a man to take care of them. Unbeknownst to them, Jessie heard all their conversations because the distance from where they were hanging out was not far from the window door of Jessie's room. “ Mom, I know this isn't fair to all of you and Jessie, but this is my life and my love for Jimmy. I can't lose this love for Jimmy if I'm destined to remarry, I don't think I can be fair to my new husband. My love for Jimmy cannot be changed or thrown away, mom, dad, please understand my situation and please stop asking about remarriage. I'm not interested anymore ” Jennifer said as she looked away as she was tired of such questions being thrown at her so often. While Jessie just kept quiet and didn't move listening to their conversation, she felt sad and sorry for her mother who struggled to raise her alone without a father. Jessie misses her father right now and wishes he was still here to see her and Jennifer, Jessie suddenly imagined the face of Jim Stark who looked like Jimmy and wondered what the man was doing now. “ We're just worried about you and Jessie, we're not even telling you to forget Jimmy. We want you to start a new and happy life, that's all ” Özge said. “ Jessie and I are already happy living like this mom, don't worry about us too much ” Jennifer said again to Özge. “ Up to you ” Anthony said because he felt he didn't want to interfere in Jennifer's affairs anymore even though he and his wife have advised Jennifer many times to build a new life and get married again but Jennifer still doesn't want to listen. “ Mom, dad, I'm already sleepy, I want to go to bed first ” Jennifer said to Anthony and Özge. “ Hmm go to sleep dear ” Özge said. “ I have prepared mom and dad's room earlier, if you two are tired go rest in the room next to Jessie's room, good night mom, dad ” said Jennifer as she got up from her chair. “ Good night, sweet dreams ” Anthony said goodnight to Jennifer who was entering the house. “ You too, dad ” Jennifer replied. “ It's really hard to talk to Jennifer. Unlike Archie, Aimee, Hailey and Ashley, what I told them, they did without objecting to what I said ” Özge complained to Anthony about their third child. “ You won't know your child's behavior, it's not easy for her to forget the person she loves with all of her heart even though Jimmy has been dead for a long time. You should be grateful even though she often objected to what we said but she did not forget her responsibility to us ” Anthony said as he got up from the chair and went into the house leaving Özge who was motionless outside. While Jessie was ready to go to sleep and the girl turned off the light in her room.
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