Part 3

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Everyone was now gathered in the room where Jennifer and her baby were currently being treated, they all looked happy to see the newborn baby lying on the hospital baby cot. Özge sat next to Jennifer while stroking Jennifer's hair, The woman's motherly instinct was evident when she witnessed the happy atmosphere for herself, but in her heart she was also sad to see her granddaughter born without her father by her side. Özge promised herself that she would give the same fair love for the baby Jennifer gave birth to as she loved her other grandchildren. " Winton, look at your granddaughter, her face looks like Jimmy, right? " Jimmy's grandfather, whose name is Charles Dean, said while looking at the cute face of the newborn baby. " You're right dad, she's cute like Jimmy. What's her name? " Winton Dean's older sister Ortense Winslow asked Jennifer. " Her name is Jessica Brianna, auntie, just call her Jessie " Jennifer told her daughter's name to Aunt Ortense and everyone there. " Jessie? Nice name " Winton said. " It was Jimmy who gave the name " Jennifer said again. Hearing Jimmy give that name to the newborn, they all become sad including Winton himself who is Jimmy's father even though they are not very close because Jimmy was raised by Ortense Winslow and her husband Marcus Winslow since Jimmy was 9 years old due to the death of Jimmy's mother. " Why is everyone sad? You all should be happy " Jennifer asked. " Jen, they are sad because they remember Jimmy, if Jimmy was still around, this family would be complete " Ashley told Jennifer, Jennifer was stunned realizing that her family was incomplete without Jimmy. " Yes, that's right, this family is not complete " Jennifer replied Ashley's words, she tried to hold back her tears from falling and being seen by everyone. She wants everyone to think that she is fine now and she has recovered from her grief. " Can grandpa carry Jessie for a while? " Charles Dean asked Jennifer's permission to hold Jessie, Jennifer nodded her head as a sign of allowing Charles Dean to hold her baby. Charles Dean held Jessie in his arms, he looked into Jessie's blue eyes. Jessie the newborn was squirming in Charles Dean's arms, everyone fell in love with Baby Jessie's cuteness. Charles Dean smiled at Jessie and the baby smiled back at Charles, once again everyone was mesmerized by the baby. " Oh look! She returned your smile! Give her to me after this " Jimmy's grandmother said to Charles Dean. " I want to hold Jessie too! " Ortense said. " Be patient, everyone will be able to hold Jessie later but for now let Jennifer and Jessie rest first. Jessie must not have had milk yet, right? " Marcus Winslow Sr said to everyone. " Not yet " Jennifer replied. " If that's the case, let's go home first. Let Jenni breastfeed her baby in peace " Marcus Winslow Sr said again. " Jen, I wanna go home first, we gonna come to visit you and Jessie again in evening " Jennifer's father said, Jennifer just nodded her head. " Take good care of yourself and take care of my granddaughter too, okay? " Özge said. " Alright mom " Jennifer responded. After that Charles Dean approached Jennifer and gave Jessie to Jennifer, Jennifer took Jessie from Charles Dean's arms. " Take good care of Jessie like you took care of her dad, even if it's just for a little while " Charles Dean said to Jennifer. " Alright grandpa, thank you for all the advice you have given me so far " Jennifer thanked Charles Dean. " You're welcome " Charles Dean replied. " Jenni, if you need anything don't forget to let me know. I am ready to help " Ortense offers to help Jennifer meanwhile Jennifer just nods and smiles. They all left the ward and now only Jennifer and Jessie alone in the ward. Jennifer looked at baby Jessie's cute face like Jimmy when he was little. " Are you hungry, baby? " Jennifer asked, Jessie just let out her little voice which made Jennifer fascinated by the cute little baby. " I'll breastfeed you " Jennifer flipped off the patient's shirt she was wearing and brought her breast closer to baby Jessie's mouth. Baby Jessie sucks on Jennifer's n****e voraciously but is still cute. After a few days later... Jennifer and Jessie have been discharged from the hospital, they both only stayed in the hospital for two days because the doctor wanted to do a health check on baby Jessie before they could really go home. Thankfully baby Jessie is fine, and now Jennifer and the whole family have taken the baby home to Fairmount, Indiana to meet Jessie's dad who is lying there. At the moment, Jennifer is seen visiting Jimmy's grave with Jessie in her arms, the baby looks calm and doesn't cry at all. " Jimmy my darling, look at this I have given birth to our child. Our daughter's name Jessica Brianna Dean matches the name you want for our child " Jennifer said. While Jessie seemed to be looking at Jimmy's gravestone because she heard her mother talking to it. Jessie also sounded her spoiled little voice as if she wanted to talk to Jennifer. " I'm talking to your dad, baby, your dad is in this. He hears what we say, When you grow up, be a good child " Jennifer spoke to Jessie, Jessie saw and listened to Jennifer's words and then she sounded again with a happy smile. " Smart kid! " Jennifer kissed Jessie's forehead. A few minutes after Jennifer and Jessie were there, a car suddenly came and stopped in the middle of the grave. Jennifer ignored the vehicle that stopped there, she kept staring at Jimmy's grave. The person in the vehicle got out and approached Jennifer and Jessie, he was a handsome and dashing man. " I already thought you were here, why do you always leave the house without telling mom? " Apparently the man was her brother named Archie David MacLaren. " Ah you, why? Are mom looking for me? " Jennifer asked. " Yeah mom is looking for you and your daughter now. You and Jessie just got here but straight to Jimmy's grave, can't you just wait until tomorrow morning to come here? Aren't you tired? " Archie questioned Jennifer. " My intention is to return to Fairmount only to take my daughter to my husband's grave, no one can stop me even if you tell me to come tomorrow morning. My intention is final to introduce Jessie to her dad even though he is dead but he can see and hear us " Jennifer said at length with full of feeling. " Yes, I know your intention is to introduce Jessie to Jimmy. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Let's go home, pity on your child was bitten by a mosquito " Archie said. Jennifer looked at baby Jessie's face for a moment and then she looked at Archie. " Can you leave us here for a while? We have just arrived here and we still want to linger here. You go back and tell mom not to worry about us, after this we want to go to Aunt Ortense's house for a while. " Jennifer said to Archie, while baby Jessie looked very happy to hear it. " Well then, I'll go home first " Archie said, then he got back into the car, started the car engine and drove off. " Well baby now it's left the three of us, are you happy to meet daddy? happy huh? " Jennifer spoke to baby Jessie, Jessie replied to Jennifer's words with the cutest smile. " How clever my daughter is! " Jennifer praised, then she sat by Jimmy's grave and spoke. " Say hi to daddy. Hi daddy this is Jessie, your daughter. I have been born into the world and I promise that I will accompany mom after this. " Jennifer said as she imitated baby Jessie's voice and waved baby Jessie's little hand towards Jimmy's tombstone, Baby Jessie just smiled. After returning from Jimmy's grave, Jennifer intends to visit Aunt Ortense and Uncle Marcus Winslow at their farmhouse. Jennifer knew they still weren't satisfied with seeing and playing with baby Jessie that's why she wanted to visit them too, she knew very well that if she brought Jessie to them she might be able to cure their longing for the late Jimmy. Jennifer had arrived at the Winslow family's farmhouse and was standing in front of the front door holding baby Jessie. Jennifer rang the doorbell and soon someone opened the door from the inside. That person was aunt Ortense. " Jenni? I don't know if you want to come today, otherwise I can prepare cookies " Aunt Ortense said, warmly welcoming Jennifer and baby Jessie's visit to her house. " No need to bother, aunt. I purposely brought Jessie here to meet you and uncle Marcus. Is uncle Marcus at home? " Jennifer asked. " Uncle Marcus went to town for a while, he had something important to attend to there. Come on in. " Aunt Ortense invited. Then Jenni entered the house. " Are you alone at home now? Where is Markie? " Jennifer asked as she looked at the quiet state of the house. " Yes, I'm alone at home, Markie is playing with his friends " Aunt Ortense answered. " Have a sit, I want to make a drink for a while " Aunt Ortense said, Jenni just nodded and smiled at aunt Ortense. Then Aunt Ortense went to the kitchen for a while. Jennifer saw Jessie's face sleeping soundly in Jennifer's arms, Jennifer smiled at her baby. " Just arrived at Grandma Ortense's house you've already asleep? Poor you must be tired right? " Jennifer talks to baby Jessie. Suddenly baby Jessie's voice rang out, the little baby was actually not sleeping, she just closed her eyes. " Oh so you haven't slept yet? Wanna play with me around? " Baby Jessie just grinned at Jennifer, how clever this little baby is at playing her mother around. Aunt Ortense who was in the kitchen heard Jennifer's voice and baby Jessie jokingly just smiled while shaking her head at the cute behavior of the mother and child. She prepared tea and cookies for Jennifer and then approached Jennifer while holding a tray containing a tea teapot and cookies. Aunt Ortense put the tray on the small table in front of the chair where Jennifer was sitting. " Have a drink, Jenni " Aunt Ortense invited Jennifer to drink. " Thank you aunt Ortense " Jennifer said. " You're welcome, you came from home straight away when you want to come here? " Aunt Ortense asked. " No, Jessie and I just got back from visiting Jimmy's grave, that's why I came here too " Jennifer answered aunt Ortense's question. " How are your parents? " Aunt Ortense asked Jennifer. " They are fine, dad has to go out on errands again. He will be back in a month " Jennifer replied. " Your dad is really hard working, he should have retired at his age " " The job of being a soldier is like that, you know how my dad is. He doesn't like to just sit at home, He said if he could he would not want to retire and would like to keep serving the country until the end of his life " Jennifer spoke passionately about her dad's job as an American soldier. " So what time are uncle Marcus and Markie coming home? " Jennifer asked again while looking at the wall clock in the house. " Oh I don't know, if you get tired of holding Jessie you can put her in the crib in Jimmy's room. It was Markie's own when he was a baby, too bad Jessie looks tired " Said aunt Ortense who saw baby Jessie sleeping soundly in Jennifer's arms. " It's okay aunt, I'm comfortable holding Jessie like this. After all, if I put Jessie down for just a moment in a crib she will wake up again and cry " Jennifer said while occasionally looking at baby Jessie's face. " She looks spoiled with you, it's a pity she doesn't have a father " Aunt Ortense said again which made Jennifer feel a little sad hearing that. " Don't you want to find Jimmy's replacement? Don't you want to live as a widow until the end of your life? Jessie needs a father's love " Aunt Ortense asked again. " I never even thought about finding a replacement for Jimmy. You know right, I love him so much. My heart won't move easily to another heart. I can't forget Jimmy, aunt. Don't worry about Jessie. She won't lack any love even without Jimmy " Jennifer said to aunt Ortense, her eyes watered a little. After spending a few hours at the Winslow family's farmhouse, Jennifer finally wanted to go home because she was satisfied that Jessie could play with Jimmy's family including Jimmy's grandparents who visited the farmhouse. They talked about many things in the farmhouse. Jennifer who was currently holding Jessie was seen leaving the house with aunt Ortense and Jimmy's grandparents accompanying her. " Next time, if you're not busy, come here again, okay? " Aunt Ortense said. " Alright aunty " Jennifer replied. " Don't forget to come to our house too, bring our great-granddaughter too " Emma Dean said, Jennifer just nodded her head. " Be careful on the road " Charles Dean said. " Alright grandpa. We go home first.. " Jennifer replied, then she left the farmhouse and returned to her family's house which was not far from Winslow's farmhouse. The day was almost at anchor closing the curtains and letting the moon and stars illuminate the earth of the United States.
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