Part 2

1033 Words
The days passed quickly and Jennifer was still grieving over the loss of Jimmy although she was no longer daydreaming like when Jimmy had just died. But Jennifer looks a little stoic and calm, this she is doing for the sake of the baby she is carrying. She didn't want her baby to feel the sadness she felt, she knew it wouldn't be good for her baby. Jennifer was seen visiting Jimmy's grave alone without anyone accompanying her, after arriving at Jimmy's grave she placed a bouquet of white roses and sat next to Jimmy's grave. Jennifer seemed to want to talk to Jimmy who was lying in the ground while stroking her still flat belly. " Darling, I miss you and our baby misses you too. Darling, I hope you're all right there, wait for me in heaven, darling. I will take good care of our baby, I'm promise. And I gonna give our baby the name as you wanted, May you rest in peace there, darling " Jennifer said as she wiped her tears away. " Darling, sorry I can't stay here for long, I have to go home. Mom must be looking for me because I went out without mom's permission, I'll come again tomorrow " Jennifer said as she looked at Jimmy's headstone, it was hard for her to leave the place but it was even harder for her eyes to see the headstone of the person she loved. Jennifer stood up and wanted to leave, but sometimes she looked at Jimmy's grave, her heart broke! it hurts to accept the fact that the dad of her baby is dead. A few months later... Jennifer has now returned to the house she lived in with Jimmy when Jimmy was alive and she is also living her normal life. " Jen, I have finished cooking your favorite dish, let's eat " Her mother Özge said. " Mom, thank you for accompanying me here " Jennifer thanked Özge. " No problem, I'll keep you company here without you asking because I'm afraid you'll delivery here alone " Özge said meanwhile Jennifer was seen stroking her bulging belly. " When are you expected to give birth? " Özge asked again. " The doctor said in two or three days but I'm not sure, maybe this baby will come out tomorrow? " Jennifer said excitedly as she couldn't wait to see her baby's face with Jimmy for the first time. " Wow, can't wait to give birth? " Özge said. " Of course I can't wait, this is my and Jimmy's only child " Jennifer said with a smile on her lips. " What do you want to name the little brat? " Ashley who suddenly appeared from the kitchen asked. " Keep your mouth shut, Ashley! The little brat you said is your niece " Özge advises Ashley to keep her mouth shut so as not to say nonsense to Jennifer's unborn baby. Ashley feels guilty and ashamed then she apologizes to Jennifer. " I'm sorry Jen, I was just joking and I didn't mean to say that. Don't be discouraged, okay? " Ashley said to Jennifer, meanwhile Jennifer looks relaxed and calm. She didn't feel offended on Ashley at all because she knew that sometimes Ashley's behavior is immature and she speaks as she pleases without thinking first. " It's okay, I know you're just kidding " Jennifer replied, Ashley looked relieved to hear that. " So what do you want to name this little girl? " Ashley asked again. Yes the gender of Jennifer and Jimmy's baby is a girl, Jennifer already had done a gender check a few months ago because she wanted to know the gender of the baby she was carrying, whether it was a boy or a girl, apparently her child is a girl, it is in line with Jimmy's wish that he wanted a daughter before he died in the accident. Jennifer seemed to think for a moment, she couldn't say her daughter's name in front of her mother and sister let it be a surprise for both of them and for her father who is serving away from them when the baby is born later. " I can't tell you now, wait until this baby is born and then I'll tell you her name " Jennifer said. Three days later... Now it's time for Jennifer to give birth to her beloved baby, Jennifer is now in the delivery room while the rest of Jennifer's family and Jimmy's family are outside the delivery room waiting for the birth of their new family member. They all looked worried and meditated for a moment, meanwhile Jennifer was out of breath giving birth to her beloved baby. The pain she felt was unbearable but that didn't matter to her as long as her baby was born healthy. " Push, Push, Push " The doctor's voice was heard telling Jennifer to strain repeatedly, Jennifer did what the doctor told her to do and there were many nurses helping her give birth there. Shortly after that, the sound of the baby crying echoed throughout the delivery room and outside. Finally, the baby that Jennifer and the whole family was waiting for was born into the world healthy, it was a baby girl, in line to the doctor's expectations when Jennifer did a gender check few months ago. " Congratulations, you got a baby girl " Said the female doctor who helped Jennifer give birth, then she showed the baby to Jennifer before the baby was cleaned and bathed. Jennifer just smiled and whispered in the crying baby's ear " Welcome to the world, baby. " The doctor came out and met with Jennifer's entire family were waiting for hear the news from her. " What about my daughter and grandchild? Are they okay? " Jennifer MacLaren-Dean's father asked the doctor. " Don't worry they are healthy, congratulations you got a granddaughter " The doctor said, Jennifer's family and Jimmy's family seemed happy to hear the news of the birth, they seemed eager to meet Jennifer and see the newborn baby girl. Özge and Ashley were also happy to hear it.
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