Part 6

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At night when Jennifer and Jessie had finished dinner at their house, Jessie went straight into the room while Jennifer washed the dishes in the kitchen. Jessie sat on the bed brooding and thinking about something, her eyes kept staring at the tightly closed window. A few minutes later Jennifer had finished washing the dishes and getting ready to go to her room, while Jessie was seen taking the guitar that was under the bed and heading to the tightly closed window. Jessie opened the window and sat leaning against the window strumming her guitar and singing Moon River song like Audrey Hepburn. " Moon River, wider than a mile I'm crossing you in style some day Oh, dream maker, you heart breaker Wherever you goin', I'm goin' your way " Jennifer who heard Jessie's voice bounce and guitar strum immediately lurked at the door of Jessie's room. Jessie kept staring at the sky as she sang and strummed her guitar, lost in her thoughts. " Two drifters, off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see We're after the same rainbow's end Waitin' round the bend My huckleberry friend Moon river and me " " We're after the same rainbow's end Waitin' round the bend My huckleberry friend Moon river and me " After finishing singing, Jennifer clapped her hands in support and praised her beloved daughter and approached the girl. " Wow, I didn't think this my daughter had a soft and melodious voice and was good at playing the guitar too, who taught you baby? " Jennifer asked Jessie. " Oh you apparently, mom, uncle Archie taught me " Jessie answered. " You seem like have a lot of thoughts on your mind, what are you thinking baby? " Jennifer asked. " Mom, are there really people in this world who are very similar to the people we know, even we know they are not related by blood? " Jessie asked, looking at Jennifer's face. " There are also, but usually people say like two peas in a pod. But it is rare to meet people who are exactly alike. But why do you ask like that baby? Who do you mean? " Jennifer asked. Wanting to know who her beloved daughter was referring to. " Nobody, mom. My friend asked me that but I kept quiet because I didn't know what to answer " Jessie lies because she doesn't want Jennifer to be sad and remember her late dad when she tells about Jim Stark, her new teacher who looks a lot like Jimmy. " Oh, if she asks again, just answer what mom told you " Jennifer said to Jessie. Jessie just nodded. " Have you finished your school work? " Jennifer asked again. " Yeah " Jessie answered in a word. " If that's the case, go to bed quickly, don't stay up late, you'll be late for school tomorrow " Jennifer said, advising her daughter. " You should also go to bed early, you will be late going to the boutique tomorrow " Jessie answered. " Fine, don't forget to close the window " Again Jennifer said before she went into her room next to Jessie's room. Then Jessie closed the window tightly and turned off the light, she lay down on the bed. The night has now passed and the sun has now risen in the eastern horizon, the mother and child have woken up from their long sleep. It looks like Jennifer is preparing breakfast for the two of them while Jessie is still in the room getting ready for school. " Jessie, your egg are on the table there " Jennifer said, and then Jessie left the room. " Oh you're so beautiful today, baby! " Jennifer praised while looking at Jessie's face as if she wanted to pinch Jessie's cute face like she often did when the girl was a baby. " Today only? So I haven't been beautiful all this time, mom? " Jessie asked, tried teasing her mom. " Who said you're not beautiful all this time? you're beautiful, but today you are more beautiful than usual, baby " Jennifer said to Jessie, honestly from the bottom of her heart as a mother. Jessie was touched by the compliment and hugged Jennifer. " Oh thank you mom, I love you so much " Jessie said, and then Jennifer answered... " I love you too, baby. Let's eat, the sunny side egg will be cold later " Jennifer invited, they both sat down and started eating breakfast. At school as usual after entering the class Jessie started to open the book to study that morning it happened that the morning was an English subject taught by Jim Stark. The teacher appeared to be writing something on the blackboard. " Well students, who know what it means like two peas in a pod? " Jim Stark asked but no one dared to answer. " Jessie, you know what that means? " Jim Stark asked again while looking at Jessie's face, Jessie who looked a little clueless just stood. " Yes just stand there and answer my questions " Jim Stark said again. " I don't know what it means but someone once said it was like...uh like people who have similarities in terms of face and actions just like people they know even though they know those people do not have any relationship " Jessie explained the meaning of the question asked by Jim Stark. " Oh is that so? Well please have a seat Jessie and thanks for answering " Jim Stark said and Jessie sat back in the chair. " Yeah students, that's what it means more or less, well please turn to page twenty eight " Jim Stark said and all the students including Jessie turned to page twenty eight as the handsome teacher told them. Suddenly without realizing it a student wanted to ask Jim Stark. " Sir can I ask something? " asked the male student. " Yes please David " Jim Stark said. " Are you and Jessie related? Because I saw your face and Jessie's look alike " Said the student again. " What? No, we don't... " Jessie who was surprised to hear that of course denied the claim, while Jim Stark just kept quiet and didn't answer the question. " It's true what I said, you and Sir are similar " David said again looking at Jessie. " Don't be nonsense David, you know I don't have a father! " Jessie said a little sternly to David. " It's true that you don't have a father, but are you sure that the one who died was your biological father? " David tries to corner Jessie. " Shut up! please focus on each other's studies! " Jim Stark said very firmly, David became silent and focused on the book. After the recess bell rang, Jessie went straight to the canteen with her friends, she bought sausages and some other food to fill her stomach, after finishing shopping, Jessie immediately sat in an empty seat with her friends. Then one of her friends named Lisa said to Jessie, Lisa is David's twin sister who asked strange questions in class earlier. " Jessie, I'm so sorry on David's behalf, I know David's question made nonsense at all and hurt your heart. Please forgive him? " Lisa said to Jessie. " It's okay, I'm not even mad. I'm just surprised that your twin brother said that because I saw that our new teacher was just like my late dad's face " Jessie said, while Lisa and the other friends looked at Jessie in disbelief. " Seriously? " This time it was Cassie who asked. " Yeah " Jessie answered a word. " Can I see your dad's picture? " Cassie asked Jessie. " Sorry I didn't bring my dad's picture " Jessie answered. " Does your mom know about our teacher? " Lisa asked Jessie. " No, my mom didn't even know because I didn't have the heart to tell her. I don't want to make my mom sad and remember my late dad " Jessie expressed her feelings to her friends. " Oh is that so? But if you don't tell her later she will also know about Jim Stark " Cassie said as she ate the spaghetti. " Ah, let her find out on her own rather than from me or anyone else, but for now I won't tell my mom about the teacher " Jessie said as she drank a glass of mango juice. " It's up to you, Jessie, if that you feel is best for your mom " Lisa said. " I wanna go to the library after, do you two want to come with me? " Jessie tried to change the topic and maybe she got tired of talking about Jim Stark and her mom all the time. " What do you want to do there? " Lisa and Cassie asked in unison. " Of course read the book! What do you think what I'm going to do? " Jessie questioned them back. " I thought you wanted to meet a boyfriend " Cassie said, grinning. " Do you think I have nothing else to do besides meet boyfriend?! " Jessie said as she got up and walked away from the place. " Jessie, who should put your drinking glass in the sink? " Asked Lisa who was flabbergasted when she saw Jessie leave. " You! Please put it in the sink for myself okay? " Jessie said as she walked away from her friends. " Okay! " Lisa answered. " She's who invited us to the library and she's who left us here just like that! " Cassie nagged. " It's also our fault for asking her like that " Lisa said.
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