Part 5

1169 Words
The bell rang again signaling that break time had arrived, all the students rushed out of the classroom while Jessie was seen putting books into her bag. Cassie and some friends approached Jessie. " Jessie let's go out to eat at the canteen " Cassie invited. " Nevermind Cassie, you go first. I'm on a diet " Jessie said. " Really? Aren't you hungry? " This time her friend named Sally asked. " Yeah, you all go first. I want to hang out in the library for a while " Jessie answered. " Well, then we go first " Cassie said, then they all left the class and now only Jessie was left in the class. But now Jessie also wants to leave the class and go to the place she meant, which is the library. After reaching the library, Jessie went inside, there was also Jim Stark and also some students who were reading books. Jim Stark looked at Jessie who rushed to the bookshelf and picked up a book titled The Little Prince, then Jessie sat on a nearby chair. Jim Stark approached Jessie. " Hi can i join you? " Jim Stark asked. " Yeah " Jessie answered even though she was a little embarrassed. " Aren't you going to the canteen for lunch? " Jim Stark asked, looking into Jessie's blue eyes. " No, I'm not hungry " Jessie replied while reading a book. " You know it's my favorite book since I was young, I used to have this book but that was before. But now I don't know if my wife still keeps it or not, we haven't seen each other for a long time " Jim Stark said as if recalling old memories. " Oh really? My mom said this was my late dad's favorite book as well. Every night before going to bed he would read this book to my mom. My mom still keeps this book because this book is one of the precious memories that my mom has with my dad " Jessie tells memories of her parents to Jim Stark. " So you're an orphan? How long has your dad been dead? " Jim Stark asked again, looking at Jessie's beautiful face as if it resembled someone he missed but didn't know who that person was. " It's been a long time, since I was still in my mom's womb. You know your face looks like my late dad's, that's why the first time we met I was a little surprised to see you " Said Jessie who was honest about her feelings. " Really? For real? Can i see your dad's pic? " Jim Stark was quite surprised to hear that his face resembled Jessie's late dad. " Sorry I didn't bring my dad's picture, it's with my mom " Jessie answered. " It's okay, if you need any help don't forget to find me. Well then I'll go first " Jim Stark said, then he quickly got up and left the place meaning out of the library. " Why do I feel different when facing this teacher? I feel comfortable and feel like I want to meet him again " Jessie monologued inwardly. While outside, Jim Stark was still there wearing his black shoes. " Why do I feel comfortable talking to this girl? All this time I have never felt comfortable like this when talking to people I just met and this girl also reminds me of someone I miss. Who is this girl really? And whose child is she? " Jim Stark was also monologuing in his heart, he was confused with his own mind and his feelings. Meanwhile at Jennifer Dean's boutique, it was seen that Jennifer had just finished sewing the clothes and folded the sewn clothes into a plastic bag, then she put them in the closet earlier. " Arnold, Garcia! I want to go out for lunch for a while, please take care of this boutique okay? " Jennifer orders Arnold and Garcia, her confidants who have worked with her for years. " Alright Mrs. " Arnold and Garcia answered in unison. " If a customer comes to see me, tell them to come again after the break, treat them well " Jennifer ordered again, this time Arnold and Garcia just nodded their heads. Then Jennifer came out of her boutique. The school bell rang again, this time it signaled the end of school, now it was time for all students and teachers to go home, all the students rushed out of class happy to finally be able to go home after a few hours at school. Jessie, on the other hand, was seen casually walking home alone while eating the bread she had bought at the school cooperative before the break time finished. Suddenly a Spyder car similar to the late Jimmy's car stopped in front of Jessie. Jessie wondered who the driver was and what he wanted, then the driver lowered his car mirror . Apparently the driver was Jim Stark. " Hey, do you want to go home? " Jim Stark asked. " Yes sir " Jessie answered. " Let me send you home, where is your house? " Jim Stark asked again, he was truly concerned about this girl he had just met. " Thank you Sir, but I can walk home, my house is not far from here " Jessie said, gently and politely declining Jim Stark's invitation. " Oh really? " Jim Stark asked again. This time answered with a nod from Jessie. " Well then I'll go home first. Be careful when walking, don't be complacent huh?! " Jim Stark ordered, while Jessie looked happy to hear Jim Stark order her like that, she felt as if Jim Stark cared about her like a father and daughter. " All right, bye! Take it easy on drive! " Jessie said, Jim Stark just nodded happily. " Bye " Jim Stark said bye to Jessie before he hit the gas pedal and drove off, while Jessie walked back to her house. At a house that was a little big and looked beautiful, it looked like Jim Stark had just come home and entered the house. He then went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and took out a bottle of fresh milk then he poured the fresh milk into a glass he took from the plate rack. He returned to the living room with a glass of milk and sat on the couch, he looked like he was lost in his own thoughts. " If she was here now I would definitely not be as lonely as this. Where did she go with my child that she pregnant with? Where else should I look for my wife? I know it's my fault for not going back to her and my family after being involved in the accident. But what power I've lost my memory of that time " Jim Stark monologued again to himself.
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