Kicking My Ass

1145 Words
Peter POV     I lost her. I had her so close and I lost her! How does someone who has no powers yet elude me so quickly?! I thought to myself as I paced back and forth in the apartment of this black witch I had employed for help.     "Peter, baby, you promised me a good time whilst I helped you track and kill that disgusting girl for you" she ran her long black painted nails across my bare shoulders. I ignored her as I continued to stare out the windows into this vile mortal city.     She was indeed a greedy black witch, at least this one didn't ask for blood or souls just that I fulfill her lust filled needs. I was her ideal type she stated and so agreed to help for a minimal satisfaction of her craving.     Not liking me ignoring her she pressed her body into my back as she began to run her hands over my chest, slowly making way towards the hem of my sweats. "Come on Peter, show me what a demon can really do for a girl in bed." she was trying to tempt me, and it only filled me with rage.     Gripping her wrists, I spun around pushing her into the window holding her wrists high above her head. "You will do well not to irritate me Mara, it will not end well for you." I spit out between gritted teeth. Her only reaction was to wrap her legs around my hips pulling me closer.     The smirk on her face said she knew I would not kill her yet, she was a talented little black witch that knew how to hold her own. "Come on baby you know you wanna play, release some of that pent up anger and go a few rounds with me. You know I do better work when I'm not horny" she says in her seductive voice.     I guess I want this over with faster than I knew because I threw her onto the bed, quickly climbed over her. She licked her lips and pulled me down to her level as she slowly began to taste my lips.I don't like when a woman is in control, so I flipped her over once again holding her hands above her head.     "You want it so bad little witch?" I taunted her as I slid my hand into the lining of her flimsy little thong. Finding her sensitive little bundle, I started making slow circles. Her reaction instant, pressing her ass further against me.     "Don't make me beg for it baby, I want you to do those wicked things to my body that only you can do" she whined. I pressed harder into her soft flesh hearing a whine escape her lips, I will not be rushed. I lowered my sweat pants, bending Mara over I s*****d that round little ass of hers.     If I am to do this, I may get a bit of pleasure out of this myself. The feeling of her juices running down her thigh while pressed tightly against my member told me that she was enjoying this far too much. Greedy little black witch indeed, I spared her no warning as I plowed into her fast, aggressive, brutal.     Her raw need for a release evident but I would never let her finish before me. This game was only starting, and she would be nothing but a crumpled heap by the time I was through. Once I'm done with Mara I will come after you little sister. Just wait till I get my hands on you. Anastazia POV     "Uuuuhg" I yelled frustrated with myself for mixing up the family tree on moms' side. There were so many people because it included the extended family of the coven. Apparently, the coven was not as small as I thought it would be.     Originally, I thought that maybe 20-30 witches were a part of the cove, but no! This coven held 682 members, and according to Granny White and mom this is considered small. I face palmed myself as I tried to go through the family tree again.     Granny White was relentless, after meeting Adelaide and hearing of my prophecy she was stricter than a general at boot camp. If I got something wrong there was more work added before I could come to eat dinner.     I was on a strict time table, wake up at 5am, breakfast at 5:15am, at the Sacred Waters by 5:30am, work through demon hierarchy and royal customs until 10am, then I work on my witch family tree and coven knowledge until 4pm. Anything I screwed up or didn't get the first time round I have to revisit until Granny White finally allows me to eat dinner at 8pm.     I barely get an hour to eat, shower, and get into bed before 9pm rolls around. This training was brutal and I'm only a week in. I guess in the long run it will all be worth it? Although I'm starting to get more anxious the closer my birthday gets here.     I want to go back into the book to talk with Adelaide and find out if there is a quicker way to learn all of this. Unfortunately, Granny White said I can only have the book back after I go through the ceremonies Adelaide had instructed her to put me through.     It's now almost 7:30pm, and Gabriel has left to get ready for school again tomorrow. He comes everyday to give me a report on what is happening at the school, so when I show up for graduation I can act as if I was there the whole time.     I am almost done with my chapter on the Flinton's family when I see Zander come into view from down one of the dark hallways. He has also been here the whole week trying to help me in my studies, but I think he really stuck around more for mom since Granny White is focused more on me. Which is fine as long as mom's happy.     He comes and sits next to me seeing that I am working on my white witch studies he has a grimace on his face. "If it weren't for your mother you would never be allowed to even explore the option of white magic." You know we haven't had a lot of time to really get to know each other. So while Adira is away cooking I thought I would steal your last 30 mins of the night." he said giving me a sad hopeful smile.     I closed the book I was currently trying to memorize and turn my body to face him completely "sure, I would like to get to know you more too" I said. Which was genuine, I wanted to know who this man was personally since he is supposed to be my dad.
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