The Past Comes to Light

1020 Words
    "Your mother and I are 2 people that were never supposed to meet. I being the King of the Devildom rarely converse with humans, however I had business to attend here in the mortal world, I needed an herbal remedy to help one of my sons. I found your mother, a white witch who is a master of the earth element.."     As he continued I dared not say a word for fear that the story would end "I was in love with her at first sight, she on the other hand wanted nothing to do with me at first. She wished to keep her purity as a white witch and that meant she couldn't succumb to a demons desires. Still I won her heart after months of trying"     He had that loving look as he stared down at my mom again, I wished he would just get to the part where I come in. "We learned later that your mother somehow kept her purity as a white witch even after falling in love with a demon, and soon after that we discovered that she was pregnant with you. We were over joyed with the news that we would be parents together, but that joy soon became a great fear as the royal prophet informed us that you would be the greatest creature to be born in the last 100 centuries."     "We were told that you would be unlike any demon of royal blood, you would not have one hellfire but 2. This knowledge would put your life at risk the moment anyone heard of your existence. So for your safety and your mothers, I left you both here in the mortal world, breaking all contact with you, to keep you safe from any harm" He said with so much determination. I knew that this was only the beginning, but I was ready to know why I am so "special".     "So then explain why it is so 'rare'" I asked using air quotes on rare. "surely this isn't more magical than finding out you're royalty"     Mom was giving me a stern look as he decided to continue "Royal demons posses a gift known as hellfire, each of the royal blood line has a color that represents them. The king however will receive the power of black hellfire upon his coronation, and will lose their previous color of hellfire. Natural black hellfire only happens once every 100 centuries, and that comes down to you. At the same time you will also have another hellfire which we will find out what that is on your 18th birthday as well as come into your powers as a white witch. We believe that you will be like your mother, that even though you are part demon your heart will remain true to your white witch heritage. If not you will become a black witch and we do not want to get into that."     I was dumbfounded, could he really tell me such a lie with a straight face? I wanted proof. Proof of my mother witch line and proof that my supposed father is a demon that controls this black hellfire. So the only logical words out of my mouth were "Show me"     I don't think mom was expecting me to take this so well because her jaw dropped to the floor, while he just looked amused. Motioning me with his finger to follow him we went into our backyard. He walked past the fenced herb garden into the tree line, as I followed right on his heels. I could hear moms steps right behind me, and trying to keep up with us.     Slowly Zander turned around to say "you may want to stay back a bit" and then the whole forest seemed to grow heavy with darkness. He had this dangerously menacing aura about him as he slowly grew a pair of dark demonic wings and a tail. He then proceeded to hold out his hand, and as if the sight in front of me couldn't have been enough a black flame appeared in is hand.     I stared wide eyed at him, stunned to silence. I honestly thought that this was all a joke, a made up story that mom was trying to tell me to curve my starvation for answers after all this time. Never in my wildest dreams did I think THIS was what really awaited me.     Slowly I turned to mom "do you have some crazy transformation too?" I asked  still bewildered from the strange turn of events by Zander. She laughed as she shook her head.     Mom pulled my hand gently back into the herb garden, she pulled me down to the small patch of chamomile that was starting to wilt. Slowly her hands began to glow white and she slowly coaxed the small plant back to life. She gave me a small smile as she could see the shack still plastered on my face.     I looked between the two of them "this really isn't a joke? I have two supernatural parents, and I'm royalty?" Zander just looked more amused as all this went on, and my mom gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. Slowly she said "I know it is a lot to take in, and that you may be upset that you had to find out in this way but I promise we did what was best for you.To keep you safe."     Zander approached us from behind pulling my mother to her feet, and kissed the top of her head. "I have know that you will not accept me at this time as your father after all this time, but I do wish for you to know that even if I was not here with you I have loved you and your mother all this time."     Well that did clear up a lot for me, now all that was left was Gabriel. Oh my God Gabriel! I looked to my mom quickly spewing the words from my mouth "what about Gabriel?!" and as if he heard me he appeared at the doorway to our house "you called?"
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