Teacher Granny White

1072 Words
    5:30AM why?! I was woken up as water splashed over me. Granny White had made it her mission to turn into full on teacher mode today. She meant business.     She had already put together a schedule for my day, starting with going to school with a protection charm so no demons could sense my presence, whatever that means. Mom had instructed me to inform the school I would be doing everything remotely until the day of graduation.     I returned to Granny Whites house at about 4:30pm  and she was waiting by the door with a mountain of books in her frail looking hands.I  didn't even get to make it in the door before she dropped them into my arms, pushing me back outside.     "We do not have time to waste child, you have taken a leave for the next 2 weeks from school to learn this world. YOUR world and there will be no slacking, as every second that passes us the threat against you from that vile brother of yours draws nearer." you could tell she was not pleased.     I wasn't much surprised though, she did tell me the moment I met her that she wanted me to learn all of this from a very young age against my parents wishes.She rushed  me along as I see her behind me with yet another mountain of books.     Arriving back at the Sacred Waters I had to ask why there were so many books. Apparently one stack was books of my heritage on her side, the other stack was on the known heritage of Zander's side. And  in case you were all wondering, no I have not accepted him as my dad yet.     Granny White was adamant about me starting with the  witch side of myself. I think she was hopefull that even though I have demons blood in me that my heart will stay pure enough that the Sacred Waters will continue to accept me as a white witch.     I haven't made it as far as learning anything about black witches, but between Granny White and Zander...Well let's just say they told me I really don't  want to know. I guess even the demons didn't really like black witches? Even though in folklore and fantasy novels they go hand in hand.     "Granny White how much of this do you really think I can learn in just 2 short weeks?" I asked, curious as to how she would answer.     "Well child, if you live up to your school reputation I expect you to have memorized at least 75% of each historical background. I'm sure you aren't a valedictorian just for show." she said grinning at me like the Cheshire cat.     Baffled I continued my questioning a bit further "how  did you know I am a valedictorian? And how do you know that I am such a good student?" she smiled more. "Gabriel wasn't just a help to your parents dear. Speaking of which, he should be arriing momentarily and I will need to give him permission to enter. Excuse me for a moment dear."     She walked over the the water, brought a drop to her finger and walked down one of the dark hall ways. Not even moments later she emerges from the shadows with my dearest best friend. I dropped my books from my lap as I stood up and leaped into his embrace.     A small, sarcastic oomph sound escaped his lips, as if my tiny frame could hurt him? I stared at Granny White mouthing a "thank you" as I continued to hang onto Gabriel as if my life depended on it. Gabriel couldn't shake me off so he just started walking toward my books.     Still unable to shake me, Gabriel pushed my body around his torso so I was now straddling him from the back like a 5 year getting a piggy back. He sat down and raised a book in front of my face. It was the old book mom gave me the day of the fencing state championship.     I still haven't opened the damn thing though. Granny White noticed the book and snatched it right out of Gabriel's hands. "So this is where you ran off to" she said aloud and stared me down. "Have you opened it yet?"     I shook my head no at her because honestly I had no clue how to open the damned thing, maybe she was about to open it for me? At least tell me what the heck it was.She seemed to muddle over the book slowly tracing a finger up and down the spine.     "I will tell you that the book has been with our coven since the beginning of the white witches.The crest on the lock happens to be from one of our great ancestors.  She was pure, and true in virtue , she prided herself on her innocence, cutting herself off from the world so she could not be tainted. However this book contains all of her original spells and only the head family of the witch coven can open the seal. Nowonce you figure out how to open it then you will advance in your training much more than reading these books This one book makes the others seem irrelevant." she stated matter of factually.     She handed the book to me and I slid off of Gabriels back to fidget with the crest lock again. Granny White excused herself saying she had to tend to something back at the house, I'm sure to yell at mom. I plopped myself down next to Gabriel and  I tried to pull hard on the lock.     Instead of opening the lock I sliced my finger open, great I thought. Until I saw this light coming from the crest lock, and I tried to pull it open again. Instant click!     I jump up yelling at the book "that's all  you freaking wanted from me?!" Gabriel is laughing his butt off and Granny White walks in and sees me with the book opened.     "That didn't takeyou long at all" she said as she slowly glided over to peer down over my shoulders.I was so annoyed with the damned book, but couldn't help the curiosity inside me that just had to know what was written on the ancient parchment      So I dived head first into the book, quite literally as a light shined bright and I was teleported to another world withing the book.
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