Helping Dark Empress

1093 Words
When Leon woke up, it was already early morning, all of them were talking to themselves as they prepared to leave the rooftop. It seemed Leon was the last one to wake up. The three of them looked much more vigorous than before. He finished up the supper that elin has prepared for him and called the three of them to tell him about something. Elin also joined them. "Since you, three decided to go with me you would better listen to my words correctly, in the way to the base we may encounter zombies and not all the time I can protect you have overcome your fear and have to kill the zombie, Can you do it? Before you give your answer you should know that even though there are only zombies now more and more deadly creatures will be arriving in the feature, so...." Leon provided them with a long explanation so that he didn't need to feed the good-for-nothing in his base. It is true while fighting zombies, you can lose your life, but every fight will make you stronger and stronger to face the next day in this hell. They nodded their head seriously even though the last girl was hesitant she was smart and realized if she wants to survive in this world she has to become stronger, They departed shortly after the talk. --- After 30 minutes of walking they encountered the first group of zombies there were 17 of them, Leon was equipped with [Fallen Aqua] and Elin was equipped with her gun while both the couples had a baseball bat. At the sight of the dead bodies on the road and zombies, Lin Xiaorin face turned ashen as she started vomiting she had already vomited while descending the mall by now her stomach would have been emptied. The rested of the content of her breakfast rested on the ground. Seeing this sight he couldn't bear it the once a queen who slaughtered all the evil beings whether it is a monster or human was on trembling and cowering at the sight of few dead bodies and lowly monsters like zombies. Leon sneaked on the first zombie and cut off its limbs before dragging it to Lin Xiaorin and shaoyang. The both of them gazed questioningly at him as they didn't understand what he meant. "Kill it" he focused his eyes on lin Xiaorin"If you can't kill zombies even in such a state, you will be just dragging us down." He clearly stated the meaning he wanted to convey to her. He can't leave the Dark empress any longer cowering in fear at the sight of monsters or dead bodies. At his words, Lin Xiaorin looked at the limbless zombie twitching on the ground. However, since she vomited all the food in her stomach this time she threw up stomach fluids. "I-i will Kill this in her place," shaoyang said as he raised his bat to smash the head of the zombie on the ground. But before he could smash it Leon gave a slight kick to his stomach but it was very painful for him as he felled on the ground and moaned in pain. "thud..uh.." "I said to KILL IT, YOU couldn'T EVEN KILL ONE LIMBLESS ZOMBIE HUH!!" his voice this time was angry as he glared at Lin Xiaorin sharply. With such words, Leon even gave her his [Fallen Aqua] which he thought was already enough for his goodwill. Seeing his actions, Xiaorin jolted slightly she didn't have much choice either if wants to survive she has to become stronger as she weakly grabbed the spear from his hands. It seemed something has sparked in her heart as she steeled her will and stabbed the head of the zombie with [Fallen Aqua]. It growled and shook violently as it tried to fight back. The most effective way to kill a zombie was to behead it or heavily damage its brain. "It is not enough, stab few more times" Leon was constantly reminding her of what she was doing was wrong. After several stabs, the zombie finally died her lower half of the dress was covered with the black coloured blood of the zombie... Her hands were tightly locked with a spear and she stared at the zombie emotionlessly, Leon grabbed the spear and swiftly started to kill the zombies seeing this elin also used her pistol to support Leon. Lin Xiaorin didn't cry or rested there she picked up the baseball bat and killed the zombies that she can deal with Leon also helped her when she was in danger. Leon smirked at her and started to kill the zombies more quickly. On the other side Shaoyang was shocked his wife was killing the zombie was she always this adaptable and strong though they were a new-wed couple he remained as her boyfriend for more than 3years. After few seconds of fighting, they fully cleared the street Xiaorin also levelled up by one. "Put all the points on Intelligence" Leon didn't forget to remind her about the allocation of points he didn't want to cause another butterfly effect and change Dark empress into a melee fighter. "Um...Can you tell me the reason" she slightly bowed her head while asking? This was what Leon wanted she didn't bow her head from fear but it was out of respect. Leon was slightly flustered he can't possibly tell that your a great magician the dark empress "I see potential in you for becoming a magician" Leon pretend to be a bigshot and made up an obvious lie. Even more worse thing was Xiaorin believed him." okay, from now on I will put most of my points in intelligence. After he helped Xiaorin in allocating her points, Elin scanned their surroundings in an attempt to find another group of zombies. There is no objection to kill as many zombies while you can but unfortunately, there was not any pack of zombies just 1 or 2 wandering zombies. Even though there is a villa near lake zurisse they have to take a detour to reach there. Also, Leon was not strong enough to face more than 500 zombies at once he will die of exhaustion so, he said to directly head towards the base. When doomsday descended not only humans had change animals also experienced the change there is a mountain in Zurich it was Uetliberg he planned to go there and hunt mutated beast they will not only give more EXP their body materials are also precious.
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