Military's efficiency

1030 Words
After a long-short journey Leon group arrived at the mansion the three of them were a bit hesitant so, Leon walked through the huge iron gate as he reached the entrance of the mansion and knocked on the door "Who are you" a solid voice could be heard from the other side Leon instantly recognised it was his brother David. Even though David has seen Leon entering the mansion a while ago from the window he still asked it was the rule implicated by Leon. Leon smiled inwardly he knew his brother won't be overwhelmed by emotions. "Förederstifung" was the password mutually agreed by all the members. Because it was also where they grew up it was the name of the orphanage. The door was fast opened a cute thing hugged him tightly with some tears in her eyes it was his sister. "Why do went out for so long..I-I" seeing her tears leon heart ached. "Don't speak I ain't have arrived" he consoled her and slowly listened to her nagging. Seeing this scene the other three of them were stunned the fierce young man who killed the zombies was now seemed to be a servant or butler to this girl. 'Is... Is it perhaps the legendary Sis-con' LinXiaorin thought as she averted her gaze at stated at Leon's brother. "Uhm, you must be the survivors my brother has bought, Hello, my name is David, and I am Leon's brother," he said as he introduced himself to the three of them. Shaoyang was the most sociable of the group and seemed to be in a good mood. "My name is Shaoyang, and there's my wife LinXiaorin, and that girl's name is Melissa," says Shaoyang. He introduced himself and struck up a conversation with David. The sound of Leon's voice startled David. "Brother, take the pair to one room and the other female to another room," though the words may appear to order, the tone was far too soft and inferior to be treated seriously. He was nothing like he had been the first time they met. Leon also headed towards his room to take a bath as it has been few days since he took a bath. Actually, swiss people will not take a bath frequently as the whether there will be cold they only took bath two days once or three days once. But After doomsday leon mostly lived in Asian cities as the climate there was quite hot it becomes a habit for leon to take bath once a day. -- "Fire at will!" someone said on the radio. "Fire at will! Kill those bastards and protect the president!" a man wearing a three-star general uniform barked through an old radio communicator. Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Zoooom~~~~! Boom~~! Surprisingly, there are two Spitfires fighter planes flying and swooping down from the skies as they would shoot at the pack of zombies on the ground, giving some aerial support for the defending soldiers below. "Throw in the molotovs!" this command rang out around the makeshift wall made of the galvanized roof. Soldiers in military attire grabbed up a bottle filled with petrol and a cloth-covered in petrol that acted as a fuse while clutching antiquated rifles in their hands. The troops lit the cloth and then tossed it into the throngs of undead. Boom, boom, boom! Boom! Boom, boom, boom! "Melee!" yelled a voice from atop the wall as the flames caused by the Molotov began to fade and the soldiers outside the wall, who were stationed behind barbed wire and concrete obstacles, began shouting. """Melee!""" The soldiers put their rifles on their backs and started pulling out different kinds of melee weapons from kukris, machetes, axes and even butcher knives. "Charge and kill as many as you can!" a soldier with a captain badge shouted as he bravely charged at the incoming zombies along with the rest of the soldiers below. Everything was going well for around three minutes still with no casualties until a variable appeared. A long grey claw shot out from nowhere as it pierced through the body of a nearby soldier before killing more and more soldiers around him. It was very fast and pistol and refiles were not working on it. The soldiers retreated in panic. It was a mutant. "A mutant has arrived! Use cold weapons to kill it!" A general mounted the stairwell and yelled at the men manning the wall, then he began firing at the zombies zigzagging towards them. The wall on the west side. "Sir! The west wall is being besieged by hundreds of mutated dogs and cats, as well as thousands of zombies, and they're asking for help!" An adjacent soldier rushed over to a major-ranking officer who had just decapitated another zombie. "Certainly not! We're already outnumbered in this area! Tell them to hold off for the time being till we finish off the zombies here" It was instantly rejected by the major. "But it's an order from General M-" "Tell him to f*CK off!" "But sir! That would insubor-" "Shut up and tell them exactly what I told you!" In normal times, I would be scared of insubordination, but we're at war, and there are only about 500 of us soldiers and marines left! Before we can send help to them, we need to clean up this location first! Go!" As he swung his machete at the head of the zombie near him, the major yelled angrily at the soldier. -- Southside of the wall "Sir! The west wall stated, They will only be able to send assistance until the zombies around them have been cleansed!" A soldier approached the general, who was wearing a grim expression on his face. "What!? Is he disobeying my commands!? I'm a General, and he's only a Major! How could he defy my commands!? After this, I'd have him Court Martialed for Insubordination!" When the General learned that they would not be receiving reinforcements, he became enraged and slapped the soldier in the face. Slap~! But he didn't care because he had a thousand other things to deal with, so he yelled at the soldiers to shoot them.
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