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Where is Ellie? I thought she was coming down for the engagement. Is she out with another project? Gray questioned Rita. Rita smiled at her husband’s best friend as the four of them shared the dinner prepared by her. “No, not this weekend, Gray.” She informed him. “She just reached and has gone up to freshen up,” she added in further explanation as he raised a questioning eyebrow. “She went to the airport to say goodbye to Troy so she was late.” Saying goodbye! So the big romance is over huh? Gray said sarcastically. “Not exactly. Troy has gone to London for two months for some work. Ellie was hoping that he would propose before leaving but nothing happened.” “Her hopes are very high but she will never get herself a man if she keeps herself busy with all these projects and behave like a tomboy. Troy Reid is a very sophisticated young man and his taste is quite different. I was shocked when I came to know that he was dating Ellie.” Paul said angrily. “ It is not her fault, Paul,” Rita scolded him gently. “You and Cory are to be blamed for it both of you hardly encouraged her to be feminine and you always scared away the potential men-friends.” She said pointedly. “You mean to say that I was wrong in making it clear that if a man wants Ellie to share his bed then he should marry her then what’s wrong with it?” Paul spoke raising his voice. “There is nothing harm in the way you think but these days couples in order to check their compatibility stay together. As far as I seem to remember you had also insisted I move in with you before we got married, why should Ellie be an exceptional.” Rita added dryly. When Paul did not say anything. Rita continued worriedly, “I hope this relationship with Troy works out for her. After all she is 23 now and not a teenager.” Cory broke in and said,” Sister in law why don’t you give her some pointers on how to be feminine, as we really are of no help in that area.” “ I have tried Cory but I think she needs someone who could give her the confidence to trust in her herself, when it comes to approaching men. She needs someone to show her that she is desirable.” She gave a small shrug and looked towards Gray and said teasingly, “ Someone like you Gray,” "Gray?"Paul started laughing. “Gray would never look at Ellie in that way and beside he has just returned and has taken over the company and he doesn’t have time for all these silly things.” He was proud of his baby sister as she is independent but not happy with her profession as she travelled a lot and she does not get paid well. But she never asked him.   “But to think about it Gray, perhaps you should give Ellie some pointers. . With your experience with women, you would be the best one to guide Ellie to get what she wants.” Ellie’s brother Paul said laughingly. “Perhaps I should,” Ellie heard Gray agreeing thoughtfully. I could not control my anger any longer and i barged in and said, “Shut up you two there is nothing you can teach me. I am smart, beautiful and independent and am happy the way I am.” She glared at Paul. “Don’t challenge me Ellie, you know better than anyone else that its useless” I looked at the man who said these words, he had not changed at all, still breathtakingly handsome and his eyes as devilish as ever. “ If I were you I would take him up on it. After all he is a man and the best one to learn from.” She heard Paul advising her seriously. “Is he really? Thank you very much for letting me know or I wouldn’t have known.” Ellie said sarcastically. "But you don’t know what a real man is, do you Ellie?" Jake pitched in and Ellie was about to explode. Rita intervened and scolded both of them and told them to stop teasing her. Then continued saying that she agrees with Paul that she should take Gray’s advise, as Troy was away for two months and it would give her ample lot of time to show her feminine side and show him what exactly he is missing. I looked at everyone, I was feeling like an outsider inside my own house as the people whom I loved were trying to throw me into Gray’s dungeon. My appetite was gone. I excused herself saying I was tired and escaped from the kitchen and went directly to my room.   I reached my room and flung myself on the bed and kicked my pillows helplessly. After I had calmed down. I went into the wash room and looked myself in the mirror and thought, what is wrong with me? Why can’t I make Troy see how good we’d be together. I am kind of pretty, I have a good figure as I do yoga every day. My breast are not too small not to big. In short I had a good cleavage line. I looked at my face in the mirror and decided whatever it is I will accept Gray’s help which he had willingly offered and show him that I have grown up and am not the silly little teenager he used to know.   Well it was over now, I am finally over him and I don’t want to get involved with him. I will give my best and try to make Troy serious about our relationship and if it doesn’t work. I still have the solace of my work.   I came out of the washroom and was shocked to see the person standing near my window and waiting for me. "Gray, what are you doing in my room?" I asked furiously, I was not going to forgive him that easily for humiliating me at the dinner table. He turned around and looked at me and then started walking towards me. I panicked and walked in the opposite direction and accidentally bumped into the bed and was about to fall on the floor when Gray put his arms around me and saved me from falling.   We were too close, his touch was like an electric current. I have subdued all my desires for him but one touch from him and I started longing for more. I was biting my lips to control my urges. Gray was looking at me and he started laughing and said, “ That’s all you have got Ellie, I am impressed you have improved  in your seducing technique.” I pushed him away but he grabbed my hand and held me from behind.  And whispered in my ears, “You still don’t have much experience with men ,do you Ellie? I was fuming with anger and turned towards him and said, “ Gray its none of your business as I have a steady boyfriend. You have been away for five long years. You went away and I grew up. I am qualified efficient and single  minded and I  am pretty single minded about marriage. “ “Troy? Is he the one you are planning to get married.” He narrowed his eyes and asked. “I am quite faithful, unlike some people.” I said, thinking there was enough with one traitor around.  
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