Chapter 1

1061 Words
When Nova was busy tidying the room, suddenly a piece of white cloth covered in dry blood and smelling fishy fell on her head. Nova was almost shocked but luckily she didn't lash out, otherwise she would have embarrassed herself if anyone heard. She immediately removed the white cloth from her head and held the cloth. " White cloth? There is a red color, is this blood? " Nova wondered to herself " But whose cloth is this? How can it fall on my head? " Nova said looking up at the ceiling to find out where the cloth came from but there was nothing. Nova suddenly felt uncomfortable and goosebumps as if there was something in her room. Nova decided to just throw the white cloth stained with dry and fishy blood on the window of her room, she opened the window and threw away the cloth. The cloth flew and fell on Indra's shoulder who was busy cleaning the dry leaves around their house. Indra was surprised to receive the unexpected cloth. " ARGGHHH VAMPIRE!!! " Indra screamed because of how surprised he was. Henry who was sweeping on the porch of the house not far from where Indra cleaned the dry leaves immediately went towards Indra. Nova, on the other hand, closed the window of her room without paying attention to Indra's screams, the girl was too lazy to find out what happened to her brother, while Indra was seen holding a white cloth which made him startled to death. " What's wrong, Indra? why are you screaming " Henry asked, he was also surprised when he heard Indra's scream because he was afraid something would happen to his son. " Nothing, dad " Indra replied grinning like a rotten clam. " Then if there is nothing, why did you scream earlier? " asked Henry again, feeling strange seeing the behavior of his son who was screaming incoherently. " I thought there was a vampire trying to mess with me earlier, apparently this white cloth " Indra answered while showing the cloth that had been thrown by Nova earlier, to Henry. " What are you talking about, Indra? There are no daytime vampires like this " Henry said, suddenly he remembered something " Wait...wait...whose cloth is this? " he asked Indra. " I don't know, suddenly this cloth flew at me that's why I screamed, because I was surprised " Indra answered Henry's question, then Henry took the cloth from Indra's hand. " But there is fishy blood on this cloth? Ah, it's better to throw it away! " said Henry as he threw the cloth far away because he couldn't stand the fishy smell that stung his sense of smell. The cloth flew away again but this time the cloth went back into the house and landed on Indira's shoulder who was busy cooking in the kitchen. Indira took the cloth stuck on her shoulder. She felt strange where the white cloth stained with blood and smelled fishy came from and wondered whose cloth it was? Suddenly stuck on her shoulder. Then she asked James who was helping her in the kitchen. " James, who does this cloth belong to? " " I don't know, mom, that's not my cloth " James replied, this time it was Indira who threw the cloth because she didn't want to hold something that didn't belong to her for a long time and she also couldn't stand the fishy smell of the cloth. The cloth finally flew again after being thrown many times by everyone in the house and this time it flew towards Sarah who was putting her clothes in the closet. The cloth landed on Sarah's neck and Sarah took the cloth around her neck. " Whose cloth is this? But there's blood on the cloth? " Sarah was talking to herself then she felt like just keeping the cloth and thought maybe someone would claim the cloth " It's better if I just keep this cloth, maybe someone will come and ask about this cloth " then she finally kept the cloth in the closet with her clothes and closed the closet again. Then Sarah came out of her room, she felt like taking a shower in the bathroom in the kitchen because she couldn't stand the smell of sweat clinging to her body. After Sarah left the room, a very unpleasant atmosphere was felt again. ********** Today Indira cooks a very delicious meal for her family, there is fried chicken, apple pie, spaghetti and Nova's favorite fish and chips. They were all sitting on the dining chairs looking at the delicious food in front of them, they were all happy to be able to taste the food made by Indira because she had not cooked such dishes for the family for a long time due to their daily busyness. “ Wow mom fried my favorite food huh? It's been a long time since I've eaten fish and chips ” Nova said happily. “ Yeah I know, that's why I fried it for you ” Indira said to the youngest. “ Thank you mom ” Nova expressed her gratitude in appreciation of the fatigue that Indira felt in order to provide delicious and nutritious food for her family all this time. “ Hmm, who wants to go with me to the mall? Please raise hand! ” Henry asked his children and quickly all of his children raised their hands as a sign of wanting to go shopping with Henry. “ ME!! ” “ Everyone wants to follow dad, so who will accompany me here? ” Indira tried to play around her children because she wanted to see how they would react. It seems that all her children are in confusion because they don't know what to answer. “ It's okay, you can all go shopping with dad, I'm just kidding because I want to see your reaction ” Indira said with a smile then she continued her words again “ I'm fine being alone here ” “ Are you sure? ” Henry asked Indira, he looked at the beautiful face of his wife of Indian and British descent. “ Yes Henry, I'm fine, don't worry ” Indira said “ go buy what you all want ” “ Okay, let's eat ” Henry said, they all started to eat.
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