Chapter 7

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ONE YEAR LATER   Snow POV   It has been and amazing year, but it is great to be home for summer break. College life has been enlightening and stressful. Can you say, FREEDOM!!! I mat some interesting people. My circle of friends has increase. I have three new friends, Amy, Ben, and Lisa. Kim and I finished our first year on honors. We attend all type of parties during the year. Let's just say that drinking alcohol is not my thing. I have learned to be independent and do things my way. Let’s just say, there were too many times that I dragged Kim to class due to her partying all night. I don’t know how she made honors.   Recap of the past year, Thomas has found his mate, Angel. She is beautiful, friendly, and so kind. She will make a great Luna. She is already mated and marked.  My Mom and Dad are stepping down from their positions and leaving for their “World Tour” vacation after my brother’s Alpha ceremony which is in September. They are planning to tour Europe, Asia, Africa, China, and Italy. Jalen, what can I say... He just Jalen "The Ladies Man" and still unmated.   My Twentieth birthday party is tomorrow. Do you think my mom forget what I said a year ago... NOPE!!!, she is planning my birthday party. My mom has gotten carried away with planning this party.  My party colors are pink, white, and gold. She has ordered like sixty dozen white and pink roses. She has invited all the surrounding packs. My mom knows I don’t like people. She just keeping telling me that she wants this to be the biggest party of all times. I tried my best to make her cancelled this party.   I'm seating in the entertainment room watching TV, my phone starts to ring.   Me: Hey Kim! Kim: We need to go shopping for your party. Me: Please don’t remind me... I don’t even want to have this party. Kim: While I don’t think you getting out of this one... You know your mom invited half of the world to the party. Me: Don’t be so dramatic, even though it is more people than I want to see. I don’t understand why she invited all these people. Kim: Auntie loves a party and you only turn twenty once... so I'll be there in fifteen minutes so we can go to the mall, bye. Me: Ok, bye.   My mom enters the room and seats next to me. She says, "Was that Kim."   Me: Yes Mom. I hope you not planning a surprise breakfast party like last year. Mom: No, I think the party is enough. Me: Great, I think I'm going to die with all this excitement. Mom: No, you’re not… You worked hard this year and it's time to have fun... Plus you might find your mate. Me: Mom, please I’m not discussing this again... I don’t want a mate at this time. Mom: Well, Snow you Dad wants to talk to you in his office. Me: Ok, Mom.   She walks to the door, looks back at me, and says, "Well I'm glad it's up to the Moon Goddess to say when you meet your mate and not you… I need some grandchildren". I mentally slap my forehead... I can’t with this lady. I walk behind her headed to my Dad’s office.   I knocked on his office door. “Come in, Princess,” my Dad says. I opened the door.   Me: Yes, Dad. Dad: I have some bad news. Me: What happen, Dad? Dad: You and Kim cannot go back to college. Me: WHAT DAD!!! NO, WE HAVE TO GO BACK. Dad: I know but we have been having issues with hunters, rogues, and vampires. I cannot keep you safe all the way in college. Me: Can’t you send me with a bodyguard? Dad: Yes, but then you will have to live off campus which will make you more vulnerable. Mitch is talking with Kim now. The council received evidence that the hunters have made weapons that can kill werewolves and vampires instantly. I can take the chance of you or Kim getting hurt. Me: Can I take online classes at least? Dad: Yes, we can talk more after you birthday party, Princess. I am so sorry about this, but your safety is more important. Me: I know Dad. I love you. Dad: I love you too, Princess.   I kissed my Dad on his forehead and left his office. Could this day get any worse. I went into my room to wait for Kim’s arrival.   Kim arrived at my house and I jumped into her car.   Kim: You ready for another full day of shopping. Me: No. Why aren’t you mad about not going to college. Kim: I am but what can we do about it. Run away? Me: Yes, I want to go back. We had plans. Kim: I know we did but things change. Me: Yes, I know…. Well, I'm not going to be at this mall all day, Kim. You have three hours to shop... Not today... Not today" Kim: Perfection takes time and patience... first impression lasts forever... you only get a grand entrance once. Me: Whatever, Kim...   We arrive at the mall and goes into Kim's favorite dress store. We are in this store for three hours... Why me? Why me? Kim brought a white bodycon dress and I brought a gold princess gown since I'm the main event. Kim must have a talked with my mom about my dress. Every dress I liked, Kim said no. This time around, I tried on all the dresses in the store. Mental note: last shopping trip with Kim. Kim drags me to the Victoria Secret store, and I like this store. We pick out several bra and panty sets, perfume, lotions, and lip glosses. I found a beautiful light pink lacy bra and panty set that will go nice with my dress. We went to a jewelry store and brought our accessories to match our dresses.   On the ride home, Kim expresses how crazy her wolf has been acting all day. I was so envious of her because she was a she-wolf. Kim's wolf name is Auburn, and she has an auburn color fur. She said she has been quite all day. I only wish I was a she-wolf.   When Kim dropped me over, I took my bags to my room. My legs hurt so bad that I just sat on my coach in my room. I turned on Netflix to watch a movie. I heard a knock on my door... "Come in" Ms. Jean enters to tell me dinner is ready. I asked, “if she could bring my dinner to my room. She said, “yes and would be back shortly.”   Ten minutes later, my mom comes to my room with my food.   Mom: Baby girl, are you ok? Me: Yes, Mom. Just tired from shopping with Kim Mom: Are you sure, baby girl?   Now that she mentioned it.   Me: Mom, I need you to talk Dad into letting us go back to college. Mom: I tired, and it didn’t work. I agree with your father. We need to keep you safe. Even though we have not had any threats, but it does not mean that they are not going to be none.  Me: I know, Mom. College was fun and I want to finish. Mom: Well, you can finish. I just don’t know when. Me: Mom, why did you invite all these people to my party? Mom: Well, there are a lot of unmated wolves that have not found their mates including you. Me: Mom, what is going on with you… I don’t want a mate. I am human. No werewolf wants a human for a mate. Mom: Baby girl, the Moon Goddess bless everyone with mates and I just want you to find someone special and experience love. Me: I understand Mom but I'm not ready for love and I want to finish college. I also want to find out about my biology family and where I come from. Mom: I know you have a lot of things on your to do list, but you don’t have to do it alone. Your mate can share your experience too. Maybe I can get your Dad to find out some information about your biological parents. Me: Mom, it's ok. I don’t want you or Dad worrying about that. You have your world tour to look forward too. I'm going to go to bed, Mom. Mom: Ok baby girl see you in the morning, Good Night. Me: Good night, Mom.   I finished my dinner and my movie. I sat in my bed dreading about this big event you call my birthday party. 
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