Chapter 9

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Snow POV   Today the day of the big event. Yes, I know it's my 20th birthday. I'm lying in my bed, dreading this party, and feeling sick again. If my thoughts serve me right, I felt this way last year. I hope nothing crazy happen today. There is a knock at my door. "Come in" My mom says "Good Morning and Happy Birthday, baby girl"   Me: Thanks, Mom. Mom: You coming to breakfast, baby girl? Me: Wait, who's down there because I know you Mom. (weary of her attentions...) Mom: It’s just us downstairs and there will not be a big breakfast this morning. Me: You sure…   My mom nods up and down.   Me: Ok mom here I come.   I get out of bed, take a shower, gets dressed, and head to the kitchen. I notice the kitchen was quiet, but I didn’t pay it no mind. I open the door and I'm hit with a Deja Vu... Everyone screams "Happy Birthday, Snow". My mom starts laugh... I knew she was up to something... I say, "Thanks to everyone" and seat next to my Dad.   Dad: How's my Princess? Me: I'm fine Dad. Just wish Mom would stop with these birthday shenanigans. Mom: Never in your life, baby girl.   I just shook my head. Mental note: no breakfast next birthday.   Angel: Snow, what are your plans for today? Me: Nothing just going to rest until Kim comes to help me get ready for the party. Angel: Can I get ready with you guys? Me: Angel, you sure can and you never have to ask you are my big sister now.   Now it was my turn to make someone red as a tomato.   Me: Angel, do you have your dress? Angel: Yes, Thomas took me to the mall the other day? Me: Yea I was looking for you when I went to the mall yesterday. Thomas: We were busy.   I kind of see that, since Angel has his mark on her neck... I just rolled my eyes at him.   Me: Dad, did you think about what we discuss about? Dad: Yes, but we will deal with it after your birthday. Today, we are going to celebrate you. Me: Ok Dad.   Kim come bargaining in the kitchen and sing, “IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! IT’S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!! IT’S MY MOTHERFUCKING BEST FRIEND BIRTHDAY!!!” My mom screams, “Kimberly Wilson, watch your mother!”   Kim: Sorry, Auntie Bella.   She came and sat next to me.   Kim: Are you excited about tonight? I can’t wait!! Me: Yea, I bet you are… Yes, and I just wish it would come and go quickly. Kim: It’s going to be epic!!!   Everyone ate their breakfast. Kim and I left the kitchen to go chill in my room.   After our fourth movie, Kim jumps up and says, “It’s time to get ready!!!” I say, “Yay me!!” I hope nothing eventful happens at my party.   Alpha Azazel POV   Today's is Alpha Blake's daughter's party. I swear I told Jason to let me know who was going to the party. I must make sure we all have transportation to the party. I mind linked Jason to come in my bedroom. Let's see what he calls me today... There is a knock at my door. "Come in" Jason enters my bedroom and says "You ring, Mr. Angry Man" All I could do is sigh and slap my forehead. I'm going to kill him one day...   Me: Jason, how many members going to Yellowstone Pack for the birthday party? Jason: Oh, hmm, let's see..." Me (in my Alpha's tone): JASON! Jason: Okay… okay… don’t get your boxers in a ruffle... it will be thirty of us and I already took care of the transportation. Me (with a shock look on my face): You did some work... it's going to rain today. Jason exits my room with a "Whatever".   When I got out of bed, my wolf is running around all in my head. I don’t know what his problem... "Ghost, what's the problem" I waited, and I didn’t get no replied. Here we go again... his mood swings. I go take a shower, get dressed, and go to my office. I'm in my office when I hear a knock at the door. "Come in"  Jazz enter my room and says "Bro, going to the mall so I can get a dress for tonight" "Ok make sure you are back home early because we are leaving at 8pm. WE WILL BE ON TIME!!!" "Someone is in a moody" Jazz leaves my office.   I completed my work and went to the Training room to work out. Again, my mate was on my mind... the strawberries and mimosa sent is a smell that has been embedded in my head and heart. Walking pass the entertainment room, I started eavesdropping on other werewolves talking about the party. Male stated, “The party is an opportunity to meet your mate. I hope I meet my mate today. Another male states, “I hope the Alpha finds his mate tonight because he is always angry and moody. Female states, “Well I just want to have fun. This mate thing is overrated. I am pretty sure the birthday girl has a mate already. She is 20 years old today.” I don’t know why that statement hurt my feelings. Personally, I hope my mate is there... and Ghost still not talking to me… What is wrong with him?
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