Chapter 3

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Alpha Azazel POV I'm sitting in my office when I hear a knock on the door... "Come in" Enter my Beta and Best Friend, Jason... Jason says, "How's the Bossman this morning" I look at him sarcastically and says, "What do you want, Jason?" Jason makes this hurt expression on his face and says, "just checking to see if you were ready for the biggest party in town!"  Me: Please don’t remind me. Jason: Well, there will be a lot of hot single ladies there... I made sure to only invite unmated females so you can find your mate. Me: Jason, leave now! (in my Alpha's tone...)   Jason leaves without another word... now back to my work. I begin working on my work and here comes another knock... with a heavy sigh... "Come in." Enter my baby sister, Jazz...   Jazz: Hey Big Bro... What you are doing? Me: Something called work, which you know nothing about. Jazz: Well it's not my fault that I have a rich brother. Me: How can I help you, Jazz? Jazz: Well, I need to go shopping for the party and I was checking to see if you needed anything from the mall. Me: No Jazz... I'm cool. Jazz: You know you don’t have any sense of fashion. I will get you something anyway. Me: Fine, Jazz!!! Jazz: Well I heard you are having this party to look for your mate? Me: That damn Jason... no I'm not... it's just a party about the new club... so I really need to get my work done Jazz. Jazz: Okay, okay... Whatever you say... see you later Bro!   I mentally slap my forehead... what is up with everyone today...   "Well we do need our mate" says Ghost, my wolf... "Please, don’t you add on to my headache... I don’t need your two cents about finding our mate... it's a never-ending story... A pain in my ass, Ghost" "Don’t give me no shit... we need to release our pent-up frustrations...” before I could get a word out... He blocks me out... He’s another pain in my ass.      I'm Alpha Azazel Martinez of the Riverbank Pack. My wolf (Ghost) and I are known as the deadliest and youngest (26yrs old) Alpha in the states. My parents died in a rogue attack a year ago. I decided to leave the Navy, to take care of my little sister (Jazz; 18yrs old), my twin brothers (Zachary and Zion; 21yrs old), and my title as Alpha. My Beta is my childhood friend Jason (24yrs old). My youngest twin brothers, Zachary (Zack) and Zion are my third in command. They are the best warriors in my pack besides myself. My siblings and I are the last of the Lycan species. We are all unmated. I have about three hundred members in my pack. My family owns a construction company called, Martinez Construction & Remodeling, LLC (MCR, LLC). I am working one expanding our business into real estate and other commercial businesses.       Recently, I brought a night club called "Blue Mates Bar" in the town outside my pack... I know the name is cheesy, but my Beta & brothers voted me out. Since none of us found our mates, I guess this is their way of looking sublingually. The grand opening is in two days. My Beta was responsible for the guest list. This fool invites only women to the opening party... Now I am stuck in my office fixing his mess.      Yes, I'm an Alpha without his Luna. In the last two years, I've travelled the world looking for my mate but have not found her. I decided to stop looking and focus on my Alpha duties. I see that Jason is still looking for me... He is always teasing me about how uptight I am because I am a virgin. Personally, I don’t care for the drama that comes with these she-wolves or any female. I rather wait for my true mate. I came out of my daydream when my office phone begun to ring.   Me: Hello, this is Alpha Azazel. Alpha Blake: Hi, Alpha Azazel… How are you? Me: Alpha Blake, I am doing well… Trying to finish my guest list for the grand opening of my new club. Alpha Blake: Speaking of your new club, I would like to see if you could place my daughter on your VIP List. Me: Sure, Alpha Blake… What is the occasion? Alpha Blake: It’s my daughter’s 19th birthday. Me: Ok, I will give her our Diamond VIP passes.  How many will be attending? What’s her name? Alpha Blake: It will be about 20ppl in total. Snow Lawson is her name… I need one more favor…   As soon as Alpha Blake said his daughter name, it drew Ghost attention…   Me: Ok. Does she need any invitations? Alpha Blake: No invitations needed. She will have two warrior escorts with her for protection which is included in the 20ppl. I will wire you the admission fees… Please send me an invoice. I do not want my daughter paying for nothing. Me: Ok, that’s fine by me. What are the warriors’ names? I will send the invoice after the grand opening so it will cover the fees for the entire night. Alpha Blake: John and Caleb. Thanks so much, Alpha Azazel. Me: Talk with you soon, Alpha Blake.       I ended the call. It will definitely be an honor to host Snow’s 19th birthday party. Ghost intervenes, “Her name is pretty.” I reply, “Are you getting horny over a name?” Ghost says, “Shut up, human!” Then he blocks me.   I was up until 2am, rearranging the VIP sections, and the guest list. I decided to go to bed and finish the issues in the morning.
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