Chapter 4

1071 Words
Snow POV I woke up to a big butt, loud ass girl jumping on my bed... "Kim... really, this is not how you wake someone up... I need to put a lock on my door…"   Kim: I thought we were going to the mall. Me: It’s too early for all that. Kim: It’s 12noon… You can’t sleep the day away. You were ignoring my calls & texts last night" Me: Yea well, it didn’t work... … let me get ready... I'm guessing I don’t have a choice no more.   We a defeat sigh and heading to my bathroom; I murmur, “I can’t never get any sleep around here.”   Kim laid on my bed while switching the TV stations... While I was in the shower.... I hear Kim screams, "Did you think about going to the party tomorrow?"   Walking out the bathroom, I seat at my vanity to do my hair... "My mom is making me go... So, I guess... She said that my Dad talked to the owners about us coming... We will have two guard as escorts, and they gave us a VIP section."   “Overprotective much, Kim says with a smirk... they are going to kill our vibe, but I love that we will be in the VIP section"   Me: Well if you want me to go, that's the only way. Kim: I'm just happy you are going, Boo. Me: Jalen, his friends, and other pack members are going too. You know my mom had to make this into a birthday party for me. Kim: My Auntie loves a party. I definitely gotta look hot if Jalen is going!    I just rolled my eyes at her "let's go".   We leave out my room, down the stairs and was stop by Ms. Jean... "Are yall eating breakfast today?" "No, Ms. Jean, we say in unison... "We will get something from the mall" I happily replied... "Ok. Be safe, girls." We headed to my garage and got into my pink Lambo… This was the best gift that my Dad ever gave me… I love my car...      Kim and I had our own karaoke show during the car ride to the mall. It was fun but Kim can’t sing at all... We went into the dress store looking for our dress for the party... I do not like to shop at the mall, but Kim loves for it... She could live her if she could… Three hours later, I swear Kim tried on all the dresses in the store... She decides to pick a tub-top bodycon black dress. She looked amazing in it. I decided on a white bodycon glittery white dress with spaghetti straps. When I came out the dressing room, Kim was speechless. She said, "that's the dress for you." We went to five other stores before we went to the food court.      Standing in Chick-Fil-A line to order my food, I was bumped into a brown hair, 6-foot guy. He was wearing a black shirt and jeans. He grabs my waist before I fell on my butt. He said, “Sorry about that beautiful.” When I looked up at him, we locked eyes. He had ocean blue eyes. I said, “No problem.” “Are you single? I would love to take you out”, he replied with a sexy voice. “No, I am not interested,” I replied. “Well your lost but I’ll see you around”, he says before walking to a nearby table. I thought in my mind that he was creepy. Lastly, why would I see him again.      I retrieved my food and walked back to the table where Kim was seating. Kim said, “Who was that? He looks creepy.” I agreed and said, “I don’t know. Yea, I got the same vibe from him. He told me he would see me around.” Kim looks baffle and says “Yea, that sounds strange.” The whole time that Kim and I was eating, it felt like someone was watching me. I looked around to see who it was, but I didn’t see no one. After we ate, we left the mall.     The ride home, we discuss going to Mansfield and meeting some fine guys there. Kim parked her car in the garage. We enter the mansion and let Ms. Jean know we were back from the mall. She yelled, that dinner will be ready by 7pm. I started to feel sick during the ride back from the mall. I guess it was from my Chick-Fil-A food. Once we enter my room, Kim and I watched movies until dinnertime. Before Kim left, she said she will be here tomorrow at 5pm so we can get ready for the party.     I enter the dining room to see my mom, dad, and brother eating dinner. I seat down next to my brother at the dinner table. I let Ms. Jean know that I only wanted a little bit of food. My mom asks, "Are you sick, baby girl?"  Me: I don’t know, Mom. I think I ate something bad from the mall. Mom: Hope you feel better before you go to the party tomorrow... you still going sick and all.   All I could do is look at my mom sideways.   Jalen chimes in, "you and your little minion better not be near us at the party... I don’t need yall scaring the girls away." Me: Don’t no one care about you & them freaks you call friends. Mom: you better show your sister a good time... it's her birthday. Jalen (sigh): But Mom, how will I find my mate if I am looking after her... I can’t never have no fun…   Dad jumps into the conversation with "No butting your Mom, your sister's birthday is tomorrow. You must look out for her and Kim. You can go back to the club with your friends another time."   Jalen sighs again... "Okay Dad…" I look at Jalen and stick out my tongue at him and mouth "Now…" Jalen looks at me from the side of his eyes; Yea, he is going to pay me back for this one… 
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