1070 Words

That would be a good guess. ” Clive shoved me into the stairwell. The pures were wealthy, and I mean, more money than anyone could comprehend. Yet there wasn’t a single elevator in the entire campus. “You think you can get away with anything, don’t you? You’re the dean’s niece, the Minister’s stepdaughter, and the next Apollyon. You’re just so damn special, aren’t you?” There was a very good chance I might hit him, but with my fist instead of an apple. I jerked my arm free. “Yeah, I’m that damn special. ” “Just remember you’re still a half-blood, Alex. ” “Just remember I am the dean’s niece, the Minister’s stepdaughter, and the next Apollyon. ” Clive stepped up, his nose almost touching mine. “Are you threatening me?” I refused to back down. “No. I’m just reminding you of how specia

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