2028 Words

LEAH We had been hard at work all morning, peeling roots, washing and cutting the herbs we had collected from Melissa's garden, the potion for the antidote needed specific ingredients. 'a gram willow bark' 'A handful of cloves' 'Some Thistledown' 'Morning glory' 'A syrup of stars' 'Morning tears' 'Wishing feathers' 'And some fuzzy snow' Melissa was more short handed as Cody had left earlier. He had wandered off to god know where. So the preparations had been delayed. Jack and I were still grinding some stuff that didn't require the electric grinder. For some potions to work effectively, they needed to be prepared the old way; the ingredients needed to be ground by a mortar and pestle it so Melissa had said. We had ground a quarter of the Thistledown' when Melissa called us out

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