Twenty-seven: No one is ordinary

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(Picture available on w*****d) Baise (Ma Tianyu) At the campsite, the princess gently sits on the wooden stool once more. Huli takes out a large wooden box with variety of herbal medicines in it. She chooses several herbs and put it in a clay pot before passing the pot to Chengshi. Chengshi take it with a long face before she glares at the man not far from her. The General is very curious about how her people managed to take out stuff out of nowhere. He goes to their side, squats down near the princess and asks, "This General wonder how your servants magically took out stuff out of nowhere?" The princess looks down at this large man squatting next to her, dangerously near to her and answer, "Some of them are using magic spatial rings while some possessed the ability to summons and manifest magic spatial chambers." The General heard about it before, but magic spatial rings are rare, those who had the ability to summons magic spatial chambers are rarer. Bing Zhongcheng whom suddenly standing next to Congming nods his head too. Wenhe is seen to have stealthily followed Chengshi when she grudgingly muttered to herself while bringing a pot of herb to be boiled. Congming sees this and decided to continue to stand there and observes this man standing next to her. The princess is smiling underneath her veil, things have surely changed since she has woken up from her coma. Lots of it never even happens in her previous life. Her people and his people suddenly have interactions with one another. The big ice block, Wenhe, loses his cool when he faced the sharp-mouthed devil, Chengshi. The most trusted man of the General, Bing Zhongcheng seems to be attracted to Congming. The General is the one that annoys her endlessly these days. He practically suggested that he is the right person to be sent to guard the northern border as if there are no other capable generals in the Kingdom of Long. But, then again, this is good as he will be temporarily distracted from his ambitious plan. Still, he never fails to make her skin crawl every single time he is treating her with utmost care. The lively noise made the General's men are quite welcoming too. Those loyal men of his who are willing to be with him even if it means for them to betray the royal family. Not in this lifetime she silently vows. She suddenly says, "Speaking of the magic spatial ring, this princess has one with her." She then stretches out her hand as her palm is facing up towards Eunuch Xiao Yu. That pretty Eunuch seems to hesitate for a moment before he takes out a small wooden box with gems encrusted on it and put it gently onto her palm. She holds onto the small box and gently nudged the box onto his hand. (Picture available on w*****d) He looks at her and asks, "For me?" "Yes. It is a thank you gift for you for saving this princess before." She softly answered. He opens the box and there inside the box an exquisite silver ring. The lion head with its mouth opened, embedded in it is a piece of emerald gem. He feels touched with this gift from her. (Picture available on w*****d) The princess then said, "Use your qi combined with your thought each time you wanted to put or take out something in the chamber." He takes out the ring, put it on his left index finger before efficiently put the gems' encrusted box inside his spatial chamber. He gently holds both of her hands and says, "This General have a gift for you too." He takes out a red box with gold embossed on the top of it. In it is a hairpin made from white hetian jade. He further says, "White suits you. Phoenix is you. When the General saw this hairpin, you are the first one in my mind." (Picture available on w*****d) The princess is still holding the box with the hairpin in silence. She then softly says, "Thank you, General. This princess really is thankful for this thoughtful gift. It is beautiful." She then closed the lid of the box and pass it to Xiao Yu for safekeeping. The General cannot help but feel a bit disappointed as he wishes that the princess will use it straight away. Patience is virtue he repeatedly reminded himself. Patience is a virtue... Congming suddenly smiles. Seems like the General is trying to win her mistress's heart. Poor General have to work his ass off for that. She is happily laughing inside her mind right now. The man next to her smiles as she smiles too. Chengshi suddenly rushes out towards them, "Your Royal Highness, your bath is ready. That insufferable man had helped me carrying all that water." She smiles happily, ignoring the man who had just arrived with a slightly depleted energy as he had been used by this cunning woman next to him to do the hard work all by himself. Knowing that he is a person with a fire attribute, she ordered him to heat the water with his qi. He foolishly did just that. The General and his cousin, Bing Zhongcheng are watching this with a slight tug on their hearts. That big ice block is a human after all. The rest of the men are pretending that they are busy with their chores, but they are watching Wenhe and Chengshi from the corner of their eyes. The princess and her people, on the other hand, are watching as well. Congming smiles and whispers something to her mistress, the princess nods her head gently. Xiao Yu suddenly stands up and brings out some cooking utensils and prepare himself to be the cook for tonight's dinner. Huli joins him as well, from her magic spatial ring, she brings out a variety of fresh ingredients to be cooked by him. They smile at one another and do their own chores in silence. The General is watching both, from his investigation, he knew that both of them are the first one brought in by the princess to serve her as her eunuch and maid. The maid, Huli, is famously known for her innate talent in the medical field. Nothing much is known about Xiao Yu and that worries him a little. But the princess seems to trust him, the maids are quite close with him as well. That knowledge eases his heart a little but realizing that the beautiful man is always by her side troubles him endlessly. Chengshi walks in speed toward her mistress, Wenhe is closely tagging along to before he stands behind the General. "Your Royal Highness, your bath is ready! Congming and Lianhua will serve you." Chengshi said excitedly with a wide smile on her face. She ignored Wenhe, not even a word of thanks coming out of her mouth. "En... Do excuse this princess..." She stands up and walks calmly towards the designated bath area for her. Congming and Lianhua are following her as well. As soon as they have arrived at the area, the General and his man saw that both of her maids have efficiently formed a protection formation which made the outsiders unable to see what is inside the formation. Suddenly, a flickering blue light lights up surrounding the formation itself. The General watch with his foster hand, someone is using his or her qi to be used as an external protection barrier which, if intruded by anyone, will cause grave injuries and even death to the intruder. He watches her remaining servants but Xiao Yu, Huli and Chengshi are already busy with cooking for dinner. One of those inside the formation is responsible for it. But, who? Those who can do advanced protection barrier are only those with high cultivation. Using qi as an external barrier will cause the doer to lose some of his or her cultivation, that is why almost no one has ever used this technique. For someone to use it means that that person is confident it will not affect his or her cultivation. Bing Zhongcheng and Wenhe watched in silence too. What kind of people are they? Obviously not ordinary as they first thought. The remaining men are watching this amazing scene unfolding before them as well. Someone within the princess's people is someone with high cultivation level they thought. Unaware of the outsiders' thoughts, a soft and melodious voice is singing a beautiful yet sad song. This is the second time that the General hears her singing. She is still so young but why is she singing such sad songs he wonders. There is a slight pain in his heart. Is it him? But all he ever did is ignored her in the past. Is that the reason of the sadness that she is feeling now? The General look at his men, all of them are mesmerized by her voice. He grimaced at this realization. She is attracting too many flies for his liking. Her people, on the other hand, continues diligently preparing dinner. They do stop what they are doing upon hearing their mistress's voice and look at one another but they just continue their works without any words coming out from their mouths. Her people... He is unaware of who really are. What is the little princess is planning by having all these extraordinary people around her? With that thought, the pain in his heart becoming more severe. (Video available on w*****d) Song: Fated Singer: Chang Sisi Drama: The King's Woman
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