Twenty-nine: Bittersweet realization

1453 Words
(Picture available on w*****d) Senior Princess Long Xuanlu (Janine Chang) After a night of new discoveries and revelations, morning came. Everyone has wakened up early to start of the day. Xiao Yu and Huli already started to cook for breakfast. Chengshi and Congming are preparing for the princess to take a warm bath while Lianhua is preparing the outfit and accessories to be worn by the princess. (Picture available on w*****d) Xiao Yu’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Huli’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Chengshi’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Congming’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Lianhua’s outfit. The army guards woke up early as well, but they are surprised when they saw how immaculately well dressed each of the princess's servants. When did they have time to take a shower and take care of their appearance they thought curiously? They, on the other hand, are having a hard time to even take a proper bath. But that doesn't apply to the General, Gentleman Bing and Lord Wenhe who looks absolutely dashing even in the early morning. The General looks better but there is an aura of gloominess coming from him, the army guards realizing this, decided to not bother or annoy him. 2 of the army guards decided to assist Eunuch Xiao Yu and Huli with the preparation for breakfast. (Picture available on w*****d) General Bing Xiaji’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Bing Zhongcheng’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) Wenhe’s outfit. (Picture available on w*****d) The army guards’ outfits. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang suddenly walk towards the group together with Chengshi, Congming and Lianhua. Suddenly Congming and Lianhua are laughing while pointing at Wenhe then looking at Chengshi. Lianhua takes a deep breath and says, "My... My... My... What do we have here a pair of lovebirds? Isn't that right, Ming?" "True. Such colour coordination outfits they both wear for today..." Congming adds further. Chengshi is blushing profusely, how the hell did she suppose to know that man is wearing a white and purple outfit as well. How embarrassing she thought to herself. The princess laughs as well, "Lord Wenhe, seems like you and Chengshi are quite in sync with one another." Chengshi rolls her eyes while Wenhe is just being what he is, a big block of ice. Xiao Yu and Huli are laughing as well seeing both with same coloured outfits. Bing Zhongcheng smiles too. The army guards are talking with one another upon this new interesting discovery. Will there be another happy couple? But, when they see how the General interacts with the Crown Princess, they can only sigh. Those two are quite formidable, if they are together, wonderful and amazing things will for sure happen the army guards thought to themselves. Congming looks at them and smiles too, indeed but the Crown Princess seems to keep her distance from the General. The General... He is obviously a stupid person when it comes to the matter of the heart. She is not that sure about them both. Something is holding the princess from expressing her true feelings. The General... Wait, Congming suddenly looks at him. She can no longer read his mind. This is odd. No matter how she concentrates and blocks others' thoughts, she can no longer read his mind. This is shocking! Her ability to read one's mind is top notch and unparalleled. The princess is unreadable too since she has woken up from her coma. And, now the General. What is going on here? Bing Zhongcheng saw the worried look on Congming's face, so he went to his side, "What's wrong? Are you alright?" Congming stares at him before she nods her head, "I am fine, Gentleman Bing. Is the General alright? He is unwell last night right..." Bing Zhongcheng look at his cousin and says, "He seems fine, but he seems to be in a bad mood ever since he has woken up." The General then raises his head up and look at the Crown Princess with an indiscernible look in his eyes. She is so beautiful he thought to himself. White suits her best. She is wearing that exquisite mask on her face. Her beauty should be kept and guarded he thought. If she uses it, she can destroy a kingdom is she wanted too. He foolishly overlooks this obvious fact before as he was too blinded in his hatred towards her. (Picture available on w*****d) Crown Princess Long Fenghuang’s outfit. He should do anything within his power to keep protecting her even if it means for him to sacrifice his own ambitious dream. He thought to gain powers meant the world to him but, over the last few days after he had met her again, he realized that to have her look at him again with a loving look in her beautiful eyes is what he really wanted most. He looks at his men and her people interacting with each other, is it worth it for him to destroy what it is now for the sake of his selfish ambition. Why did he want to be a ruler in the first place? He wanted to be the best. But, Kingdom of Long is flourishing under the royal family, is there really a need for him to usurp the throne? If he did, how will she look at him? Even now, she refused to interact with him. He painfully takes a deep breath. Is it too late for him to start again? The royal family seems to be cautious with him. She, on the other hand, seems to be distancing herself. He is not willing. He wanted to have her. He has to be the one by her side. As if she can read his mind, she looks at him in the eyes, no words are spoken but, at that very moment, the time has stopped. He knew that he is already in love with the princess. Years of hate has been erased within days. How ironic he thought. His plan must be fully changed now. He has to do whatever it takes to gain support from the Emperor. Their marriage will be a marriage filled with love. If it takes years for him to convince her, so be it. She suddenly smiles at him as she walks closer to him, "Are you alright? Seems like you are sick yesterday's evening. I have never seen you in that condition, General. Your body is precious... Too precious for the sake of our kingdom." The General smiles and says, "Indeed... My body is precious to the kingdom and you." The princess smiled at him, but she gave him a challenging stare, "Do not think highly of yourself, General. There are plenty of fishes in the sea." "Definitely but this General will do everything in his power to kill each and every fish that have any sort of malicious intention..." He answered with confidence. The princess turns her back and says, "Today's hope can be tomorrow's sorrow..." The General look at her small back as she walks away and thinks about what she had just said. She is too wise for her own good. He can only sigh with this thought. Bing Zhongcheng softly coughs when he heard what the princess and the General have just said. This princess does have a venomous mouth, but the General is shameless as well. No wonder her maidservants are sassy too. They are simply learning from their mistress. Congming suddenly glares at him. He is surprised because all he just did is just stands next to her and says nothing. Why did she suddenly glare at him? He suddenly felt that he is somehow wronged by her. Congming smirks when she sees him looking at her with wide eyes. This man is just like a puppy she thought. I cannot help but have naughty thoughts about him. His gentlemanly manner is seeking for her to crush it for good. She smiles sweetly as she continues to stare at him while he stands there uncomfortably. He can feel that she wanted to devour him while. She laughs softly before looking somewhere else. "Breakfast is ready!" Huli shouts at them. Today's breakfast is hot steamed buns with red beans-fillings. Huli also made green tea for them as well. They all ate in a lively manner. The General's men feel so touched by this. The Princess is making sure that they are to be fed with good food too. The buns and the tea made them feels rejuvenated and energized. Xiao Yu and Huli are indeed magicians. The food that they produced is amazing!
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