Thirty: Yinyue

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(Picture available on w*****d) Sovereign Princess Bing Mengxiang (Cui Yahan) On the second day, they continue their journey. Once again, the Crown Princess is wearing her veiled hat. The General whom acted as a suddenly caring fiancé, accompany her to get into her carriage. As she is still a growing young girl, she is having a difficulty to go up onto the carriage, the General then holds onto her waist and lifted her up with ease. He can feel that the Crown Princess has momentarily stopped breathing as he holds onto her slim waist. Her eunuch and her maidservants gave him glares that can literally kills him. He ignored it of course and calmly walks to his carriage after the she has gone into her carriage. Lianhua who goes into the carriage right after her mistress and anxiously asks, "Your Royal Highness... Do forgive us for our incompetence." The other 4 are listening for her reply outside the carriage rather anxiously as well, "Nothing to worry about. I live for another day. That shameless man will be out of our sight soon. Just bear with it for the time being." Hearing this, the 5 of them sigh with huge relief. Their mistress is so magnanimous they thought to themselves. If only they knew that inside their mistress's mind, she is, in fact, imagines that she is killing the General repeatedly with various kind of ways. There is a sharp glint in her eyes as she thought how that man is getting more and more shameless these days. She wanted to scream onto his face but that would ruin her cool yet gentle image that she has been parading herself with these days. Outside the moving carriages and group of individuals, the is a sudden huge explosion of water in the middle of the river. Everyone is shocked by this and immediately put on a high alert with their surroundings including the General himself. Her people look surprised too but, without the realization of others, they momentarily leer their eyes towards the middle carriage. Seeing that there is nothing else happening after that shocking incident, they continue on their journey. Even Lianhua is doing the same thing inside the carriage. Her mistress is now sitting with her legs crossed, she is continuing with her cultivation inside an invisible barrier as to prevent the General and his men to notice of her current cultivating stage. Lianhua smiles, their mistress is advancing to the next cultivation level sooner than they expected her to be. Soon, their mistress will be one of the forces to be reckoned with in the 3 Kingdoms under her alter ego, the elusive Supreme Leader Yi of the Ghost Sect. The journey is an uneventful one except for one little problem. The group realized that someone is (not so) following them discreetly. They did not detect any evil intention coming from this individual who is hiding somewhere so they let it be. Everyone reached a silent agreement that, whomever that person is, that person is the one who should reveal who he or she is. From the middle carriage, the Crown Princess suddenly says, "Stop the carriage." Chengshi tightens the reign to the horses so that they will stop as ordered by her. The Crown Princess suddenly opens up the window and softly says, "Yinyue... What are you doing hiding yourself like a thief? Don't tell me that you run away from your home yet again?" From a distant, a young girl suddenly pops out from behind one of the nearby trees. She is giggling before running towards the middle carriage, "Fenghuang! I missed you a lot, so I come to find you!" Lianhua opens up the curtain to let the bubbly girl into the carriage. The princess ordered the group to continue their journey, so they did. The General himself let the girl joins the princess on her carriage as he knows who that girl is. (Picture available on w*****d) Sovereign Princess Long Yinyue’s outfit. Sovereign Princess Long Yinyue is the daughter of Senior Princess Long Xuanlu who is the older sister of Emperor Long Feng. Her mother had once left the imperial city to learn martial arts only to come back a few months later with an enlarged belly. Her mother, despite the pressure from the previous Emperor and Empress, refused to disclose who is the father of her child. Seeing how she stubbornly held her head up high, her parents just let her be. She stayed in her palace during the period her pregnancy, and once she has given birth, she requested to move out of the imperial palace in order to raise her own child and after she voluntarily steps down from her rank as a ‘crown princess’ of the Kingdom. The previous Emperor then granted her Rongyu Manor for her to live and raise her child. She has lived there ever since. She is rich in her own right despite being royalty as she has opened a restaurant which is quite famous in the imperial city though she managed it from behind the shadow. No one knows what really happened during the few months she left and who is the father of her daughter, but the imperial family brushed it aside as Yinyue is such an adorable baby and always brings laughter to others. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang look at her cousin and asked, "Yinyue, why are you here? Does imperial aunt know of your whereabouts?" Yinyue smiles at her and answered, "I am bored, so I am out to play with you. No worries... By now, mother should have already read the letter that I have left for her." "You should not come on your own. It’s dangerous..." "No worries. They saw me since the beginning, so I am quite safe with them with me." Yinyue laughs. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang shakes her head gently, "Congming, let Captain Ying knows that Yinyue is with us. Do inform my imperial aunt about it." Yinyue shrieks in delight and hugs her cousin. Now she can bother that person endlessly she thought happily. She hums excitedly throughout the journey. Congming turns her head to look at Xiao Yu who is looking somewhat stressed since the Sovereign Princess had showed up. Xiao Yu will be having hard days ahead of him. This Sovereign Princess, since her birth is said to be a highly cultivated person, she is another person that Congming cannot read her mind. Obviously, she is another person not to be trifled with. The Sovereign Princess likes to irk Xiao Yu and had said once before, "Seeing you are bothered with my presence makes me happy. I will continue to bother you for the rest of my life, Xiao Yu." Xiao Yu is helpless towards her. As he is noted for his beauty, the Sovereign Princess is famously noted for being masculine even as a girl. Ever since she has met Xiao Yu, she thought that his beauty is for her to conquer and claim as hers. She acted as such due to growing up without a father and wanted to be a strong person for her mother. But, even with how strong she is, her mother is stronger as she went on to raise her even without having a man by her side. Her mother, over the years, never even says any single thing about her father but she realized that the so-called father of hers is ‘extraordinary’. The way she has been given birth caused the imperial family a huge shock, but they guarded the secret tightly, the others who had witnessed her birth have been given a potion to erase their memories so that the secret of her birth will not be disclosed to others. Only the imperial family knows about it. Crown Princess Long Fenghuang is happy seeing that her cousin is here but knows that this cheeky cousin of hers is here because she misses another person more than she misses her. In her past lifetime, her cousin and her imperial aunt are no longer in the Mortal Realm. Her real father is actually a King of the Demon Realm. He had come to the Mortal Realm when he found out the whereabouts of her imperial aunt and her cousin. After months of coaxing her imperial aunt, she agreed to be his Queen and follows him back to the Demon Realm. Her cousin as well. She wanted Xiao Yu to come along with them, but Xiao Yu has been adamant to continue staying by her side then. Her cousin was quite broken then, so she left without saying her goodbye. As the Demon Realm and Mortal Realm are not supposed to mix with one another, their relationship has been severed indefinitely. Her imperial aunt is an exception as she has given birth to an heiress of the Demon King which, is an impossibility in the first place. The birth of Yinyue is something that the demons and the mortals have not expected. Since her demonic powers have been unleashed, it is better for her to be in the Demon Realm rather in the Mortal Realm. The reason why her body remains indestructible after her death is because of her cousin's interference from another realm. Using her power, her cousin had frozen the river so that her body will be preserved. Her cousin had also done something that should not have been done, transferring her soul to another lifetime. This half demon princess possesses earth-shattering power that can even transcend time and space. But as the technique itself is going against fate itself, her cousin can only save her. Even when separated in different realms, they always communicated with one another using telepathy. When everyone else is no longer with her, her cousin was there to her very last moment and made the biggest change of all, immediately transferring her soul to another lifetime. Now, in her body, her 2 souls have been converged with one another, as a result from it, her body is now an immortal body. No one has discovered this fact yet. With an immortal body, it means that death can no longer touch her. She can also cultivate on a frightening speed since then. This makes her happy but scared as well. With immortality, what will she gain in this lifetime she wonders to herself?
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