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Fallon POV Hello. My name is Fallon Lane. Some of you might say that I was a lucky b***h. I came from a happy family with me as an only child. My parents always support me in every decision that I’ve made. They gave me freedom. I can choose my own school and pursue my dream job. They believe I can only be successful if I follow my passion. Speaking of job. I had a good career life, working as a marketing manager in one of the high-end fashion brands named “Delaney.” I was good at my job… And I think I was about to get another promotion this week from my boss, Laura, after I managed to raise the company margin up to fifty percent in our first quarter. What can I say? I like to brag about my outstanding achievement. I don’t care if other people judge me as arrogant, but I worked my ass twice harder than most people here.   The current chief executive manager, Owen, got kicked out by my boss last week because he can’t even spell the word loafers correctly. Well, I couldn’t blame Laura. It was such a crime to not know something that basic, especially when you’re working in the fashion industry. Now that maybe I am going to be promoted to chief executive manager, it means that I’ll have to look for another person to fill in my previous position. I already have a few people in mind. I just need a green light from Laura before I talk to one of them. Oh my God. This is really happening… My heart is thumping, and my blood flows rapidly in my veins just by thinking about that. “Fallon, you’ve got time to talk now?” Laura asked me after she stepped into my room. Her expression was exceptionally bright today. It must be the makeup. Could it be the bright red lipstick that she wore? It matches her skin complexion really well. I think it’s the new channel lipstick shade.   I immediately got up from my desk. And that’s when I came to noticed her new Louboutin black heels. I swore my heart stopped beating for a few seconds. Damn. I’ve been hunting for those pairs since last month. Just wait. I silently took an oath to get the same pair after I being promoted to chief executive manager. “Sure..” I replied to her with a wide smile and quickly followed her from behind, making a small run. YES. I can smell it. I am going to be promoted. Laura held her door open for me, allowing me to enter her room before she did. I took a seat on the chair on the opposite side of her desk. I can’t stop smiling as the excitement grows inside my chest. “Fallon…I already saw the numbers.” Laura said, eyeing me from behind her signature cat eyeglasses. She must’ve been talking about the marketing report. “It was impressive, and I know how much you struggled over these last few months.” She paused for a while. I make a motion with my hands. “Oh please, Laura. I only did my job.” I humbly replied. Come on. Say it. Congratulation, Fallon. You’ve been promoted to Chief Executive Manager. Laura chuckled lightly. “That’s why I called you here today. The new Chief Executive Manager—“ Laura hasn’t finished with her words, but I quickly cut her. “Laura, I promised you I’ll do my best as the new Chief Executive.” I was expecting some approving nods from her, but her expression now showed otherwise.  “Fallon…I think you’ve just misunderstood me.” Laura said, looking struck. She then cleared her throat before resting both of her hands on top of the table, making me frowned. “I called you here to introduce you to the new Chief. She was supposed to be here in another minute.” Laura then told me. What? But that can’t be possible. What about my dream? This is so unfair. The sound of heels against the tile capturing my attention. A tall blonde woman appeared before me. She looked devilishly fashionable, as I like to put it, because she looked good in a bad way. If you know what I mean. Sexy, bold, and riveting. She looked slightly older than me, probably in her mid-thirty, but her expensive beauty treatment must’ve saved her from all the wrinkles. “Ah…Hellen!? Please meet Fallon. She’s the marketing manager here. If you need any help, she will be at your service. You both will work together a lot in the future.” Laura then introduced us. The way Laura put it, she makes it sounds like I was her own personal maid. My new soon-to-be boss, Hellen, stretched out her hand towards me, but she didn’t make an attempt to smile at me, not even a bit. Then at that very moment, I just knew that working under her was going to be a disaster. “Nice to meet you, Fallon.” That’s all she said before Laura introduced her deeper about our company. ************** I sat on the bar, drinking my third glass to calm my raging heart. This is the worst… day… ever. Just when I finished with half of my third glass, a hand suddenly grabbed my wrist to stop me. I glared at the man that was now looking back at me with a worried expression. “Fallon, enough drinking..” he said with an irritated tone. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you… He is Austin Moore. My so-called perfect boyfriend. He’s all you could ask for as a woman. Good looking man with a stable income. He works as a lawyer in his own law firm. He’s like a human safety net. He’d always protect me from doing foolish things that could get me into trouble, such as being drunk like what I was about to do right now or even speeding up when I was driving my car. We met each other when my company was involved in a scandal for having a similar dress design to our competitors. They claimed that Delany was the one who plagiarized their design. Laura introduced me to his law firm, and it was pure business talking at the beginning. But then, a business meeting soon became an afternoon coffee after office hour, and out of nowhere, he suddenly asked me out on a date. To which I immediately say yes. I mean… Come on. It’s not every day you get asked out by a handsome lawyer like Austin Moore. He was a safe choice and quite a great catch. He’s a perfect man that you could bring back home and introduced to your parents. “Don’t try to lecture me this time, Austin. I just had a s**t day. I could use a few drinks.” I replied to him. He took a seat on the empty chair beside me, then he gently rubbed the back of my palms with his fingers. “Baby, you know you can always tell me about everything, right? Tell me what’s bothering you,” he said softly. I let out an exasperated sigh before I turned my body slightly towards him. I told him everything about the new chief executive manager. “Well, it was their loss for not giving you the promotion. You’ve been doing very well. And your new boss sounds terrible.” Austin said empathetically towards me. He knew how hard I tried. “I know, right? Do you think I should find another job instead? The one that could value me for my worth.” I asked him out of desperation. “Hey, running away from trouble is so unlike you..” he said, lifting my chin so our eyes could met. “Where is the brave woman I fell madly in love with? I know you can do this.” He then added. That is the support that I need right now. I was so lucky to have him. I cheered myself up by thinking, at least I was being superior to Hellen in this area of life. For all I know, she was still single. “You know what? How if I took you out for dinner tomorrow?” Austin suddenly suggested. I slowly turned around and picked up the glass from the table. “I don’t know… Maybe not. I was in my awful girlfriend mode right now.” I replied curtly. Austin let out a small chuckle at my words. “Oh, come on, Fallon…It’s your birthday. We should celebrate.” Austin then added, still trying to convince me. Oh, crap. Is it my birthday tomorrow? I was too focused on work. I even forgot about my own birthday. Austin then flashed me his heart-melting smile. Dear God… Thank you for blessing me by sending this guy. “Okay, dinner sounds good.” I finally said, smiling back at him. He then pulled me into a hug and rewarded me with a kiss. “Let’s get you out of here.” 
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