Chapter7:Dario's pov

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Her side of the bed was empty. My eyes scanned the room but I didn't see her. I stood up, left the room and went downstairs. Everywhere was so quiet and calm. I didn't even notice the sound of any footsteps. “Mia,” I called out—repeatedly. Something was wrong… I ran up to look for my gun, searching searching her and calling her name until I saw her sitting on the couch watching a movie. “You scared me,” was what she said when she turned seeing the gun in my hands. “You worried me.” “I just woke up early that's all.” “I called—severally” “I'm sorry. I just wanted to come watch something because I couldn't sleep.” “You would have woken me up— “I'd rather not.” she simply said without any eye contact. I knew something was wrong. ***** Mia was odd this morning—she hardly responded and wanted nothing to do with me this morning. She took her breakfast up to the room, for no reason whatsoever. My phone popped up with the notification… Unknown: Hey handsome, should I come to your office? Fucking Renee. Since the night we f****d—she thought she had an ownership to me. The relationship between Renee and I was simple. We f****d, once but she thought it would be a normal thing. Well—at first it was. She got her money and I got my release. She was the one woman in the best Italy club that could f**k how I liked it. I scroll up, seeing her messages from last night and it was read. s**t. Mia saw this—explains the cold shoulder this morning. I picked up the phone after 3 rings from Renee. “What is it?” “Oh come on Daddy, it's not how you treat your little kitten.” “I told you what we had was over.” “I love what I tasted and I want more of it.” “Why did you text last night?” “You came over the other day and did nothing.” “That's cause everything we had is over Renee.” “I am coming over and you can't stop me, Dario,” she said and immediately cut the call. s**t. I hurried off home—Renee was already at my doorstep. I walked over trying to hide her away from Mia. I didn't want Mia to come see all of this. “Look, you have to go and now.” “Why should I Dario?” “You know what we had wasn't serious.” “You f***ked me more than once Dario—that's not serious?” I stopped everything we had a day after I bought Mia. When Renee was on top of me—it disgusted the s**t out of me and all I could think of was the brown-eyed blondie up in my room. “Look we can go somewhere else and talk about this—” I get interrupted by Mia in front of the door. “You're home early. Who is this?” she asked referring to Renee who eyed her like prey. “Well seems like I'm not the only one Dario here is f***king,” Renne said. Fucking b**h.
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