Chapter 6:Mia's pov

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My breath caught up—His brothers looked at me like I was an artifact in a museum. They all had the same features, the other shorter than one but dashingly handsome. They walked right in on us when we were kissing—the most embarrassing moment of my life! My head face down, I was so shy I needed to leave the room. “No one calls before coming to my home,” Dario said—his anger was quite fascinating, especially with the hard-on in his pants. “It's our home, we are family.” The blonde one said. His grey-glass-like eyes looked like the ones you would see in manga films with his defined thin lips. “Who's the chick?” The other one said, nodding his head to me. “Mia,” I replied. “I thought you were getting married brother— “Go to the room and wait for me, I'll be there soon.” Dario interrupted looking at me. Wait. What? Marriage? I walk out of the kitchen with my hot cocoa in my hands. Maybe I didn't quite understand the marriage part well. **** “Hey,” Dario walked into the room. “You said you'll be here soon,” I said “I know. I just had a lot of things to do with my brothers.” He sat beside me on the bed. “This feels new to me. Everything—I'm in freaking Italy.” “What exactly happened to you?” “I think you know more than I do.” “You got sold by your father.” “Yes,” my voice turns into a whisper. “Well, you're mine now. And that's all that matters.” His words make my insides curl. I need to kiss him. I want to. Maybe I shouldn't. I'm pretty sure my throat hungered for him—like thirst. His brown eyes watched me—like mine watched his. “You say those words like you own me already.” I knew he did— “Don't I?” “I wouldn't be so sure about that.” I challenge myself. I wanted to hear him say it—wanted to hear him talk possessively to me. I also wanted to hear him say I'm the only woman he wants. “You want to hear it so bad, don't you?” “I don't know.” he reads me like an open book. He closes the space between us, his lips on my ear lobe. “I know you want to hear it badly, you're aching—like the way, your insides are aching for the right now.” He makes even the simplest things so hot. “No.” “I know what you're thinking,” he said “You don't. You're not a genie.” s**t, that was the lamest thing I've ever seen to a man. A handsome one. He laughs—at my bad joke. His smile was wide—with joy reaching his eyes. He was thrilled. “I'm glad you find it funny.” “That's because it was funny.” I nodded awkwardly. “I want to take you somewhere special tonight. You would love that?” he asked, seeking permission like I wouldn't lick his abs if he needed me to. “I would. I would love that.” the pink blush crept up my cheeks now. It's concluded—I was a certified lover girl! “Your brothers—they don't stay here?” “No they don't.” “Why?” “I prefer a quiet home.” He simply said. “You stay alone, in a huge house like this one.” “That's because I love being alone.” “But that's not gonna happen when you get married right?” I said drawing his concentration to my face. His face fell—the same way my heart felt when I heard it from his brother. I know he bought me from the auction. But a part of me wanted to hear him say he wouldn't get married and all I heard was just a misunderstanding. Please say it. “I didn't mention getting married,” he said after what felt like a long wait. “But your brothers did.” “They say a lot of things Mia.” “You know you should tell me if there is any marriage happening soon.” “There isn't one.” he simply said, turning his face away from me. “I'm not your woman, so it wouldn't make any sense hiding it away from me.” “You are mine Mia, my woman and no one else's.” My heart flutters. His words were all that kept me going—his words made me feel used to this already town and city or even country. ****** His arms lay across me on the bed. The way he protected me even while we slept. I didn't want to leave this man's embrace but my head banged like crazy. I couldn't sleep—partly because of the images of the dock and auction going through my head every night. Dario's phone flashes with a notification. I move close to it, attempting to check it. I know it's wrong to pry but just a peak won't hurt. And then I saw it, a message. Unknown: I had fun tonight. I can't wait to see you again. My hands froze in shock. A part of me prayed silently—foolishly that he would want only me. That he wasn't with any other person. It confuses me—he bought me but for what reason? F**k I feel like a fool. Unknown: Goodnight. F**k I'm such a fool!
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