Chapter Nine

3003 Words
****Allison’s POV**** After my MRI, I go straight back to my hospital room with Hailee and wait for the doctors to come and talk to me about my results. We sit on the edge of the bed and start talking about everything we will do once we get out of this s**t hole of a pack. I really want to talk to her about her mate, but I get the feeling that she’s not ready to talk about it yet. ‘You’re right. She isn’t,’ Alina confirms. I still want to know how Alina can know so much about what Hailee is thinking and feeling. ‘I’ve already told you, Allison. I have established a bond with Nora.’ ‘I know that. I just don’t understand how it’s possible,’ I reply. But she doesn’t answer me and retreats into the back of my mind. I look back at Hailee and see her staring into space in the opposite direction. “Hailee? Are you okay?” I ask her. She turns and looks at me with a smile on her face as she nods her head at me. “Are you sure? You don’t look okay.” “I’m fine. I promise,” she insists as she puts her hands in mine, but I still don’t believe her. “If you insist,” I sigh as I know I’m not going to get anything out of her. I turn around and look out the window and see that it’s pitch-black outside; I hadn’t even noticed that the sun had completely gone down. “What time is it?” I ask Hailee as I turn back to look in her direction. “It’s quarter to ten,” comes Serena’s voice from the doorway. I look up to see Serena standing in the doorway with an older man. He’s wearing a long white lab coat, so assume he is a doctor. “How long was I out for?” I question. I can’t believe how late it is and how I didn’t even notice. “You were out for a couple of hours,” the man in the lab coat says, and I blankly stare at him. “I’m Dr. White,” the man says after he notices my confusion. “I’m the pack’s head doctor and have been looking over you along with Serena here.” I look over at Serena, and she gives me a reassuring smile. Dr. White takes a step toward me, and I immediately look down at my hands and start fidgeting with my fingernails. “We have your MRI results,” Serena says. I look up and see that Serena has a hand on Dr. White’s shoulder and is softly smiling at me. “Is she okay?” Hailee interjects eagerly. “Yes, she’s fine,” Serena chuckles. “Yes, Allison, your MRI came back perfectly clear,” Dr. White informs me. “How is that possible?” I ask. “I was beaten pretty badly.” “I’m not sure,” the doctor admits as he scratches his head. “The only thing I can think of is that your wolf healed you.” “That’s not possible,” I state. “Alpha forces me to take wolfsbane every day, and when Kyle attacked me, he stabbed me with a silver blade.” “Well, that explains the wolfsbane and silver residue in your blood,” Serena murmurs. “Is your wolf present?” Dr. White asks, and I nod my head in response. He looks at me silently for a moment before turning to look at Serena, and they seem to converse via mind-link. “Your wolf might have grown a tolerance to the wolfsbane,” Serena suddenly says as she turns to look at me. “Is that even possible?” Hailee asks as she looks between me and Serena. “Yes, it is,” Serena answers as she nods her head. “Allison may have grown a tolerance to it from ingesting it for so long. How long have you been taking it, Allison?” “Since I arrived here eleven years ago,” I reply as I look at the doctors, and they look at each other again before looking back at me. “Thank you, Allison; I believe that is all the information we need,” Dr. White tells me as he tucks his clipboard under his arm. “I will keep you here overnight for observation just to make sure you are one hundred percent okay, but you should be able to be released tomorrow morning.” The first thing that crosses my mind when he says this is how angry Alpha Malcolm will be. I hadn’t even thought about it until now. He is probably angry enough as it is at my disappearance, especially since I was supposed to be in his office right after dinner. “What about the Alpha?” I ask before Serena and Dr. White leave the room. “What about him?” Dr. White asks. “He’s going to be furious with me for being gone for so long,” I clarify. “You don’t need to worry about him,” Serena tells me. “He’s been told where you are and not to come looking for you.” I don’t think he will listen to what a couple of doctors tell him. He is the Alpha, after all. “Besides, I don’t think Elijah will let him anywhere near you ever again,” Hailee adds. And this is one of the reasons why I don’t want a mate. Especially an Alpha mate. They are controlling and possessive. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be mated to a Royal Alpha. So, I need to reject Elijah as soon as I can. I will not let another man control my life. ‘You will do no such thing!’ Alina growls at me as she emerges from the back of my mind. ‘I won’t let you.’ ‘I won’t let him control me,’ I growl back at her. ‘He won’t,’ she insists. ‘How do you know that?’ ‘I just do,’ she says. I don’t respond and stare into space as I contemplate how I’m going to deal with Elijah. ‘I won’t let you reject Elijah unless he hurts or cheats on you.’ ‘Just because he doesn’t do those things to me doesn’t mean he’s a good person,’ I argue. ‘That’s true. But you need to trust the Moon Goddess, and you promised her that you would try to give Elijah a chance.’ She’s right; I promised the Mood Goddess I would try. I just don’t know if I’m going to be able to. ‘You won’t know until you try,’ Alina tells me. “Allison, are you okay?” Serena suddenly asks, breaking me away from my thoughts. “Yeah, I’m okay,” I tell her as I reach up and touch my neck. As I do this, I realize that there’s a necklace hanging around my neck, but I don’t remember putting one on. I quickly stand up and rush into the bathroom that is attached to the hospital room. I look in the mirror and see the same necklace the Moon Goddess gave me when I was in the Fae realm. But I thought that was just a dream, and I have no idea how it even ended up around my neck when I didn’t physically go to the Fae realm; it was all in my head. It is the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen, and I already have a beautiful necklace hidden away in my room in the packhouse. According to the Moon Goddess, this necklace once belonged to my mother, and it feels handmade, which makes me wonder where she got it from. It’s a circular copper pendant with a tree of life in the middle as a wolf is howling. I am broken out of my daze by a knock on the bathroom door, followed by Hailee’s voice. “Allison? Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine,” I call back to her. I quickly brush my fingers through my hair to neaten it a bit and open the door. Hailee is still standing there with a concerned look on her face. “Are you sure?” she asks. “Yes, I’m sure,” I insist as I walk out of the bathroom. “Come on.” I gesture for her to follow me back to where the doctors are waiting for us. She does as I ask, and we walk over to the bed and sit on the edge next to each other as we were before. “You okay, Allison?” Serena asks me. “Yes, I’m fine,” I sigh. I’m starting to get sick of everyone asking me if I’m okay all the time, but there’s not really anything I can do about it. And it’s bound to keep happening. “Good,” Dr. White says. “Do you have any further questions?” “Can Hailee stay here with me?” I ask him as I look at Hailee, who softly smiles at me. “Yes, of course she can,” Serena tells me. “You can have whoever you like in here. Anything that will help you be more comfortable.” “Thank you,” I say to them, and they walk out of the room, leaving the door wide open. “What was that all about?” Hailee asks me once Dr. White and Serena are out of earshot. “What was what all about?” I ask, as I genuinely have no idea what she’s talking about. “You freaked out and ran into the bathroom,” she clarifies, folding her arms across her chest. “Oh, it was nothing,” I tell her as I play with the necklace hanging around my neck. “It didn’t look that way,” she says. I don’t answer her and continue to fidget with my necklace. Hailee looks down at the necklace and then looks back up at me with a confused look on her face. “Where did you get that?” I quickly stop playing with it and move my hands away as I look down into my lap. I don’t know if I should tell her the truth about where it came from, but there’s something inside me telling me that I should. ‘You should tell her,’ Alina says to me. ‘She is your best friend and has always been there for you. She has never betrayed you and has never given you a reason to doubt her.’ Alina is right. Hailee is the only person in my life that I genuinely trust. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” I tell her with a sigh. “Try me,” she challenges as she looks at me with a daring look in her eyes. “The Moon Goddess gave it to me.” She drops her arms to her sides and looks at me like I’m a mad woman. “Wait, what? What are you talking about?” She is extremely confused, and to be honest, I don’t blame her. I wouldn’t believe me either. “I know it sounds crazy,” I start. “I don’t even completely understand it, but when I was unconscious, the Moon Goddess visited me in my dreams.” “How do you know if it was real or not?” Hailee interrupts. “I had the same thought,” I admit. “But that doesn’t explain this.” I gesture to the necklace around my neck. “The Moon Goddess gave it to me and told me that it belonged to my mother.” “The Moon Goddess told you who your mother is?” Hailee asks excitedly as her face lights up in anticipation. “No, not exactly,” I answer, and Hailee’s excitement turns to disappointment. “Oh.” “It’s okay,” I reassure her. “She told me that I will get all the answers that I’m looking for. But she wasn’t very clear.” I tell Hailee everything I saw in the Fae realm and everything the Moon Goddess said to me. “Holy s**t!” Hailee whisper shouts. But those are the only words she can seem to find. We sit in silence for a while before she breaks it again. “So what are you going to do about Elijah?” she asks with a massive smile on her face. “I don’t know,” I tell her. I want to tell Hailee everything I’m thinking about this stupid mate bond, but before I can, out of the corner of my eye, I see someone walking down the hallway. I look up and see that it is the King and Queen. They may be the territory’s rulers, but I still don’t trust them enough to talk about anything around them, especially when it’s about their son. They walk up to the door, and Queen Lilianna gently knocks. I look up at her and give her a weak smile. “Hello, Allison,” she says to me as her husband stands silently beside her. “How are you feeling?” “Fine,” I softly answer. “That’s good. Elijah should be on his way back by now, so he shouldn’t be too long.” I wish I could tell her how I really feel about her son, but right now, I want to know, back from where? I didn’t even realize that he had left the hospital. I’m surprised his wolf even allowed him to do so, considering what happened to me. When I don’t say anything, Queen Lilianna softly sighs and walks out of the room with the King. They don’t go far and stand by the wall beside the door and start talking about something, but I’m too distracted to pay attention to what they are saying. “Where did Elijah go?” I ask Hailee. “I’m not too sure,” she shrugs. “Why do you wanna know?” she looks at me with a mischievous grin on her face as she raises her eyebrows at me. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I cringe. “You know exactly why,” Hailee teases. “You should know how I feel about being claimed by another Alpha,” I whisper back to her. I try to remain as quiet as possible, as I don’t want Elijah’s parents to overhear me. “Allison, he’s not any ordinary Alpha,” Hailee says as she rolls her eyes at me. “He’s a King.” “That’s even worse,” I sigh. Hailee looks away and doesn’t respond for a while. “The Moon Goddess said it herself; she wouldn’t pair you with someone who would deliberately hurt you,” she states. “Plus, I bet the s*x would be amazing,” Hailee adds with a wink. “Eww, Hailee. That’s gross,” I whisper yell at her as I gently push her. Hailee starts raising her eyebrows at me, and I continue to glare at her. We both look each other in the eyes and burst into laughter. As we sit there laughing, the scent of vanilla mixed with jasmine fills my nostrils. I look up and see Elijah staring directly at me at the end of the hallway. When our eyes meet, my smile immediately drops, and my heart rate spikes as my heart begins to pound in my chest uncontrollably. He smiles at me, but it falls into a frown when I don’t smile back at him. He intensely stares at me, and I stare back, too afraid to break eye contact. We do this for a few minutes before he finally breaks the eye contact and begins walking down the corridor toward my room. When he reaches the room, he doesn’t come in straight away but instead stops to talk to his parents. “Have you told her yet?” he whispers to them, but it is just loud enough for me to hear. “No, not yet,” his mother whispers back to him. I stop listening to them when something under Elijah’s arm catches my eye. I look closer and realize that it is one of the books out of my draw from my room. It was a gift for my 15th birthday from Hailee and her mom. It is the most treasured book I own, and I want to know what Elijah is doing with it. “Where did you get that?” I demand in the most confident voice that I can muster up as I continue to look at the book in Elijah’s arms. “So you do talk?” he jokes with a grin smeared across his face as he looks at me. “Just answer the damn question!” I snap at him. He continues to stand there staring at me, his smile never faltering. I glare back at him, waiting for him to answer me, but he never does. We seem to start another staring contest with one another, and I begin to lose my patience with him. He eventually gives up and sighs impatiently at me, and I roll my eyes. “I got it from your bedroom,” he finally tells me. “What the hell were you doing in my room?” I question. But what I really want to know is how did he know that it was my room. ‘Your scent would have been all over the room,’ Alina murmurs. “I was collecting your belongings,” Elijah answers. “Why?” “Because you’re returning to the palace with me,” he claims.
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